Run MacOS Mojave on Hackintosh Intel PCs with Unibeast
If you’re a Hackintosh PC user, you may appreciate knowing that Unibeast now allows you to install and run MacOS Mojave on supported Intel PC hardware.
Like all else involved in the Hackintosh process, this is for advanced users, as unofficially installing MacOS system software onto select supported generic Intel PC hardware is not necessarily simple or for the faint of heart. But it does work!
If the concept of running MacOS Mojave on non-Apple Intel PC hardware appeals to you, and you’re comfortable downloading and modifying software packages, creating custom bootable install disks, adjusting BIOS settings on a PC, installing system software, tinkering with drivers and configurations to get audio, network, and graphics working, and a host of other technically advanced requirements, then out the lengthy and extremely detailed multi-step guide from tonymacx86 as linked below.
It’s important to emphasize that Unibeast is not supported by Apple, as obviously Apple only wants you running MacOS Mojave on actually supported Mac hardware from Apple (likewise, they obviously do not support the DosDude tool to run Mojave on unsupported Macs either), so if you go this route you’re entirely on your own. Using a Hackintosh is probably also be against the MacOS Licensing and Terms of Service or other agreements, so read those TOS and Licensing agreements thoroughly before whatever decisions and risks you make.
Going the Hackintosh route is impractical for nearly anyone aside from very technically savvy individuals, and if you want to run MacOS it’s much easier to just buy a new Mac Mini, a new Retina MacBook Air, or some other new Mac hardware, plus buying an actual Apple product will get you official Apple support, a full warranty, full iMessage functionality, and much more.
Nonetheless, using Unibeast for the unofficial Hackintosh option remains for those who are dedicated and advanced computer users that are comfortable building their own PCs and tinkering with many layers of hardware and software.
For many Hackintosh users, the primary benefit of jumping through these hoops seems to be that they’re able to use MacOS and Mac software on some hardware configurations that are not currently offered by Apple – for example, in a modern upgradable PC tower enclosure with many internal drive bays, which is highly desired by many professional Mac users – but with Apple apparently working on new pro-level Mac hardware, perhaps the current Hackintosh PC demand will peter out the same way it did once before when the Hackintosh Netbook trend died out soon after the release of MacBook Air. Time will tell!
Hi, just wondering if anyone has ever tried to install Mojave on unsupported macs (like a mac pro 1,1 or 2,1 specifically) using unibeast? I got as far as 10.11.6 on a 2,1 using the modified boot efi and editing the plist adding the logicboard ID for the 2,1 but that won’t let Mojave run on these older Mac Pro version. Would be interesting to know if “hackintoshing” older and still quite capable Apple hardware like old mac pros with onboard Xeons, could make that happen… sure it might score lower than the latest models, but would likely no break the EULA and will help reuse rather than recycle older macs for those who don’t need to have the latest most expensive macs.
Anyone? Thanks in advance :)
I agree with ekto!
Not only are you backstabbing Apple Inc. here by making them lose income, you also backstab the hackintosh community by linking to selfish toytoy, who never acknowledges that other people did all the work!
Shame on you advertising for a Community Thief !!!
While I understand the novelty, I have to ask why? I am not all that impressed with mac OS. Yes, I suppose it is better than Windows due to the security, but are you not better off running Linux? I actually own a MacBook and I hacked the hell out of mac OS to make it stop doing dumb things like putting “mac turds” on my thumb drives. I run Linux most of the time.
The why is rather simple: MacOS is the best operating system out there, and you can build a PC that is more powerful, but upgradable and expandable, at fractions of the price of anything Apple offers.
Apple doesn’t even offer an expandable tower with drive bays, and RAM and SSD are soldered into everything vaguely reasonable for sale now. Oh and the ports, there are no ports or too few ports on just about everything Apple sells. The last good Mac Pro was from 2012 or so, and the last good MacBook Pro was 2015. The iMac Pro is $5000 and hasn’t been updated in a year so it’s old hardware at ultra-premium pricing. That’s just part of why Hackintosh is a thing. But the list goes on, there are so many reasons why people consider it. Usually some combo of price, performance, expandability, ports, a usable keyboard, and escape key, things of that nature, basically the core aspects of computing since the PC revolution began in the early 80s that despite Apple hoisting into the household with Macintosh has seemed to have forgotten.
The fact is MacOS is a much better operating system for creativity and productivity than Windows, or Linux. Windows is always in your way, it never feels quite right. It’s a feeling you get, or don’t get with Mac vs Linux vs Windows. Though MacOS now has lots of clutter (Notifications = pure garbage, Launchpad = clutter, etc) it’s still worlds better than Windows for everything but gaming or maybe stock trading and pure Microsoft Office work. Linux is fun and interesting, but it requires huge amounts of tinkering to do anything, even something as simple as getting wi-fi or sound working can be a multi-day chore that never goes solved and then it’s just one kernel recompile away from failure yet again. The knowledge level required to use Linux at any usable level far exceeds what anyone other than hardcore tinkerers, techies, geeks, nerds, and IT staff are capable of. I enjoy Linux personally, I find it fun in a tinkerers capacity, but on a typical work day I need to work, not worry about dependencies and compatibilities and updating packages and knowing an accessory works immediately rather than after 6 hours of command line mania, all the other noise and hassles of Linux is distracting for me for actual productivity.
MacOS works for me and always has, with the exception of 10.0 and 10.13, which I just avoided. But for you, if Linux works for you, that’s great. Use what works for you. What platform you feel most productive on is what you should use. For me, I pay for the premium with Apple products (currently using four year old MacBook Pro since I need a working keyboard with escape key, and ports, and Apple currently does not offer those) but I would move to Hackintosh before Windows, unless Apple kills the Mac in which case I’d happily jump into Windows and never return to Apple again.
Name says it all.
I dont understand,
Your title says ‘run mojave on hackintosh’
But you only says it is difficult, not affordable for basic user, not simple…
Did you ever tried ?
Maybe you should change your title in
‘I do not know how to run mojave on hackintosh’
‘is it worth running mojave on hackintosh ?’
Hallo Paul, I have now very new Windows 7, 8,1; and 10
and I like it very much, why should I change it? I have no idea what’s UniBeast, it looks so complicated!
Thanks for sharing, have a great day
@PerryD. I concur fully. What is also not emphasized is that there are only a few hitches since Macs and Hackintoshes all run on Intel. The cost factor is probably the major reason, as you mentioned. tonymacx86 site provided me with all the information I needed to build a Hackintosh years ago on a partition on a Dell XPS 15 2nd Gen from 2011. Successfully too.
With all respect, installing and running MacOS on homebuilt Intel platforms is astoundingly simple, with the caveat that you should read through the hardware guide at (look for ‘Build a CustoMac’ on the site…it is updated each month as new hardware comes to market). I often recommend this route to complete novices and my experience has been that even newbies can build their own Hackintosh.
Many commercial PCs are also great candidates for a Hackintosh build — the HP and Dell desktop lines are popular — and you’l find advice and links to deals on these machines at tonymacx86.
Not mentioned in the article is a primary reason that many choose to build their own rather than buy an Apple machine: Cost. It’s simple to build a machine that significantly outperforms even the high-end Macs for a quarter or third of the Apple price, with the additional advantage of being easily upgradable.