PwnageTool 4.1.3 Unlock Download Available

Nov 28, 2010 - 23 Comments

pwnagetool-unlock PwnageTool 4.1.3 has just been released and includes the ability to unlock iPhone 3G and 3GS with basebands later than 05.13.04 (iPhone 4 is apparently in the works). To do this, you will need to jailbreak using PwnageTool and then download Ultrasn0w for iOS 4.2.1 from Cydia. PwnageTool Unlock Edition works by using the iPad 3.2.2 IPSW file on basebands 05.14 and 05.15, this process is not reversible.

The iPhone Dev Team says that iPhone 3GS users with older bootrom should not use PwnageTool if they want to update to iOS 4.2.1, instead they should use the upcoming redsn0w release to update baseband firmware.

Download PwnageTool 4.1.3 Unlock Edition

You can grab the torrent here or use one of the following download mirrors provided by the Dev Team:

PwnageTool runs on Mac OS X. There is no PwnageTool for Windows, instead Windows users will want to download redsn0w 0.9.6b5 instead.

If you are not sure what to do, you can learn how to unlock iOS 4.2.1 for iPhone 3GS and iPhone 3G with ultrasn0w, the unlock does carry some risks for certain baseband versions, since the iPad firmware based unlock is not reversible.

Update: the iPhone Dev Team attached the wrong bundle for iPhone 3GS users with PwnageTool 4.1.3, you can fix this rather easily. Here is what they say about this:

Thereā€™s an error in the bundle for the iPhone3GS 4.1 that prevents the new baseband from being used. If you know your way around OSX, please download the fixed bundle, and unzip it if Safari hasnā€™t already done so. Then ā€œShow Package Contentsā€ of, navigate to Contents->Resources->FirmwareBundles and drop it there. Otherwise, please wait for the updated PwnageTool, or the OSX version of redsn0w coming soon.

This applies only to those who wish to update to 06.15 iPad firmware.

We will post links to updated PwnageTool when they become available.

Update 2: redsn0w 0.9.6b5 has been released and works for Windows and Mac, and accomplishes the same task as PwnageTool allowing for jailbreak and unlock of iOS 4.2.1.


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Posted by: Manish Patel in iPhone


» Comments RSS Feed

  1. kinley says:

    i used jailbreak to upgrade my baseband to 06.15.00 but now my iphone won’t recognize any sim card.
    is there anyway i can get my phone to recognize any sim card?

  2. Misha Pujia says:

    Ok so i can buy it from canada unlocked and just put in thr t-mobileļ»æ sim card because i want the kind that you have now factory unlocked and not just gevey unlocked please respond


    i’m on 05.12 iphone 3g. can i use this jailbreak and unlock to upgrade 4.1.2 iOS

  4. Lauritz says:

    Hi I can’t upgrade my baseband to the higher one and I am stuck on the 05.15.04 and I tried all the jailbreak method and nothing is working?
    What should I do?

  5. Amit says:

    – I have updated to 4.2.1 on 3Gs and updated to the iPad BB 1.6.5.. to jailbreak and unlocked using RedSn0w.
    – I don’t have SHSH blobs.
    – I wanted to get back to 4.2.1 and tried to restore it using the firmware iPhone2,1_4.2.1_8C148a_Restore.ipsw (the same I used to JB), but unfortunately, I am not able to do it and today I am not even able to get back to the JB version not am I able to return to the normal version. My phone is in DFU mode ( iphone cable + itunes symbol)

    Can anybody help me getting me out of this. Any help will be appreciated.

  6. carlos says:

    i am currently running on iOS4.0.1 with baseband 05.13.04 on a 3GS. Can i just proceed to update to BB 06.15 from 4.0.1?

    • Parakeet says:

      if you never updated past 4.0.1 you can unlock right now without upgrading anything else and you don’t need ipad firmware. use any jailbreak and then use ultrasn0w.

      you can’t get the 06.15 firmware without upgrading to 4.1 or 4.2.1

      if you want 4.2.1 on your 3GS, use itunes, then follow the guide. i would suggest redsn0w over pwnage.

  7. Carl says:

    I have an iPhone 3G it had the 4.1 software in it and i upgraded the baseband to the ipad one and had it unlocked then i tried to upgrade to 4.2.1 wich is also unlockable and im stuck there the upgrade didnt work , what can I do please help

    • sankeerthgujjari says:

      first go to google and download ipsw 4.2.1 .then download redsn0w_win_0.9.8b7b and run the file.when it opens it wil ask you to select the ipsw then brows and select your ipsw 4.2.1 which you downloaded put your iphone into dfu mode.and run redsnow .this will jailbreak and update your iphone 3g.

  8. JoeIG says:

    Q: I just upgraded 3GS, iOS 4.1, BB 5.14.02 to BB 6.15.00 via redsn0w. Everything works fine, including unlock.

    should I stay on iOS 4.1? is it possible to upgrade to 4.2.1 and if so how (keeping the jailbroken and unlocked) state.


    • anbu says:

      no it is impossible to update to higher version than what you have unless it is custom restore. there is no custom firmware available for 4.2.1.

      If you have mac then cook custom firmware yourself with pwnagetool 4.1.3.

  9. […] functionality of Redsn0w 0.9.6b5 is similar to PwnageTool 4.1.3 in that it allows you to upgrade to 06.15 baseband (from the iPad) which is vulnerable to the newly […]

  10. ayman says:

    i have windows … what can i do ?
    when the new redsn0w release will done and what it will be named ?

  11. […] 05.14 and 05.15 need to download this iPad IPSW file in addition to PwnageTool 4.1.3 Unlock Edition (Mac) or redsn0w (Windows & […]

  12. evolution says:

    i live in italy,the pirate bay is blocked in this country!another link or you can send it to me a mail..

    • Manish says:


      Try one of the download mirrors provided, they should work from all regions. Please let us know if you run into any problems downloading the update.


  13. […] or 05.15 you will need to update to 06.15 to regain the ability to unlock using the newly available PwnageTool 4.1.3 Unlock Edition or redsn0w […]

    • Hank says:

      That is the problem I have having. I have jail broke my 3G & 3GS but I am stuck in the unlock saying “searching”. How do you upgrade? I have 05.15 on my 3GS

      • Constantin says:


        I’m stuck on the same part.
        Did jail break my iPhone 3G using redsn0w and the unlocked with ultrasn0u.
        All fine till now, but the phone getting stuck on searching the network…
        Did you solved you one? how?


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