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Sleep a Mac from the Command Line

Jul 22, 2012 - 21 Comments
Mac Terminal icon

Sleep can be invoked instantly on any Mac through the command line by running the pmset command or a very simple AppleScript run in Mac OS X. This can be useful for many reasons, whether scripting, system administration, remote management with SSH, or perhaps you just live in the command line. We’ll show you two … Read More

Rename Terminal Tabs in Mac OS X

Jul 20, 2012 - 10 Comments
Rename Terminal Tabs

Having a bunch of Terminal tabs named “bash” “bash” and “bash” isn’t too useful or descriptive. Instead, you can rename each tab individually to something more specific by using the Terminal inspector. Before doing so, keep in mind that tabs default to rename themselves automatically based on the currently running process, thus if the terminal … Read More

Force Empty Trash in Mac OS X When File is Locked or In Use

Jul 19, 2012 - 56 Comments
Force Empty the Trash if a file won't delete

Mac OS X can sometimes throw permissions errors when trying to delete files or empty the Trash. The most common variations of the errors are usually “Operation cannot be completed because the item “File” is in use” or “because the file is locked”, sometimes you can get around this by just quitting open applications or … Read More

Send a Notification Badge to the Terminal Dock Icon When a Task is Finished

Jul 17, 2012 - 12 Comments
A notification badge alert is sent to the Terminal icon in the OS X Dock

Not long ago we showed you how to announce when a command line task was finished by using the ‘say’ command, but because it speaks aloud it may be inappropriate to use in a quiet environment. A much more subtle notification takes advantage of Terminal apps new usage of the BEL alert, which in OS … Read More

Move SSH Keys From One Computer to Another

Jul 13, 2012 - 4 Comments
Migrate SSH Keys through Finder

For those that rely on passwordless logins via ssh, rather than generating a new SSH key for a new client machine, you can easily move SSH keys from one computer to another. This is a quick and easy solution for a temporary machine or username or for use on an auxiliary workstation. You could also … Read More

Mac Won’t Sleep? Here’s How to Find Out Why And Fix It

Jul 11, 2012 - 24 Comments
Find why a Mac won't go to sleep

On the rare occasion that you go to put a Mac to sleep and, well, it won’t sleep, there’s an easy to way to find out what the holdup is. Though this is a somewhat technical approach, it should give a good starting point to anyone who’s confused as to why something like automatic sleep … Read More

How to Install Paramiko and PyCrypto in Mac OS X the Easy Way

Jul 10, 2012 - 7 Comments
Installing paramiko and pycrypto for Mac OS X

Paramiko is an SSH module for python that allows for secure connections to be made, and pycrypto is a cryptography toolkit for python. Whether you need one or the other, or both, the easiest way to get them both installed through Mac OS X is through paramiko. No need to use HomeBrew, MacPorts, or any … Read More

Manage iOS Devices & Provisioning from the Command Line with Cupertino

Jul 7, 2012 - Leave a Comment
Manage iOS Devices and Provisioning from the Command Line with Cupertino

iOS Developers typically have to login to Apple’s Developer Center website to manage provisioning and devices. That’s not terribly inconvenient, but it certainly could be easier, and that’s where Cupertino comes in. Cupertino is a third party command line interface to the Apple Dev Center and iOS Provisioning Portal, letting you add and list devices, … Read More

Install GCC Without XCode in Mac OS X

Jul 6, 2012 - 4 Comments
Command Line Tools for Mac OS X include GCC, Make, LLVM, and more

If you compile your own software you probably know that GCC comes bundled in the rather large Xcode package, but what if you just want to have gcc and LLVM without installing the entire Xcode package? Apple now offers an option to do just that, and it’s called Command Line Tools, available as a separate … Read More

Delete All .DS_Store Files from Mac OS X

Jul 5, 2012 - 36 Comments
DS_Store Files in Mac OS X

DS_Store files are hidden system files that reside within almost every folder of Mac OS X, they contain folder-specific information and settings, like what view to use, icon size, and other metadata pertaining to their directory. Though ds_store files are invisible to the average user, if you’re sharing with a Windows PC or have hidden … Read More

Set the System Time in Mac OS X from the Command Line

Jul 4, 2012 - 13 Comments
Terminal in macOS

The clock in Mac OS X sets itself automatically by default, but if you want to set the precise time or are looking for a command line solution to set system time, you can do so with a tool called ntpdate, or the standard ‘date’ command.

Access Terminal from Anywhere in Mac OS X via Keyboard Shortcut with TotalTerminal

Jun 18, 2012 - 3 Comments
Total Terminal brings Terminal access to anywhere via Hot Key in Mac OS X

TotalTerminal is an excellent tweak for those of us who frequently use the command line, it provides instant access to the Terminal from anywhere in Mac OS X with just a keyboard shortcut. Modeled after the classic Quake console, an official Terminal.app prompt drops down from the top of the screen where you can quickly … Read More

Re-Run the Last Command While Replacing Syntax or Typos

Jun 13, 2012 - 6 Comments

If you’ve ever entered a lengthy command into the terminal and upon execution discovered a syntax error, a “no such file or directory”, or “command not found” message because you made a typo, you’ll love this quick tip that lets you rerun the last executed command while replacing the erroneous syntax. You’ll need to be … Read More

Make a Quick Backup of a File from the Command Line

Jun 11, 2012 - 3 Comments
Quickly make a file backup from the command line

It’s always a good idea to backup a file if you’re going to be making some changes to it and you’re uncertain of the outcome. In the Finder this is as simple as just selecting the file and hitting Command+D to create a duplicate of the file in question, but in the command line you … Read More

Fish Shell for Mac OS X Makes the Command Line Smarter & Friendlier

Jun 7, 2012 - 6 Comments
Fish Shell for Mac OS X showing autosuggestions

Are you looking for a way to make the command line a bit more user friendly? If so, you may find Fish to be a pretty nice alternative shell whether you are completely new to the OS X Terminal or you just want some general assistance when at the command line.

How to Check SHA1 Hash of a String

Jun 6, 2012 - 3 Comments
Check SHA1 Hash of a String

Do you need to check the sha1 hash of a string? You can easily find the sha1 hash of any string from the command line, and this trick works to check sha1 hash from Mac OS or Linux. We’ll use the openssl command to

Create SSH Bookmarks in Terminal for Quick Remote Server Access in Mac OS X

Jun 3, 2012 - 5 Comments
SSH Bookmarks in Terminal

Setting up SSH bookmarks within Terminal app is an easy way to quickly connect to remote machines. If you haven’t noticed these in Terminal before it’s probably because they aren’t labeled as bookmarks, and therefore the feature gets frequently overlooked by even the most advanced Mac users. Here’s how to create bookmarks within Terminal, and … Read More

Create & Extract bz2 Archives in Mac OS X

May 29, 2012 - 10 Comments
bzip2 archive in Mac OS X

The Bzip archive format is generally more effective at compressing than zip and gzip, and while the default Archive Utility or the excellent all-purpose Unarchiver tool will handle unarchiving bzip2 files with ease, you will have to venture to the command line if you want to create a bzip archive in Mac OS X. Creating … Read More

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