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MacOS 10.13.5 High Sierra Update Released for Mac

Jun 1, 2018 - 36 Comments
macOS High Sierra supplemental update

Apple has released macOS High Sierra 10.13.5 update for Mac users running the High Sierra operating system. Additionally, Apple has also released Security Update 2018-003 Sierra for macOS 10.12.6 and Security Update 2018-003 El Capitan for Mac OS X 10.11.6. The new Mac software update includes mostly bug fixes and minor enhancements to the Mac … Read More

How to Check SMART Status on Mac Hard Drives

May 31, 2018 - 30 Comments
How to check SMART status of Mac hard disk drives

Mac users can easily check the SMART status of their hard drives and internal disk storage by using Disk Utility in Mac OS, offering a simple way to see if the disk hardware itself is in good health or is experiencing a hardware issue. This article will walk you through how to check SMART status … Read More

How to Fix “Command Not Found” Errors in Mac Command Line

May 24, 2018 - 32 Comments
Fix command not found error messages in Terminal for Mac

Advanced Mac users that utilize the command line may occasionally encounter a “command not found” error message when attempting to run something in the command line. The “command not found” error in the Terminal can surface for several reasons in the command line of MacOS and Mac OS X, as we’ll discuss here, and of … Read More

iTunes Library XML File Missing? Here’s How to Create One

May 23, 2018 - 7 Comments
How to set iTunes to create iTunes Library XML file

The latest versions of iTunes no longer default to creating an iTunes Library XML file, which was an iTunes file that allowed various other apps to interact easily with an iTunes library, and could also serve as a basis for rebuilding an iTunes library if that were ever needed. Despite “iTunes Music Library.xml” files no … Read More

How to Get Access to Photos Master Image Files in Mac OS Quickly with an Alias

May 21, 2018 - 11 Comments
Photos app icon in Mac OS X

Photos app for the Mac imports images and manages pictures by automatically moving the files into organized folders within the apps dedicated package file. While this file container is not intended to be user facing, many advanced Mac OS users like to have access to the original master files rather than solely relying on the … Read More

Deleted System Files from Mac OS? Here’s How to Get Them Back

May 17, 2018 - 7 Comments
How to restore deleted system files on Mac

Have you ever wondered what to do if you delete a system file from a Mac? Or maybe you’re wondering how you can get those system files back after they were deleted from the computer? While most Mac users should never modify system files in Mac OS and Mac OS X, some do anyway, and … Read More

How to Make Apps Open in Full Screen Mode on Mac Automatically

May 15, 2018 - 28 Comments

Some Mac users really enjoy full screen mode for apps and windows, so much so that they might want to make Mac apps open in full screen mode automatically. While there is no system wide setting in Mac OS to make apps default to opening in full screen mode, there is a workaround trick that … Read More

How to Disable Loading of Remote Content & Images in Mail for Mac

May 14, 2018 - 5 Comments
Mail app icon

Emails often contain remotely loaded content, and most email clients, the Mac Mail app included, will default to automatically loading those remote images and remote content into an email. This is convenient and desired by many as it makes HTML and rich emails appear as intended, including things like HTML signatures. But loading of remote … Read More

How to Setup & Use Signal on Mac or Windows PC

May 12, 2018 - 16 Comments
Signal on Mac

Signal is the popular encrypted messaging app that lets you send and receive encrypted messages across platforms, including Mac, Windows, Linux, Android, and iOS. This makes Signal an excellent choice if you’re a Mac user or iPhone user that also wants to instantly communicate in a secure manner with someone else on a Mac, PC, … Read More

How to Export Notes as PDF on Mac

May 10, 2018 - 3 Comments
The Notes icon for Mac

The Notes app for Mac is a great place to jot down notes, lists, tasks, tidbits of information, URL and links that you don’t want to bookmark, gather collections of pictures and other info, password protected notes, and much more. And thanks to iCloud Notes, you can also automatically have those notes sync to other … Read More

How to Enable Mail Drop on Non-iCloud Email Accounts in Mac OS

May 7, 2018 - 6 Comments
Mail app icon

Many people may think of the Mail Drop feature as iCloud-only, but Mac users can enable the convenient Mail Drop feature for other non-iCloud email accounts that are setup in Mail for Mac OS. This allows you to use the excellent Mail Drop feature for sending and receiving large files with just about any email … Read More

How to Play FLAC Audio Files on Mac

Apr 29, 2018 - 33 Comments
How to play FLAC on Mac

Want to listen to FLAC audio files on a Mac? Maybe someone sent you an audio file in .flac format and you can’t figure out how to play it? There are several options for playing FLAC in Mac OS, but iTunes is not one of them. Fortunately there are a variety of other choices available … Read More

MacOS 10.13.4 Update Failed to Complete? Mac Won’t Boot? Troubleshooting Update Failures

Apr 26, 2018 - 53 Comments
Troubleshooting macOS failed software update

Some Mac users have reported installation failures when trying to install MacOS High Sierra 10.13.4 update, usually seeing an error about the installation not being able to complete. Sometimes the installer freezes after many hours of being stuck, or sometimes the update seems to install but the Mac refuses to boot as usual afterwards.

How to Open Website URLs from Anywhere on Mac with Spotlight

Apr 23, 2018 - 8 Comments
Open a website Url from Spotlight on the Mac

Need to open a website quickly on a Mac? You’re in luck, because you can open a website URL from just about anywhere on a Mac by using Spotlight. This is arguably the fastest way to get to a website by URL, aside from launching a website bookmark from the Mac Dock anyway.

How to Write Image Files to SD Card with dd from Command Line of Mac or Linux

Apr 18, 2018 - 9 Comments
Terminal in macOS

Need to write an image file to an SD card? The command line ‘dd’ tool can do that for you, writing a disk image .img file to an SD card with minimal effort. A nice perk to using ‘dd’ for writing image files to an SD card is that it works for Mac OS as … Read More

How to Delete Specific Safari History on Mac

Apr 17, 2018 - 4 Comments
How to delete specific Safari history on Mac

Did you know that you can delete any specific Safari history item from the web browsers history stored on a Mac? While many Mac Safari users likely already know they can clear Safari history for the past hour, day, two days, or clear all history from the browser, far fewer users know that it’s possible … Read More

MacBook Can’t Use Mouse & Trackpad at the Same Time? Here’s the Fix

Apr 13, 2018 - 6 Comments
Fix for MacBook not able to use built-in trackpad with external mouse or trackpad

Some Mac users may find that if they connect an external mouse or trackpad to their MacBook or MacBook Pro, the internal built-in trackpad then no longer works. This may appear like a bug, and some users may think it’s a hardware problem, but the good news is that the inability to use both a … Read More

How to Find & Compare File Differences Side-By-Side with BBEdit for Mac

Apr 12, 2018 - 12 Comments
Compare files with BBEdit for Mac

Need to compare two files side-by-side for differences? BBEdit for Mac makes finding and identifying file differences extremely easy with any compatible text format. This is a great solution for developers, programmers, writers, or anyone else who works with code, scripts, or plain text documents frequently and wants an easy way to check for differences … Read More

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