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Fix brew Error “The arm64 architecture is required for this software” on Apple Silicon Mac

Jul 6, 2024 - Leave a Comment
Arm64 architecture required for this software error in Homebrew on Apple Silicon Mac

If you have used Homebrew to try and install a particular package onto an Apple Silicon Mac and you see an error message stating “The arm64 architecture is required for this software” that prevents the installation of the package, you might be surprised by this error message given that you’re using an Apple Silicon Mac … Read More

How to Update Node.js to Latest Version on Mac

Jul 2, 2024 - 1 Comment
Mac Terminal icon

If you use Node.js for web development, creation of web apps, and javascript based network applications, you undoubtedly may come across situations where you’d like to make sure that the latest version of Node.js is installed on your Mac. Upgrading to the latest version of Node.js means you’ll have access to the most recent features … Read More

Fix “warning: unable to access /Users/Name/.config/git/attributes Permission Denied” Errors

Mar 30, 2024 - Leave a Comment
See permissions of the git config directory which is the cause of the error message

If you’re at the command line and perhaps interacting with Homebrew, Git, or similar, you may run into an error message that says something like the following “warning: unable to access /Users/Name/.config/git/attributes” : Permission denied”. This error message sounds more alarming than it is in most cases, but regardless, you likely want to fix the … Read More

Use the Terminal cheat Tool to Generate CheatSheets for Commands

Mar 14, 2024 - 2 Comments
How to use the cheat command to generate cheatsheets for the command line on Mac

While there are some command line wizards out there who never need to look at references, search manual pages, defer to command lists, LLM queries, or web searches, the rest of us mere mortal commands line users can be helped by a really great tool called cheat. The cheat command is able to provide a … Read More

How to Mount & Copy HFS Classic Mac Drives on MacOS

Feb 27, 2024 - 4 Comments
Copy classic Mac HFS drive data to modern MacOS

Modern versions of MacOS no longer support HFS, meaning that new Macs can no longer read, mount, or write to classic HFS drives. But a fair amount of longtime Mac users continue to have older Macs and old Mac hard drives that are in HFS format, way back from the days of Mac OS 8, … Read More

How to Convert Images to Webp on Mac from Command Line

Jan 31, 2024 - 4 Comments
Convert image to webp from the command line on Mac

Do you need to convert images to webp format from the Mac? Converting images to WebP offers tremendous file size savings, often compressing an image up to 70% without losing image quality, so it’s understandable why many Mac users and web developers, designers, and workers would wish to convert and compress images into WebP format. … Read More

Native MacOS Docker Containers are Now Possible

Oct 13, 2023 - Leave a Comment
Native macOS Containers in Docker are now possible

Have you ever wished you could run native macOS Docker containers on macOS? Well, now you can, thanks to a great free project called macOS Containers. If you’re in the developer world at nearly any level, you likely have experience with Docker containers, which are wildly popular because of their utility. Offering a lightweight and … Read More

How to Install Homebrew on MacOS Sonoma Beta

Jul 19, 2023 - 3 Comments
Install Homebrew in MacOS Sonoma

If you use Homebrew with your Mac, you probably want to install Homebrew in MacOS Sonoma as well. While it installs as intended for many Mac users, some are experiencing issues when attempting to install Homebrew in the Sonoma beta. We’ll cover the solution, showing you how to get Homebrew installed successfully in MacOS Sonoma … Read More

How to Opt Out / Disable Homebrew Analytics

Jun 25, 2023 - 4 Comments
Homebrew for Mac

Homebrew is a fantastic package manager for the command line on Mac, but something that is perhaps less fantastic for some individuals is that Homebrew defaults to enabling ‘analytics’, which means your Mac will transmit data from your Mac to Homebrew about Homebrew usage. No thanks! The Homebrew analytics include everything from user agent, Google … Read More

How to Install GCC on Mac

May 2, 2023 - 3 Comments
Installing GCC on a Mac

Some Mac users may wish to install GCC onto their MacOS computers. GCC, which stands for Gnu Compiler Collection, is a commonly used compiler with support for C, C++, Objective C, Go, Fortran, Ada, and more languages, and is frequently used for compiling command line programs, writing software, and more, whether for computer science classes … Read More

Fix “brew command not found” on Mac with zsh

Apr 19, 2023 - 13 Comments
Homebrew for Mac

If you’re a Homebrew user who is now experiencing a “zsh: command not found: brew” error message in zsh shell, you’re probably perplexed as to why the brew command line line tool is no longer working. The reason you may be experiencing the command not found error for brew is because the zsh shell is … Read More

How to Install Homebrew on macOS Sequoia, Sonoma, & Ventura

Dec 28, 2022 - 8 Comments
Homebrew on MacOS Ventura

HomeBrew, the command line package manager, has native support for macOS Sequoia 15, MacOS Sonoma 14, and macOS Ventura 13, so if you have recently updated to macOS Ventura or bought a new Mac with Sequoia/Sonoma/Ventura preinstalled, you’ll probably want to install Homebrew on the Mac running Ventura. Like most command line tools, HomeBrew is … Read More

How to Install nano Text Editor on Mac Again

Mar 27, 2022 - 10 Comments
Get nano on macOS again instead of pico

If you have attempted to use nano at the command line on MacOS recently, you may have noticed that the pico text editor is launched instead, via a symlink for /usr/bin/nano to pico. This is because the latest versions of MacOS remove the nano text editor from the command line for whatever reason, and instead … Read More

Changing MAC Address in macOS Big Sur & Monterey with spoof-mac

Sep 5, 2021 - 20 Comments
Mac Terminal icon

If you want to change your MAC address in macOS Monterey or Big Sur, you can use the traditional method to spoof a MAC address, or you can use a slightly easier approach by using a command line tool called spoof-mac. We’ll be covering the mac-spoof method here, which relies on HomeBrew.

Fix Git not working after macOS Update (xcrun: error: invalid active developer path (/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools)

Jul 19, 2021 - 6 Comments
Mac Terminal icon

Some Mac Terminal users may discover git, pip, HomeBrew, and other command line tools may fail or not work as intended with an error message stating “xcrun: error: invalid active developer path (/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools)”. Sometimes these command line tools stop working after a macOS system software update, but they worked previously. Fortunately it’s easy to fix … Read More

How to Update Homebrew on Mac

Feb 13, 2021 - 1 Comment
Homebrew for Mac

Want to update Homebrew and your packages? Of course you do! Homebrew is a popular package manager for Mac that easily allows users to install and manage command line tools, apps, and utilities, typically familiar with the Linux and Unix world. Because it’s a package manager, you won’t need to manually build anything from source … Read More

Installing HomeBrew on Apple Silicon Macs Natively Supported

Feb 6, 2021 - 1 Comment
Install Homebrew on Mac

If you’re a Homebrew fan and an Apple Silicon Mac user, you’ll be happy to discover the latest versions of Homebrew (3.0.0 and beyond) now natively support Apple Silicon architecture. You’ll still need Rosetta 2 to have some packages and formulae to work, but many are already native supported by the command line package manager.

How to Run Homebrew & x86 Terminal Apps on M1 Macs

Nov 18, 2020 - 5 Comments
Mac Terminal icon

If you’re one of the early adopters who acquired an M1 Apple Silicon Mac and find that Homebrew and many other x86 terminal apps don’t yet have support for the new Arm architecture, you’ll be happy to know there’s a fairly simple workaround. The trick is to run a parallel Terminal application through Rosetta. And … Read More

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