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Bought a New Mac Recently? OS X Mountain Lion is Free For You

Jul 20, 2012 - 7 Comments
OS X Mountain Lion is a free update for new Mac buyers

If you bought a new Mac recently, you won’t have to shell out $20 to download OS X Mountain Lion when it’s released this month because it’s free for you. Instead, you can visit the “Up-to-Date” website from Apple, enter some identifying information to verify the purchase, and you’ll be rewarded with a fresh download … Read More

Quickly Hide a File in Mac OS X Using chflags

Jul 19, 2012 - 7 Comments
Hide a file in Mac OS X

Want to quickly hide a file from prying eyes? Just like you can hide folders, you can hide individual files too. Here is how to do this using the command line tool chflags. Launch Terminal from /Applications/Utilities/ and use the following command syntax: chflags nohidden /path/to/hide/file.txt If you know the path to the file just … Read More

Force Empty Trash in Mac OS X When File is Locked or In Use

Jul 19, 2012 - 56 Comments
Force Empty the Trash if a file won't delete

Mac OS X can sometimes throw permissions errors when trying to delete files or empty the Trash. The most common variations of the errors are usually “Operation cannot be completed because the item “File” is in use” or “because the file is locked”, sometimes you can get around this by just quitting open applications or … Read More

Explore a Mac Apps Graphical Resources & GUI Elements with Preview

Jul 18, 2012 - 7 Comments
Explore applications UI elements and graphical resources

Designers and UI tweakers alike should get a kick out of this one: Launch Preview app, and then drag any application into the Preview Dock icon to view and explore all of that applications graphical resource files. Inside you’ll often find extensive amounts of graphics, icons, interface elements, screenshots, assorted images, and tons of other … Read More

Convert DMG to CDR or ISO with Disk Utility

Jul 18, 2012 - 17 Comments
Convert a DMG to CDR or ISO

Need to convert a DMG disk image file to a CDR or ISO disk image format? Don’t bother downloading any third party tools, all you need for conversion is built right into Mac OS X and you don’t even have to go the command line route for most cases.

Send a Notification Badge to the Terminal Dock Icon When a Task is Finished

Jul 17, 2012 - 12 Comments
A notification badge alert is sent to the Terminal icon in the OS X Dock

Not long ago we showed you how to announce when a command line task was finished by using the ‘say’ command, but because it speaks aloud it may be inappropriate to use in a quiet environment. A much more subtle notification takes advantage of Terminal apps new usage of the BEL alert, which in OS … Read More

Make Your Mac Keyboard Sound Like a Typewriter with Noisey Typer

Jul 14, 2012 - 32 Comments
Mac Typewriter sounds app - Noisy Typer

If there’s one thing that modern keyboards and Macs are missing compared to old fashioned typewriters, it’s the loud typewriter sounds of yesteryear, because let’s face it, who doesn’t like an incredibly noisy keyboard? NoisyTyper is a hilarious Mac app that satisfies the need that nobody has, with different key and typing sounds for letters, … Read More

Check Bluetooth Signal Strength in Mac OS X

Jul 13, 2012 - 13 Comments
Check Bluetooth Signal Strength in Mac OS X

If your Bluetooth device connections seem flakey, or if your Apple wireless keyboard or Magic Mouse isn’t as responsive as you think it should be with your Mac, there are two easy ways to check Bluetooth signal strength in OS X. Using the Bluetooth signal data, you can then make adjustments accordingly to improve the … Read More

Move SSH Keys From One Computer to Another

Jul 13, 2012 - 4 Comments
Migrate SSH Keys through Finder

For those that rely on passwordless logins via ssh, rather than generating a new SSH key for a new client machine, you can easily move SSH keys from one computer to another. This is a quick and easy solution for a temporary machine or username or for use on an auxiliary workstation. You could also … Read More

Show Download History List of All Files Ever Downloaded Within Mac OS X

Jul 12, 2012 - 37 Comments
Terminal in macOS

Have you ever wanted to show a list of the entire download history of a Mac? Maybe you know you downloaded a file but you can’t quite pinpoint where you got it from and the “Get Info” trick didn’t work. Or maybe you are trying to track down a file that has been placed on … Read More

How to Disable Versions Auto-Save in Mac OS X

Jul 11, 2012 - 26 Comments
Diable Auto Save and Versions in Mac OS X

Tired of Auto-Save continuously saving files in the background? Does Versions annoy you with it’s saved states of your work in each apps? For the vast majority of users, Auto-Save and Versions are excellent features in Mac OS X, but some advanced users are annoyed with the features that came in Lion (and are here … Read More

Will Your Mac Run OS X Mountain Lion? The Mountain Lion Compatible Macs List

Jul 10, 2012 - 30 Comments
Mac OS X Mountain Lion supported Mac

Wondering if your Mac will run OS X Mountain Lion? Most new Macs will, but here’s how to quickly find out for sure if yours is supported by the latest Mac OS version.

OS X Mountain Lion GM Released to Developers

Jul 9, 2012 - 11 Comments
OS X Mountain Lion GM

The Golden Master seed of OS X Mountain Lion has been released to developers. Golden Master (GM) builds are typically the release version of software, indicating that a public version will arrive very soon. The GM build is 12A269 for Client and 12S302 for Server. Registered developers can get a download code for Mountain Lion … Read More

How to View Keynote Presentation Files Without Keynote Installed on Mac Using Preview

Jul 9, 2012 - 4 Comments
View Keynote presentations in Preview app without having Keynote installed

If you don’t have Keynote installed on a Mac but you need to view a keynote presentation slides or a keynote file, don’t fret – you can view them all directly in Preview, the bundled image app in Mac OS X.

Manage iOS Devices & Provisioning from the Command Line with Cupertino

Jul 7, 2012 - Leave a Comment
Manage iOS Devices and Provisioning from the Command Line with Cupertino

iOS Developers typically have to login to Apple’s Developer Center website to manage provisioning and devices. That’s not terribly inconvenient, but it certainly could be easier, and that’s where Cupertino comes in. Cupertino is a third party command line interface to the Apple Dev Center and iOS Provisioning Portal, letting you add and list devices, … Read More

Install GCC Without XCode in Mac OS X

Jul 6, 2012 - 4 Comments
Command Line Tools for Mac OS X include GCC, Make, LLVM, and more

If you compile your own software you probably know that GCC comes bundled in the rather large Xcode package, but what if you just want to have gcc and LLVM without installing the entire Xcode package? Apple now offers an option to do just that, and it’s called Command Line Tools, available as a separate … Read More

10 Essential Keyboard Shortcuts for the Open & Save Dialog in Mac OS X

Jul 6, 2012 - 9 Comments
Open Save dialog keyboard shortcuts

The next time you end up in an Open or Save dialog window in Mac OS X, try out a few of these helpful keyboard shortcuts to make navigating around the dialog and filesystem much faster.

iPhone & Mac Apps Crashing on Launch? Delete & Re-Download Them

Jul 5, 2012 - 12 Comments
Resolve crashing apps by deleting and re-downloading them

If you updated or downloaded an app from the iOS App Store on the iPhone and iPad, or an app from the Mac App Stores recently and it crashes immediately on launch, there’s a fairly easy solution that should be able to resolve the crashing app issue; you should delete the app and re-download it … Read More

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