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How to Disable System Integrity Protection (rootless) in Mac OS X

Oct 5, 2015 - 80 Comments
Enable or Disable System Integrity Protection Rootless in Mac OS X

Apple has enabled a new default security oriented featured called System Integrity Protection, often called rootless or SIP, in Mac OS from versions 10.11 onward. The SIP / rootless feature is aimed at preventing Mac OS X compromise by malicious code, whether intentionally or accidentally, and essentially what SIP does is lock down specific system … Read More

How to Make Apache Start httpd Automatically on Boot in Mac OS X

Aug 30, 2015 - 3 Comments
Start Apache in Mac OS X Automatically

Mac based web developers are probably familiar with manually starting and stopping the Apache web server in OS X through the command line by now, but if you want Apache to start itself automatically upon boot and reboot of a Mac, you’ll want to go a step further and use launchctl. By doing so, webdevs … Read More

Setting Wallpaper from the Command Line in Mac OS X

Aug 28, 2015 - 6 Comments
Terminal in macOS

Ever wished you could set a Macs wallpaper image from the command line in OS X? As a matter of fact, you can change the desktop background picture from the terminal, which can be useful for a variety of situations ranging from inclusion in a setup script, to remote management, automating, or whatever else you … Read More

How to Determine File Type & Encoding from Command Line in Mac OS X

Aug 11, 2015 - 8 Comments
Terminal in macOS

Typically if you’re looking to determine the file type and encoding of an item, you can simply look at the file in the Mac Finder, check the file name extension, Get Info about the file, or even open it to quickly find out what the file is. Of course, that’s limited to the user friendly … Read More

How to Create Symbolic Links at Command Line of Mac OS X

Aug 6, 2015 - 11 Comments
Terminal in macOS

A symbolic link created at the command line allows a linked object in the file system to point to an original object in a different location. In this way, symbolic links behave much like an alias does in the Mac OS X GUI, except that the linking and reference between files or folders is done … Read More

Release & Renew DHCP from the Command Line with ipconfig on Mac

Jul 30, 2015 - 3 Comments
Terminal in macOS

If you need to release and renew DHCP from the command line on a Mac, the helpful ipconfig utility is able to do so quickly. Do keep in mind that for most Mac OS X users, renewing a DHCP lease from the Mac System Preferences is the best approach because it’s user friendly and just … Read More

Where to Set Environment Variables on Mac

Jul 28, 2015 - 11 Comments
Terminal in macOS

At the command line, environmental variables are defined for the current shell and become inherited by any running command or process. They can determine anything from the default shell, the PATH, the users home directory, to the terminal emulation type, current working directory, where a history file is located, language and localization settings, and going … Read More

How to Find Wi-Fi Network Passwords from Command Line on Mac

Jul 24, 2015 - 12 Comments
Terminal in macOS

Given the complexity of some wi-fi network passwords combined with the general infrequency of entering them and that they’re typically saved on use, it’s not terribly unusual to forget what a specific routers wireless password is. Fortunately, if you’re on a Mac, there are a few ways to go about finding those lost or forgotten … Read More

How to Add Gatekeeper Exceptions from Command Line in Mac OS X

Jul 15, 2015 - 11 Comments
Terminal in macOS

Typically if you want to have an application launch approved by the GateKeeper feature on a Mac, you right-click on the unidentified developers application and choose “Open”, or go through System Preferences to bypass Gatekeeper that way. Another option is to manually add application approvals and exceptions to Gatekeeper by turning to the command line … Read More

How to Copy an ISO to a USB Drive from Mac OS X with dd

Jun 5, 2015 - 95 Comments
Find the disk identifier with diskutil list to direct dd to

If you have downloaded an ISO image of another operating system, say Ubuntu Linux or Windows 10, and you wish to turn that ISO image file into a bootable USB installer drive using a USB flash drive or USB key, you’ll find the most reliable way to copy or ‘burn’ the ISO to that target … Read More

Find Detailed Wi-Fi Connection History from Command Line of Mac OS X

Jun 3, 2015 - 12 Comments

There are some situations where knowing exactly what wireless networks a Mac has connected to and when that connection was last established can be helpful. We’ll demonstrate how to uncover a comprehensive listing of specifics about previously joined wi-fi networks on a Mac, which will include the last connection date and time (to the second!), … Read More

How to Change DNS from Command Line of Mac OS X

Jun 2, 2015 - 12 Comments
Terminal in macOS

Advanced Mac users may find it useful to know that DNS servers in OS X can be set from the command line, without having to turn to the System Preferences Network control panel. While the GUI Network control panel is undeniably the easiest approach for most Mac users, the command line method offers benefits for … Read More

How to Disable Gatekeeper from Command Line in Mac OS X

May 4, 2015 - 22 Comments
Gatekeeper warning in Mac OS X prevents unknown apps being launched

Though most Mac users will want to keep Gatekeeper enabled for security purposes, some advanced users find that Gatekeeper is overly zealous in preventing third party apps from being used in macOS and Mac OS X. While it’s easy to turn off Gatekeeper through the System Preferences on a Mac, another option is to disable … Read More

How to Resize a VirtualBox VDI or VHD File on Mac OS X

Apr 7, 2015 - 53 Comments
VirtualBox manager

If you use VirtualBox to run guest operating systems within a virtual machine on the Mac, like Windows 10 or Ubuntu Linux, you may find yourself needing to resize the virtual disk size where the OS resides. This is often the case when you inadequately estimate how much space is required for properly installing in … Read More

How to Find the Build Number of Mac OS X on a Mac

Mar 23, 2015 - 4 Comments
Find the build number of OS X from the command line with sw_vers

Each release of MacOS or Mac OS X has a unique build number assigned to it to represent the changes found in that version of system software, often these changes are minor and incremental, but with major Mac OS X releases the build numbers can change significantly. Though average Mac users won’t need to know … Read More

Perform Detailed DNS Lookups with host Command in OS X

Mar 19, 2015 - 3 Comments
Terminal in macOS

All domains are associated with an IP address, whether it’s for a website, mail server, or whatever else. While using nslookup offers a simple way to get DNS information and an IP for a specific website or domain, if you want a significantly more detailed retrieval, you can use the host command instead. The host … Read More

How to Bypass a FileVault Password On a Per Boot Basis with Mac OS X

Mar 6, 2015 - 12 Comments
Lock a Mac Screen

Using FileVault full disk encryption is one of the better ways to protect your Mac and personal documents from prying eyes and password resets, but if you’re troubleshooting a Mac with FileVault, either your own or someone else’s, it’s kind of annoying to have another layer of passwords necessary to enter before you’ll be able … Read More

Flatten a Nested Directory & File Hierarchy from Command Line of Mac OS X

Feb 11, 2015 - 19 Comments
Nested directory structure to flatten as shown in the Finder of Mac OS X

Have you ever needed to flatten a directory structure, moving all file contents from a directories child folders into a single folder? While you can do this manually by moving around files and folders from the file system of Mac OS X or Linux, a faster option is to turn to the command line. Maybe … Read More

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