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How to Speed Up Auto-Showing/Hiding Dock on MacOS

Feb 12, 2024 - 17 Comments
The Mac Finder icon

A subtle way that you can tweak MacOS to make it feel a little faster is to speed up the auto-hiding and auto-showing time of the Dock. This obviously only applies to Mac users who hide their Dock by default, and the emphasis needs to be on feel faster because while this is removing a … Read More

How to Automatically Hide & Show the Dock on Mac

Jan 23, 2024 - 3 Comments
How to automatically hide and show the Dock in MacOS

Many Mac users like to use a feature that automatically hides and shows the Dock on MacOS, appearing when your cursor goes to the bottom of the screen, and disappearing when your cursor leaves that area. This offers a more minimalist experience and user interface, and it also optimizes screen real estate, by hiding the … Read More

Remove App Icons from Recent Apps in Dock on Mac

Mar 23, 2023 - 2 Comments
Remove an app from the Recent Apps section of the Dock on Mac

The “Recent Apps” section of the Dock on Mac shows the three most recently used apps that are not otherwise in the Mac Dock. This is a handy feature for returning to recently used apps, but if you wish to remove one of the apps from the Recent Apps section, you can do that too.

How to Hide the Dock in Stage Manager on iPad

Dec 18, 2022 - 1 Comment
Hide the Dock from Stage Manager on iPad

Want to make the Dock not visible on screen when in Stage Manager for iPad? You can easily hide it through a settings adjustment. Stage Manager is the optional multitasking interface available for iPad that allows you to have windowed apps of sorts open on the iPad screen, and juggle between multiple apps at the … Read More

How to Get Your Mac Dock to Show Running Apps Only

Feb 8, 2022 - 11 Comments
How to Get Your Mac’s Dock to Show Running Apps Only

The Default Dock on macOS shows off many of the apps that come bundled with your Mac out of the box. Many users customize it right away by adding apps they use on a regular basis, and removing those they don’t. However, some people may prefer to have a cleaner Dock, and to minimize the … Read More

How to Add Chrome Bookmarks to Mac Dock

Aug 20, 2021 - 2 Comments
How to Add Chrome Bookmarks to Mac Dock

Do you use Google Chrome as the default browser on your Mac? In that case, you may have several bookmarks to access certain webpages quickly. But, what if we told you there’s a faster and easier way to access your Chrome bookmarks, and you can add them directly to your Dock for quick launching?

Can I Show the Dock on All Screens on Mac? Using Dock on Different Displays in macOS

Jul 5, 2021 - 7 Comments
Moving the Dock to different screens on Mac

If you’re a Mac user with multiple monitors, you may be wondering how to get the Dock to show up on all Mac displays, or perhaps you’re wondering if you can add a Dock to the secondary screens. Indeed, you can set the Mac Dock to display on any Mac screen. But if you’re wondering … Read More

How to Customize the Dock on Mac

Jan 2, 2021 - 3 Comments
How to Customize the Dock on Mac

Want to customize the Dock on your Mac? Perhaps you want to add or remove some apps from the Dock, or change how the Dock looks by making it larger or smaller, or even change its position? Whatever the case, you can customize the Dock on your macOS system according to your liking within minutes.

How to Use the Dock on Apple Watch

Dec 25, 2020 - 1 Comment
How to use the Dock

Whether you’re a heavy Apple Watch user or just someone who dips in and out of a few apps here and there, the Dock can be a real timesaver. It works similarly to the Dock on a Mac, iPad, and iPhone, giving users a place to put their favorite and most frequently used apps. That … Read More

How to Remove App Icons from Mac Dock

Dec 18, 2019 - 6 Comments
How to remove app icons from the Mac Dock

Want to remove an application from the Dock on Mac? You can easily remove app icons from the Mac Dock. This can offer a simple way to reduce clutter of the Mac Dock, but also to remove unwanted or unused apps from the Dock, or even just to customize the Dock for your personal preferences. … Read More

What Alarm Clock Badges on iPad Dock Apps Mean, and How to Get Rid Of Alarm Clock Icons

Dec 30, 2018 - 28 Comments
iPad Dock app icons with an alarm clock badge icon on them and what it means

Have you noticed that some apps will appear automatically in the iPad Dock with a little tiny alarm clock icon on them? You may be wondering why those app icons with the alarm clock badge appear in the right side of iPad Dock at random and what their purpose is, and perhaps you’re even wondering … Read More

How to Hide Recent Apps from Dock in MacOS

Oct 22, 2018 - 4 Comments
Disable Recent Applications in Dock of MacOS

The Dock in modern MacOS versions includes a new feature that displays a trio of recently used applications alongside your regular Dock app icons. The Recent Applications section of the Dock adjusts and updates automatically as you launch and quit apps, and while it offers a convenient way to reopen apps you were using not … Read More

How to Add More Apps (Up to 15) to Dock on iPad

Oct 30, 2017 - 7 Comments
iPad multitasking

If you’re an iPad owner who frequently uses many different apps, you’ll appreciate the ability to add more apps than ever before into the Dock of iOS on the iPad. Now, any iPad running iOS 11 or later can place up to 15 apps in the Dock on the device.

How to Hide Recent & Suggested Apps from iPad Dock in iPadOS 13 / iOS 12 / iOS 11

Oct 26, 2017 - 27 Comments
Recent Apps and Suggested Apps in iPad Dock

One of the various new features introduced to iPad with modern iOS is a revamped Dock, complete with a new Recent and Suggested Apps section that appears on the far right side of the iPad Dock, delineated by a faint separator line. Most iPad users will appreciate having the Suggested Apps and Recent Apps section … Read More

How to Restore Missing Downloads Folder to Dock on Mac

Oct 19, 2017 - 41 Comments
Restore an accidentally deleted Downloads folder to Dock on Mac

Having the user Downloads folder in the Dock for Mac OS is undeniably convenient for quick access to downloaded files, so if you have accidentally deleted the Downloads folder from the Dock, or the Downloads folder is missing from the Mac Dock for some other reason, you may want to restore it back to it’s … Read More

How to Stop App Icon Animations in Dock When Opening Mac Apps

Aug 15, 2017 - 6 Comments
Turn off animated applications launching for Dock

When you click an app icon in the Dock of Mac OS to launch an app, the apps Dock icon will animate with a little bounce as that application is opening. Additionally, when you launch any other application from Mac OS, the app icon will appear in the Dock and it too will animate with … Read More

How to Add a Website Shortcut to Dock on Mac

Jul 10, 2016 - 21 Comments
Add a website shortcut to the Dock in Mac OS X

A nice way to quickly visit your favorite website(s) is to add a website shortcut for that site to the Dock on Mac OS X. Once a website shortcut has been added to the Dock, simply clicking on it will both launch the browser and immediately load that site.

How to Enable Dark Menu Bar & Dock Mode on Mac OS X

Nov 26, 2015 - 19 Comments
Dark Mode in Mac OS X

Enabling Dark menu and Dock mode on the Mac is a subtle user interface change to make which allows both the menu bar and the Mac OS X Dock to appear as black backgrounds with white text or icons overlaid on top. The result is a higher contrast menu bar and Dock, which is also … Read More

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