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How to Record the iPad / iPhone Screen as Video with Reflector

Sep 9, 2013 - 8 Comments
Record the iPhone / iPad Screen

Recording and capturing the screen of an iPad, iPhone, or iPod touch while in use is infinitely helpful for education, teaching, instructional guides, and what we do here at OSXDaily. If you’ve ever wondered how to record the screen of an iOS device you’ll find there are a variety of options out there, but one … Read More

4 Simple Typing & Writing Tricks for All Mac OS X Users

Sep 4, 2013 - 1 Comment
Mac typing tricks

OS X has a handful of typing tools that can help Mac users of just about any skill level improve their writing skills and typing abilities. Whether someone is just learning how to type and needs a few pointers for common errors, to help recalling words, or even diversifying word choice and language a bit, … Read More

OS X Mavericks Developer Preview 7 Released by Apple

Sep 3, 2013 - Leave a Comment
OS X Mavericks logo

Apple has released OS X Mavericks Developer Preview 7 to individuals registered with the Mac Developer program. The update includes bug fixes and inches Mavericks ever closer to the final Golden Master (GM) build. Developers running Mavericks DP6 will find the update available now in the Mac App Store, accessible through Software Update, and weighs … Read More

Test Read & Write Speed of an External Drive or USB Flash Key

Aug 31, 2013 - Leave a Comment
Xbench disk test for external drive

If you need to know the disk performance of an external drive, you can easily go about testing the read and write speed of any such drive by using several third party apps. We’ll cover two, the first is aptly named Disk Speed Test, and the second is called Xbench. Either will work to determine … Read More

How to Refresh Finder Windows in Mac OS X

Aug 30, 2013 - 7 Comments
Refresh Finder window contents

Wondering how to refresh a Finder window in Mac OS? There is no refresh button or keyboard shortcut for the Mac OS X Finder, something which can become a nuisance when a folder window or directory does not refresh contents after something has changed. That may be a fairly rare occurrence with a Mac built-in … Read More

How to Block All Incoming Network Connections in Mac OS X

Aug 28, 2013 - 3 Comments
Block all incoming connections in Mac OS X with this firewall option

The Mac OS X Firewall provides an optional ability to block all incoming network connections , offering a significant security boost to Macs that are located in untrusted networks or hostile network environments.

How to Remove Attachments from Mail in Mac OS X

Aug 27, 2013 - 1 Comment
Remove attachments from email in Mac OS X

Removing attachments from an email or everything in Mail app can be useful for a variety of reasons, from ditching a file that is no longer relevant to an email thread, to lowering the file transfer size when sending/replying to a message, or for more extreme cases for individuals with smaller hard drives, for reducing … Read More

Convert a Blu-Ray or DVD to MKV Easily in Mac OS X with MakeMKV

Aug 25, 2013 - Leave a Comment
Convert a Blu-Ray Disc to MKV format

We’ve covered a handful of the best MKV player apps for the Mac before, but what if you have a Blu-Ray disc, DVD, or ISO that you want to make your own MKV file out of? Creating a watchable MKV file on your computer from a Blu-Ray or DVD is commonly called ‘ripping’, and that’s … Read More

Record the Screen as an Animated GIF in Mac OS X

Aug 23, 2013 - 2 Comments
Screen recording to an animated gif

LICEcap is a screen recording app that captures a portion of the Mac OS X (or Windows) desktop and saves it directly as an animated GIF. Incredibly simple to use, the apps functionality should be familiar enough to anyone who has used screen recording with QuickTime before, except that rather than a movie being exported, … Read More

Start a Web Search in a GUI Browser from the Command Line

Aug 22, 2013 - 3 Comments
Search the web from the command line

With the help of a simple command line function, you can quickly initiate a web search in your GUI web browser of choice right from the Terminal app. We’ll cover a few examples, demonstrating searching the web with Google, Bing, Yahoo, and Wikipedia, and using a variety of different web browsers, including Chrome, Safari, and … Read More

Erase Free Space on a Mac Hard Drive with OS X Disk Utility to Prevent File Recovery

Aug 21, 2013 - 7 Comments
Erase free space on a hard drive

The Mac OS X Disk Utility app provides an ability to erase free space on traditional hard drives, which overwrites vacant disk space on the drive to prevent any potential recovery of deleted files (that is, files that have been removed traditionally, rather than through secure methods). For most users this is an unnecessary procedure, … Read More

Find & Replace Text in Multiple Documents from the Command Line

Aug 20, 2013 - 1 Comment

If you’re comfortable with the command line and ever in a situation where you need to find and replace a word, phrase, URL, or character across a group of multiple text documents, perl does the job quite well. A simple command string will very quickly perform a group batch find and replace on text, whether … Read More

Make a Dashboard Widget from Parts of Web Pages in Mac OS X

Aug 19, 2013 - 1 Comment
Open in Dashboard to make a widget for OS X

Dashboard is a largely under appreciated feature of Mac OS X that adds little widgets to the Dashboard space or added directly to the desktop itself. Much of Dashboards lack of use comes down to not having widgets that pertain to interests of the user, and that’s where this trick comes in, which allows you … Read More

Enable Time Zone Support in Calendar App for Mac OS X

Aug 17, 2013 - 6 Comments
Set the Time Zone for Calendar app in Mac OS X

The Calendar (once called iCal) app of Mac OS X has full support for Time Zones for the entire calendar, individual events, shared calendars, and even invitations, but it must be enabled separately within the preferences. If you rely on Calendar app for just about anything and travel or work across time zones with any … Read More

This Goofy Mac Bug Lets You Freeze a Window Askew While Remaining Functional

Aug 16, 2013 - 1 Comment
Skewed window bug in Mac OS X

A quirky bug in Mac OS X lets you freeze any window half-way through the minimize animation, providing for a completely askew window that retains the intended functionality of that minimized window. Obviously freezing an animation mid-animation isn’t particularly useful, but it can be fun to use, it looks pretty silly, and maybe it has … Read More

Get pngcrush for Mac OS X with or without Xcode

Aug 15, 2013 - 3 Comments
PNG icon

PNGcrush is an image optimization utility whose primary function is to reduce the overall file size of the PNG images in a lossless manner. It’s quite popular with developers and designers alike, and though it’s bundled in some versions of linux from the get-go, it’s not included in OS X by default without installing Xcode. … Read More

Turn the Terminal into a Matrix-Style Scrolling Screen of Binary or Gibberish

Aug 15, 2013 - 3 Comments
Scrolling Matrix terminal window

The command line is usually thought of as serious and we usually only cover useful terminal tricks that are fairly advanced, but not everything in the Terminal has to be useful. To prove that, we have three command strings that when pasted into the OS X Terminal, do nothing but scroll screenfuls of random text, … Read More

How to Move an Off Screen Window Back Onto the Active Mac Screen in Mac OS X

Aug 14, 2013 - 55 Comments
Window stuck off screen in Mac OS X

Ever had a window get lost partially off screen in Mac OS X, where the window titlebars and close/minimize/maximize buttons are no longer accessible? Typically this looks something like the following screen shot: There a variety of potential causes and even random situations for windows to move offscreen like that, but it often happens with … Read More

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