SIM card

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How to Lock SIM Card with PIN on iPhone

Aug 29, 2021 - 2 Comments
How to Lock SIM Card with PIN on iPhone

Almost everybody uses a passcode to secure their iPhones these days, but did you know that you can lock your SIM card with a PIN too? This further prevents other people from using your device by requiring a pin before the device can access a cellular network, including to make calls. If this sounds appealing … Read More

How to Check if iPhone is Unlocked

Aug 13, 2021 - 1 Comment
How to Check if iPhone is SIM Unlocked in iOS 14

Wondering how you can tell if an iPhone is unlocked? Did you recently purchase a new iPhone for yourself or maybe for someone else as a gift? Or perhaps you are reselling your used iPhone, or considering switching carriers? Maybe you’re thinking of traveling to a different area and you’re wondering if you can swap … Read More

How to Import Contacts from SIM Card to iPhone

Mar 19, 2017 - 3 Comments
How to copy contacts from a SIM card to iPhone

Many people continue to use older fashioned cell phones who then decide to migrate to an iPhone, and if you fall into that category (or are helping someone who does), a common migration step to go from an ancient flip phone or simpler cell phone to an iPhone is to import contacts from the SIM … Read More

Convert a SIM Card to Micro SIM by Cutting with Scissors & a Nail File

Apr 26, 2012 - 22 Comments
Tools to cut a SIM card down to micro SIM

If you’ve opened the sim card tray on a newer iPhone, you’ve probably noticed the card is considerably smaller than an average sim, these tiny cards are known as a micro SIM. The smaller SIM format is gaining traction but there are still tons of cell providers and phones that use the regular sized SIM … Read More

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