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Disable Notification Center & Remove the Menu Bar Icon in Mac OS X

Aug 6, 2012 - 68 Comments
Disable Notification Center and remove the icon from the menu bar in Mac OS X

Notification Center is a great addition to Mac OS X but not everyone likes it, sometimes just muting the alert sounds and turning banners and alert pop-ups off per-app is just not enough, and you may want to disable the entire notification system completely. Furthermore, if you don’t use Notifications on the Mac then you … Read More

NASA Used Tons of Macs & iPads for Mars Curiosity Landing

Aug 6, 2012 - 25 Comments
Mars Curiosity rover

Any Mac fan watching the Mars Curiosity landing last night probably noticed the abundance of glowing Apple logos on the desks of NASA engineers and scientists. Exactly how all the Macs participated in managing Curiosity from millions of miles away is unknown, but the overwhelming presence of MacBook Pro’s should tell you they played an … Read More

Open Notification Center with a Keyboard Shortcut in Mac OS X

Aug 5, 2012 - 6 Comments
Keyboard shortcut to open Notification Center

Want to open Notification Center with a keystroke on the Mac? It can be done by setting up a custom keyboard shortcut. Typically Notification Center of Mac OS X can be summoned either with a click of the menu bar item in the upper right corner, or a two-fingered swipe left on a trackpad, but … Read More

Return Safari 6 Delete Key Functionality to Go Back a Page

Aug 5, 2012 - 17 Comments
Return Safari 6 delete key behavior to go back a page

Safari 6 changed the longstanding behavior of the Delete key, which used to navigate back a page when pressed but now does nothing. Instead, navigating web pages forward and backward is done through Command [ and Command ]. If you’d like to return the back-a-page navigation behavior to the Delete key within Safari, you can … Read More

AirDrop Any File From Quick Look in Mac OS X

Aug 4, 2012 - 6 Comments
AirDrop file from Quick Look

AirDrop is probably the quickest and easiest way to transfer files between Macs these days, thanks to it’s instant ad-hoc network it lets Macs send files back and forth – without even being connected to the same network. As is, using AirDrop is easy through the Finder, but now with Mac OS X you can … Read More

Set Up Email with Any Desktop POP3 Client on Mac

Aug 3, 2012 - 47 Comments
Set up Outlook email in a desktop mail client

Microsoft recently unveiled as a free email service, it’s primarily web based as some sort of Hotmail rebranding, but because of the new domain you can still get fairly decent email addresses if you want one. As webmail you can obviously use any browser to check mail, but you can also use it with … Read More

Send an Alert to Notification Center from the Command Line in OS X

Aug 3, 2012 - 21 Comments
Send Alert to Notification Center in OS X

Using an excellent third party tool called terminal-notifier, you can post alerts and messages to Notification Center directly from the command line. This has a myriad of potentially valid uses, but one fantastic use-case is along the same veins of verbally announcing when a command has completed or sending a badge alert, but instead posting … Read More

Delete All Photos from iPhone At Once

Aug 2, 2012 - 53 Comments
Delete all iPhone photos at once

Pictures can take up a lot of space on an iOS device so it’s a fairly reasonable thing to want to delete them all from an iPhone to clear up some space. We’ll cover a few of the easiest ways to delete all the pictures, some directly on the iPhone itself, and the others you’ll … Read More

Improve Tab Completion in Mac OS X Terminal

Aug 2, 2012 - 5 Comments
Improve Tab Completion in Terminal

Tab completion is a wonderful feature of shells that make power users lives easier, letting you automatically complete commands, paths, file names, and a variety of other things entered into the command line. It works great as is but you can make it even better by enabling a few features; ignore caps lock and casing … Read More

Fix OS X Mountain Lion Wireless Connection Problems

Aug 2, 2012 - 197 Comments
Fix OS X Mountain Lion Wi-Fi Problems

OS X Mountain Lion has been a painless upgrade for most users, but there are a fair amount of people experiencing some unusual wireless connectivity problems and issues. Mainly, the wi-fi connection seems to drop at random, or the Mac simply won’t stay connected to a wireless network for long. Sometimes it automatically reconnects and … Read More

Stream All Mac System Audio Over AirPlay in OS X

Aug 1, 2012 - 51 Comments
Stream audio from a Mac to AirPlay with OS X Mountain Lion

You can now stream a Macs system audio directly over AirPlay without any third party apps or tweaks. The ability to AirPlay audio is really great, and perhaps the best part is that unlike AirPlay mirroring, the system audio stream should work on any Mac that can run a modern version of Mac OS X, … Read More

Rename a File from an Applications Title Bar in Mac OS X

Aug 1, 2012 - 4 Comments
Rename a file in Mac OS X from the title bar

Mac OS X now lets you rename a file directly from the application it’s opened within. This feature is supported in most bundled Apple applications, including TextEdit, Pages, Preview, and many others, including a fair amount of third party apps too. This is a cool renaming trick that’s easy to use, let’s discuss it further.

Delete Mail in Mac OS X Like Outlook, the Smart Way

Aug 1, 2012 - 29 Comments
Delete Mail in Mac OS X the smart way

The Mac Mail app received a wonderfully understated change with how it handles deleting mail in new versions of Mac OS X, from Mountain Lion, Mavericks, to Yosemite and beyond. With the new version, deleting emails works more like Outlook; you delete an email and it then selects the next oldest email rather than jumping … Read More

Install Java in OS X Mountain Lion

Aug 1, 2012 - 29 Comments
Install Java in OS X Mountain Lion

If you need to use Java, installing the Java Runtime Environment (JRE) in OS X Mountain Lion is necessary even if you had Java previously installed in OS X Lion or Snow Leopard and just performed an upgrade to 10.8. That’s because Mountain Lion uninstalls Java during the upgrade process, this is to insure the … Read More

Mute Notification Center Alert Sounds in Mac OS X

Jul 31, 2012 - 12 Comments
Mute Notification Center alert sounds in OS X

Notification Center is a great addition to Mac OS X, but the alert sounds coming in with each banner notification from a million and one different Mac apps and updates can be pretty annoying fairly quickly, particularly if you have a lot going on. Rather than muting all system audio to hush the constant chiming, … Read More

Wi-Fi Scanner Tool is Native in Mac OS X, Here’s How to Use it

Jul 31, 2012 - 32 Comments
Wi-Fi Scanner in Mac OS X Mountain Lion

The native and already powerful Wi-Fi Diagnostics Tool in Mac OS X got a redesign in modern versions of Mac OS X, and with it came some new features that make the utility better than ever. One of the best new additions is the built-in Wi-Fi scanner tool, which is a full-featured wifi stumbler to … Read More

Stop Mac OS X from Automatically Downloading App and Mac OS X Updates

Jul 31, 2012 - 4 Comments
Stop automatic app downloads and updates in OS X Mountain Lion

Mac OS X has a handful of features that are dependent on a constant internet connection, and one of those is the new automatic update feature. Undeniably convenient, Mac OS X and all apps installed from the Mac App Store will automatically download and update themselves, but if you have metered internet or are using … Read More

Easily Edit Hosts File in Mac OS X from a Preference Pane

Jul 30, 2012 - 6 Comments
Edit hosts file easily from a preference panel in Mac OS X

The hosts file maps hostnames to IP addresses, it’s present in virtually every OS in some form or another and in Mac OS X it’s stored at /etc/hosts, which requires administrative privileges to modify and generally a jump to the command line. Editing the hosts file allows you to do a variety of things like … Read More

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