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Watch the Apple Education Event [Video]

Jan 19, 2012 - 1 Comment
Apple Education Event: iBooks and iTunes U

Apple has posted an hour long video of todays education event held in NYC. The event saw the unveiling of iBooks Author, iTunes U app for iOS, iBooks 2.0, iBook Textbooks, and later lead to the release of iTunes 10.5.3 for compatibility with the new releases. A great way to learn about Apple’s latest creations, … Read More

Sync iCloud Documents & Data Over a Cellular Connection in iOS

Nov 22, 2011 - 1 Comment
Sync iCloud over 3G

iCloud and iOS includes the ability to sync some iCloud data directly over a 4G, LTE, and 3G cellular connection when a wireless network isn’t available, assuming the iPhone or iPad has a cellular capability anyway. We’ll show you how to toggle iCloud syncing over cellular in modern iOS as well as older iOS versions.

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