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How to Convert a DMG to ISO on Mac, & Convert ISO to DMG on Mac

Sep 9, 2009 - 20 Comments

Have you ever needed to convert a DMG file to ISO in Mac OS, or wanted to convert an ISO file to DMG on your Mac? Converting image files on your Mac is easy thanks to a command line utility included in Mac OS X called hdiutil.

How to Tell if Mac is Running a 32-bit or 64-bit Kernel in Mac OS X

Sep 7, 2009 - 20 Comments

Ever wanted to know if your Mac is using a 32-bit or 64-bit kernel? It may seem geeky and in the weeds, but it’s now relevant. Snow Leopard 10.6 is the first Mac OS X version to ship with a 64 bit kernel, and obviously your Mac has to have a 64 bit processor to … Read More

Hide any File or Folder by Making it Invisible to the Mac OS X Finder with setfile

Aug 11, 2009 - 18 Comments

If you ever want to hide a file or folder, you can quickly make it invisible with a command line utility called setfile. This is a really cool tip that should be particularly useful to those who share their mac with other people.

How to Create an IP Alias in Mac OS X using ifconfig

Aug 5, 2009 - 8 Comments

In some trickier network situations, your computer may be assigned an IP but need an entirely different IP address to access certain network resources. You might be wondering, how on earth do you have two IP addresses at once on the same Mac? The answer; Create an IP Alias! Using an IP alias allows your … Read More

How to Easily Mirror an Entire Web Site Locally

Mar 19, 2009 - 15 Comments

It’s very easy to mirror an entire web site on your local machine thanks to the terminal command wget, this tutorial will show you how to do it via the command line. wget is available for Mac OS X, Linux, Unix, and many other popular operating system platforms, thus this is universally applicable assuming you … Read More

Show Hidden Files in Mac OS X

Feb 25, 2009 - 48 Comments
Finder of Mac OS X

Need to show hidden files on a Mac? This is pretty common if you find yourself needing to access hidden files on your Mac, like an .htaccess file you downloaded, a .bash_profile, a .svn directory, – literally anything preceded with a ‘.’ indicating it is invisible by default – you can run the below command … Read More

Make Back Ups from the Command Line in Mac OS X with These 4 Tricks

Feb 19, 2009 - 6 Comments

These days there are no shortage of ways to backup your Macintosh. Probably the most popular method available to an end-user is Apple’s Time Machine which is handled automatically after a simple setup through the GUI, or can be triggered to start at any time. Personally, I was very impressed with the ease of use … Read More

5 Useful Mac OS X Command Line Tips Everyone Should Know

Jun 29, 2008 - 12 Comments
Terminal in macOS

Like many other power users, I’m addicted to the Mac OS X command line, any reason at all for me to launch the terminal I take as an opportunity to learn more about the powerful backend of our favorite operating system. Here I have gathered 5 useful commands that will make your life easier when … Read More

How to Flush DNS Cache in Mac OS X

Mar 21, 2008 - 20 Comments
Terminal in macOS

Whether you’re a systems administrator or a web developer, or anything in between, chances are you’ll have to flush your DNS cache every once in a while to get things straightened out server-side, or even just for testing certain configurations. Flushing your DNS cache in Mac OS X is actually really easy, but there are … Read More

Use Quick Look from the Command line with qlmanage

Dec 24, 2007 - 3 Comments

Quick Look is a nice feature in Mac OS X for quickly previewing documents, images, and other file data before opening it into a designated application. I use Quick Look often for glancing at the content of various documents and it certainly beats launching an application when you just need to take a quick peak … Read More

Turn On Slow Aqua Animations Permanently in OS X

May 22, 2007 - 2 Comments
Resizing a window instantly in OS X

The Mac OS X GUI and all it’s eye candy is a pleasure to use and look at. Perhaps you’ll remember a while back from our Fun Eye Candy Effects article that by holding down the Shift key, you can slow down virtually any Aqua effect in Mac OS X, from minimizations, window sizing, to … Read More

Download Files from the Web via the Mac OS X Command Line

May 11, 2007 - 12 Comments

I am frequently developing web pages and often times I find it frustrating when I can not restart my browser because I’m in the middle of a download. So when I need to download a large file and I don’t want to have to worry about whether or not Safari, Chrome, or Firefox continues to … Read More

Quickly Encrypt a File with OpenSSL

May 2, 2007 - 18 Comments
Mac Terminal icon

Want to encrypt a file quickly? You can do so with OpenSSL at the command line. A few months ago a question was posed to our readers about encrypting or password protecting a text file [How can I password protect a file?]. We got several good responses but one in particular has really stuck with … Read More

Change the System Volume from the Command Line in Mac OS X

Apr 28, 2007 - 29 Comments

There are several ways to go about changing the volume on your Mac, but did you know you can use the command line? I’m a big command line junkie so the more things I can do from the Terminal the better. If you want to adjust your system volume level directly from the command line, … Read More

Get System Information from the Command Line in Mac OS X

Apr 23, 2007 - 13 Comments
Mac hardware

Regardless of how many Mac’s you administer, there will surely come a time when you’ll need to retrieve relevant System Information. This can be done from the graphical interface with the Apple System Profiler utility, but often you’ll need to pull system details from the terminal as well. Gathering system information from the command line … Read More

Install Software Updates from the Command Line

Apr 18, 2007 - 4 Comments

We all know the familiar Mac OS X Software Update and App Store Updates panel, it pops up weekly to give us a nice GUI interface to install all the latest updates to our Apple software. But did you know that you can get the same list, query the available updates list, and even install … Read More

Using Pipes at the Command Line, a Basic Overview

Apr 3, 2007 - 1 Comment

One of the essential functions of the command line of Mac OS X, Linux, or any Unix, is understanding some basics about how to use pipes. Essentially, pipes allow you to direct the output of one command into the input of another command, allowing the following command to manipulate, adjust, or work with the prior … Read More

How to Use Redirection at the Command Line, a Basic Overview

Mar 29, 2007 - 4 Comments

Ever wished you could send the output of a command to a file or append that output to an existing file? That’s what redirects do. To put it simply, command line redirects allow you to take the output of certain commands and create new files or add to existing ones with this data, this is … Read More

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