iOS 17.6.1 & iPad 17.6.1 Released with Bug Fixes
Another day, another round of system software updates, such is the life of a modern Apple device user in this particular era of the two thousand and twenty fourth summer on planet Earth, Anno Domini. As the globe rotates to register a new day, you will be excited to learn that iOS 17.6.1 and ipadOS 17.6.1 are available with bug fixes for iPhone and iPad. No new features are included, but some bugs have been fixed, and nobody likes bugs (no offense to our billions of entomologist readers).
Indeed, the release of iOS 17.6.1 & iPad 17.6.1 comes barely a week after iOS 17.6 and ipadOS 17.6 was liberated from the Software Update Industrial Complex, so you’ll get the wonderful opportunity to download and install some garden fresh, organic, free-range, packed with essential vitamins and nutrients, gluten free, dairy free, soy-free, every possible diet friendly, all-inclusive, and very equitable, System. Software. Updates! Again!
Now, I know what you’re thinking, you’re thinking, “but Jamie, I have a Mac, I have an older iPhone, I have an older iPad, I want software updates too!” And maybe you’re even getting yourself worked up, in a tizzy over the mere concept of not installing more system software updates on those devices. But don’t be disappointed if you have a Mac or older iPhone or iPad either though, because you better believe there are piping hot software updates for those devices too. Coming in with the beauty of two toots from a tuba, MacOS Sonoma 14.6.1 has arrived, alongside MacOS Ventura 13.6.9. And if you’ve got an older iPhone or iPad, and you’re jonesing for an update, the software update dealers at the good old Cupertino apple orchard are serving you up with the freshest batch of iOS 16.7.10 and iPadOS 16.7.10.