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WriteRoom 1.0 – The free version for a distraction free writing space on Mac

Feb 27, 2007 - 6 Comments

WriteRoom is founded on a great idea that is hard to find nowadays in the computing world, a distraction free workspace that emphasizes nothing but the task at hand. In this case, the task is writing, which WriteRoom allows you to do easily. There are few frills other than what you absolutely must need to … Read More

Deciphering Mac OS X Crash Logs

Feb 27, 2007 - Leave a Comment
Get help in Console app to begin understanding the messages and system logs available to Mac OS X

Mac OS X is wonderfully stable as an operating system, and although most software is written well, not all code is created equal. Crashing is just a fact of computing life and it frustrates us all, so it’s helpful to be able to pinpoint the cause of the problem. While the causes of some crashes … Read More

How to Change from Bash to Tcsh Shell in OS X Terminal

Feb 27, 2007 - 10 Comments
Change Bash to TCSH or vice versa

Bash is the default shell in Mac OS X and has been since 10.3, it’s generally considered to be the de facto shell standard in the unix world. That said, there are some people who prefer to use the tcsh shell, or perhaps you just want to break away from the norm. Changing the default … Read More

5 Ways to Get Help in the Command Line of Mac OS X

Feb 24, 2007 - 3 Comments
Mac OS X Console Logs from Command Line

Whether you’re a unix novice or veteran to the terminal, if you’re using the command line you’ll often find yourself looking up exactly how to use a specific command for either its understanding the commands full functionality or just to discover the proper syntax. Many of us will just google a command if we can’t … Read More

Two Must Know Usability Tips for Mac Laptop Users

Feb 20, 2007 - 18 Comments
MacBook Air

If there are only two general usability tips that every Mac laptop owner must know about, these very well could be it. First, how to simulate a right click with your trackpad, and second, scrolling through documents much like is done with a scrollwheel. I have long assumed these were common knowledge, but I’ve heard … Read More

Five Fun Eye Candy Effects Built Into Mac OS X

Feb 20, 2007 - 12 Comments
JimmY Fallon

Apple spends a lot of time fine tuning our favorite products, resulting in stellar looking hardware and software, particularly visible in Mac OS X. It’s not hard to impress your friends and colleagues with the appearance, fluidity, and many great features we all enjoy. But if you’re in the mood to brag and be flashy, … Read More

Send SMS Text Messages to Cell Phones from AIM on iChat

Feb 16, 2007 - 10 Comments

The title says it all, you can send and receive SMS text messages through AIM, Messages, or iChat by following these simple instructions. If you are so inclined, there is even a simple bash script allowing you to interface with iChat through the command line for such purposes. This is a great tip, and apparently … Read More

Changing your Mac’s Computer Name

Feb 15, 2007 - 79 Comments
Change the computer name of a Mac

Want to change the name of your Mac computer? You can change the identified computer name of a Mac easily from the Mac OS system settings. This not only changes the Macs computer name, but it also changes what the name of the Mac is as identified by other users on a network, and by … Read More

Spotlight won’t work? Fix a broken Spotlight menu with these troubleshooting tips

Feb 15, 2007 - 122 Comments

Spotlight is probably the greatest feature to hit the Mac OS in years, once you get used to using it, going to a PC without it feels hopelessly inadequate. I use Spotlight for everything from launching applications, retrieving pictures, searching for old emails, literally just about everything. If you aren’t using Spotlight, you’re missing out. … Read More

Access a Geek GUI in Mac OS X Open & Save Dialog Boxes

Feb 14, 2007 - 9 Comments

Do you like geeking around with paths and jumping about the file system with the Go To trick in Mac OS X, but you come from a background in unix? You’re in luck, because OSXDaily reader Shane submitted this great tip relating to an alternate method of accessing Go To Folder in dialog windows you … Read More

How to Resize Photos Directly in Mail App of Mac OS X

Feb 10, 2007 - 7 Comments
resize email in Mac Mail app

Want to email a picture to someone from a Mac, but the photo is too large? Did you know you can quickly resize photos and pictures directly in the Mail app for Mac OS X? That’s right, you can resize attached pictures right in the Mail application without having to leave to resize through another … Read More

Private Browsing is a Little Known Safari Feature in Mac OS X

Feb 9, 2007 - 3 Comments
Turn on Private Browsing in Safari on a Mac

Here’s a very useful feature that is widely overlooked by Mac Safari users, the ability to enable Private Browsing. What does that mean exactly? Basically it allows you to browse the web without a trace; nothing is added to the history, autofill, downloads window, and no information about what you are viewing or reading on … Read More

Six Quick Finder Keyboard Shortcuts for OS X

Feb 9, 2007 - 4 Comments

We all know that navigating around the Mac Finder is quick and easy, but you can speed things up by memorizing a few keystrokes that’ll be sure to come in handy. With that in mind, here are six quick keyboard shortcuts to make navigating around the Finder a tad bit speedier.

Put a Mac to Sleep Remotely via eMail or Text Message

Feb 6, 2007 - 4 Comments
Mail icon

How many times have you left your Mac on, and later while you’re out and about you wish you would have turned the thing off or put it to sleep? Wouldn’t it be nice to be able to put it to sleep remotely with a quick email or text message? You can, and it’s easier … Read More

Easily Create Photo Mosaics with MozoDojo for Mac OS X

Feb 2, 2007 - 7 Comments

MozoDojo is a simple and fun Mac OS X app that creates those nice photo mosaics you see every now and again in advertising. Using your iTunes library, iPhoto library, or even your Pictures folder, MozoDojo will render an attractive and accurate representation of the original file into a fancy and colorful mosaic made up … Read More

How to Launch GUI Applications from the Terminal

Feb 1, 2007 - 31 Comments
Terminal in macOS

We all know how to launch applications from the GUI with a double-click on the icon or clicking on the app in the Dock, and there are numerous ways to do so, and they’re all relatively speedy. If you spend a decent amount of time with the command line though, it’s nice to be able … Read More

Make Easy Time Lapse Photography with Mac iSight Camera & Gawker App

Jan 31, 2007 - 1 Comment

All of us have likely admired the results of a nice time-lapsed sequence, perhaps of a flower opening or the sun setting, the effect of time lapse video can be simply gorgeous. So, wouldn’t it be cool to do these on your own with little effort? With a Mac and the front-facing FaceTime / iSight … Read More

Get System Info from the Mac OS X Login Screen

Jan 31, 2007 - 5 Comments

Whenever you log in to your Mac, you’re greeted by the familiar login screen with the Mac OS X logo, the computer name, and a list of users. You can actually get useful system information from this login screen by clicking on the computer name, which cycles through a series of statistics and info on … Read More

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