How to Join a Network from Command Line in Mac OS X

May 27, 2010 - 2 Comments

Terminal in OS X The networksetup utility allows you to join any available network, whether or not it is a router connected through Ethernet, a wi-fi router that is or is not broadcasting an SSID, and whether or not it has any password encryption required.

Since most networking is done with wireless communications these days, we’ll focus on joining to wi-fi through the command line of OS X with networksetup utility.
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By David Mendez - Command Line - 2 Comments

iPad and Velcro puts the iPad anywhere

May 26, 2010 - 6 Comments

Who would have guessed that by adding a little bit of velcro to your iPad it would become so versatile? The video is a bit goofy, but I have to admit using some velcro to mount an iPad onto your car dash or wall is a brilliantly cheap and easy way to get your iPad anywhere. Of course the downside is that your iPad will have velcro stuck to the back of it when it’s removed.

If you want to do this yourself, you can buy velcro strips on Amazon for around $9.

By OSXDaily - Fun, iPad - 6 Comments

Half-Life 2 now available for Mac

May 26, 2010 - 1 Comment

halflife 2 for mac

The popular first-person shooter/action game Half-Life 2 is now available for Mac OS X. At the moment it costs $6.99, which is 30% off the regular $10 price. The expansions of Half-Life 2: Episodes One and Two are also available to download for $5.99 each.

System requirements for running Half Life 2 on your Mac are pretty similar to other Steam games:
* Mac OS X 10.5.8 or 10.6.3 or later
* 1GB of RAM
* NVidia GeForce 8, ATI X1600, or better
* Mouse, keyboard, internet connection

You can check out Half-Life 2 at the Steam store and download it from the Steam client. If you’re a fan of the Half-Life 2 series and Team Fortress 2, it’s worth getting the Orange Box set which includes the expansions and Portal, although TF2 isn’t released for the Mac yet (Steam says “Coming soon”).

By Paul Horowitz - Games, News - 1 Comment

Open Quick Look in Full Screen: Command+Option+Y

May 26, 2010 - 7 Comments

quicklook icon You can instantly open anything in fullscreen Quick Look mode by selecting the item and then hitting the Command+Option+Y keys. If you select multiple files and enter into fullscreen mode, it’s easy to navigate between them by using the arrow keys. You can then exit full screen mode by hitting the escape key.

As a few commenters pointed out, you can also just hit Option+Spacebar to get the same effect.

By Manish Patel - Mac OS, Tips & Tricks - 7 Comments

iPad & iPhone GUI PSD files

May 26, 2010 - 5 Comments

ipad gui psd

Whether you’re an active or aspiring iPhone or iPad developer, you’ll really appreciate these nice PSD files from design agency Teehan+Lax. They contain well organized layered images of essential GUI elements of the iPhone OS, sized accordingly to the iPad and iPhone (depending on which PSD file you get, of course). Using these documents with Photoshop you can just open one of the PSD’s and arrange elements around to make a quick GUI mockup for your app idea. There’s also an Adobe Illustrator sketch file for iPhone elements if Photoshop isn’t your thing.

I’d highly recommend downloading all three of these files, they really help to quickly create layouts and mockups for iPhone and iPad app GUI’s. The SDK’s Interface Builder app may be foreign to you or your GUI designer, but these files will be a lot closer to the typical Adobe comfort zone.

Download iPad GUI PSD now

Download iPhone GUI PSD now

Download iPhone Sketch Elements AI now

And if you’re a iPhone OS developer, don’t forget to check out Apple’s official Human Interface Guidelines and Teehan+Lax’s blog either.

By Paul Horowitz - Development, iPad, iPhone - 5 Comments

MagicPrefs Improves Functionality of Magic Mouse for Mac

May 25, 2010 - 5 Comments


MagicPrefs is an amazing free utility for Mac that dramatically improves the functionality of your multi-touch Magic Mouse. Other than allowing for increased control over the touch sensitivity and tracking speed, you get practically full access to the multi-touch capabilities of the device.

With MagicPrefs you can bind various gestures, swipes, pinches, and taps to different functions.
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By David Mendez - Mac OS, Utilities - 5 Comments

Let iTunes Automatically Adjust Sound Volume to Play Songs at the Same Level

May 25, 2010 - 10 Comments

itunes-12-icon iTunes can adjust the volume levels of your music for you, so that each song is closer to one another in volume output. This is a great feature, and it has always peeved me that some songs will play louder than others, and a playlist can quickly go from one moderately loud song to one that is either extremely quiet, or over-amped and crackly sounding.

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By Paul Horowitz - iTunes, Tips & Tricks - 10 Comments

Disable Growl popup notifications in Cyberduck

May 24, 2010 - 5 Comments

disable growl notifications in cyberduck Cyberduck is a great free FTP client for Mac OS X, but on my portable Mac’s 13″ screen the Growl popup notifications really drive me crazy as they appear on each server connection and transfer completion. Oddly enough, if you look around in the Cyberduck preferences, you won’t find an option to disable the Growl notifications, and this has to be done through the command line instead.

To disable the popup Growl notifications in Cyberduck, type the following command:

defaults write ch.sudo.cyberduck growl.enable false

You can reverse this and get the Growl popup notifications back by typing:

defaults write ch.sudo.cyberduck growl.enable true

Continue to enjoy Cyberduck, with or without Growl notifications!

Update: As several readers pointed out, you can also just disable Growl notifications within the System Preferences on a per app basis.

By Paul Horowitz - Mac OS, Tips & Tricks - 5 Comments

Show the date and calendar on your Mac desktop with Dateline

May 24, 2010 - Leave a Comment

dateline date on desktop

Dateline is a nice little utility that places a transparent linear calendar on your Mac desktop. It’s pretty customizable so if you want the dates to be horizontal or vertical, or the text color or their background colors to be different it’s just an easy couple of tweaks away. Perhaps the best part about Dateline though is that it integrates with iCal, so double-clicking on a date will launch iCal and show you your calendar for that day. It’s free, it’s lightweight, and it requires Mac OS X 10.5 or newer.

Dateline developer home
Download now

dateline - show dateon mac desktop

Humor: Steve Jobs & Bill Gates have a chat

May 23, 2010 - 5 Comments

A reader sent us in these goofy comic exchanges between Steve Jobs and Bill Gates, they have no basis in reality obviously but they’re pretty funny. Here’s three of my favorites:

how much space does windows 7 take up

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By Paul Horowitz - Fun - 5 Comments

Where is the ambient light sensor on a MacBook Pro?

May 22, 2010 - 4 Comments

The ambient light sensor on the newer Unibody MacBook Pro (all models: 13″, 15″, 17″) is located directly next to the iSight camera at the top of the display. You can verify the location by holding your hand over the area to the left of the iSight camera and watch as your screen dims and the keyboard lights brighten.

macbook pro ambient light sensor

The location of the ambient light sensor on the pre-unibody older MacBook Pro’s (all models: 15″ and 17″) is located inside the grills of the speakers near the keyboard. Again you can verify this by holding your hands over the speaker grills and watch as the screen backlighting adjusts based on the change in the ambient lighting.

If you’d like, you can stop the MacBook Pro screen from dimming by adjusting various System Preferences.

By Manish Patel - Tips & Tricks - 4 Comments

Mac Setups: Solitary iMac

May 22, 2010 - 4 Comments

minimalist imac

From the vintage speakers to the beautiful iMac, something about this setup just speaks to me. I don’t know of any other computer hardware that actually accents a room into something more beautiful, rather than just “oh, there’s a computer” – or maybe I just love Macs?

[ via Flickr ]

By William Pearson - Mac Setups - 4 Comments

How to Print to PDF in Mac OS X

May 21, 2010 - 34 Comments

PDF icon Want to save a document or web page as a PDF file, but you don’t own Adobe Acrobat? No problem, you can print documents, webpages, or nearly anything as a PDF, this means it creates a PDF file directly in Mac OS X using a built-in feature, without the need for any additional software or apps. In fact, this trick works with almost any Mac app, and basically if you can print a document or file through the normal “Print” functions, then that means you can also turn that into a PDF document through this method.

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By Paul Horowitz - Mac OS, Tips & Tricks - 34 Comments

iPad already outselling Macs, boasts 91% consumer satisfaction rating

May 20, 2010 - 2 Comments

ipad sales double that of macs Some pretty big news today on the iPad front, two reports on AppleInsider indicate that the iPad is already a wild success. The first report states that Apple is now selling over 200,000 iPads a week in the United States alone, which is almost twice the number of 110,000 Macs sold every week in the USA. Analysts are revising sales estimates, and also predict some product cannibalization:

…Abramsky believes Apple will sell 8 million iPads in calendar year 2010. That’s up from his previous prediction of 5 million iPads in calendar 2010. The analyst believes the product will result in 25 percent cannibalization, but increase revenue to $59.7 billion…

If that’s not impressive enough, the findings of this second report might be. The iPad has an amazingly high consumer satisfaction rating of 91%

ipad satisfaction rating

Only 2% of iPad owners say they are unsatisfied with their purchase, and I’m really not too surprised by this. Having used an iPad a fair amount myself, I have to say I am thoroughly impressed.

I truly believe the iPad is the consumer level computing device of the future – except that it’s here now. Of course, buying an iPad right now is a different story. Apple Stores are continuously sold out of the device and trying to buy it online from Apple reports a 7 to 10 day wait time. You can still purchase the iPad on Amazon but many sellers are attempting to fetch prices higher than the MSRP, and the situation on eBay and Craigslist is even worse. So if you’re in the market for an iPad, you might have to wait a little while.

By Paul Horowitz - iPad, News - 2 Comments

Mini DisplayPort to DVI Adapter – Review

May 20, 2010 - 3 Comments

minidisplayport to dvi adapter

I recently bought this Mini DisplayPort to DVI Adapter from Amazon for my MacBook Pro. It cost less than $8 including shipping, and it arrived at my house in about four days (for comparison Apple’s official adapter is $29 + shipping).

So how does a cheap third party MiniDisplayPort to DVI adapter work compared to Apple’s official adapter? Identically. A coworker has the Apple model and other than some graphic printed on the adapter itself I can’t tell a difference in either the build quality or the performance, even the packaging is really similar (see picture below). Setup is as easy as it gets, plug the device into your MacBook Pro and connect it to your monitors DVI cable, it’ll instantly work.

I’m really happy with the purchase, I saved a couple bucks with the third party cheap adapter but there’s certainly nothing wrong with Apple’s version. Considering the huge value of having a second monitor I consider this and an external display an absolute must upgrade for any MacBook or MacBook Pro owner. So what are you waiting for? Grab a good LCD monitor (be sure your MacBook supports the maximum resolution), the Mini DisplayPort to DVI Adapter, and enjoy the screen real estate!

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By William Pearson - Hardware, Mac OS - 3 Comments

Easily Add Line Numbers to a Text File with the Command Line

May 20, 2010 - 7 Comments

terminal Brian asks: “I need to add line numbers to a text file. I don’t mean line numbers in the text editor, I mean adding a number next to each item inside a text file. Is this possible to automate or do I have to manually edit the file typing 1, 2, 3 and going insane?”

Yes, you can easily hardcode line numbers into a text file… we’ll show you exactly how to do it! To be completely clear, what this is going to do is add a counting line number to the left side of each new line of text, prefixing each line with the appropriate corresponding number. This hard codes it into the text file, which means it’s different from simply showing line numbers in an app like TextWrangler, VIM, or BBEdit.
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How to remove scratches from an iPhone

May 19, 2010 - 20 Comments

repair iphone scratches

You can remove the surface scratches on the back of an iPhone case by using a mildly abrasive rub or fine sandpaper. The anti-scratch coating is actually where many of the smaller finer scratches on iPhones are shown, which makes them relatively easy to buff out with some care. Whether you are using the toothpaste or sandpaper method to repair the scratches, you will want to be careful as to not rub the anti-scratch coating off of the iPhone case.

Warning: Try these methods at your own risk! We are not responsible for you damaging your iPhone in any way, and if you are not confident in your ability to do it right, you should probably avoid the techniques altogether!
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By Paul Horowitz - How to, iPhone - 20 Comments

Install an SSD into the optical superdrive slot on a MacBook Pro

May 19, 2010 - 33 Comments

ssd in optical space macbookpro I find myself never using the MacBook Pro’s optical drive, the only time I have used it was to boot Mac OS from a DVD to reformat and reinstall Mac OS X. Now that it’s so easy to install Mac OS using an external drive though, is having a DVD drive really a good usage of limited hardware real estate on your MacBook/Pro?

If you’re like me, you might consider repurposing the optical drive slot to accommodate another hard drive, like a really fast SSD drive. You can do this using a great product from MCE called the OptiBay, and any internal 2.5″ drive (not just SSD’s). LifeHacker just wrote up a complete walkthrough on the hardware installation process, and it’s really motivated me to do this install myself.

What you’ll need to install a hard drive or SSD into the Optical Bay of a MacBook / MacBook Pro:

* MCE OptiBay for your MacBook Pro (starts around $99)
* A superfast SSD drive, like the Intel X25 SSD, disk space and prices vary from $115 to $430
* Carbon Copy Cloner to make bootable backups
* Patience, and comfort with disassembling computer hardware

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By William Pearson - How to, Mac OS - 33 Comments

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