GreenPois0n RC6 is now available to download, RC6 includes support to jailbreak iOS 4.2.1 on any iPhone, Verizon iPhone 4, iPad, iPod touch, and now Apple TV 2, all of which are untethered jailbreaks.
GreenPois0n RC6.1 has been released for iOS 4.2.1, the untethered jailbreak includes an update that resolves the iBooks DRM issue that caused some iOS jailbreakers from losing access to certain protected iBooks. Download GreenPois0n RC6.1 Mac & Windows versions are currently available: Download Now (Mac) Download Now (Windows Like the…
GreenPois0n RC5 3 has been released for Mac OS X, this is the third update to RC5 for Mac that provides an untethered jailbreak for iOS 4.2.1. RC5 3 includes several significant bug fixes in addition to native Mac OS X 10.6 and 10.5 support. Download GreenPois0n RC5 3 for…
The latest version of Greenpois0n has been released for download, it offers an untethered jailbreak for iOS 4.2.1. The Mac and Windows release come as GreenPois0n 1.0 RC5, with a Linux version due out soon. Download GreenPois0n Untethered Jailbreak for iOS 4.2.1 If the initial download link does not work,…
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I’m hoping someone is still browsing this thread… This is my first time so I really don’t know anything and the WIKI’s are overwhelming to say the least. I have a 3G (4.2.1 & 5.15.04) and a 3GS (5.0 & 5.16.05). Could I use greenpois0n to unlock these phones for use internationally? Is this also jailbreaking or is this different?
I heard that if you try jailbreaking and it says “jailbreak failed”, even though it is in DFU mode and had a clean iOS 4.2.1 restore, then put the device into recovery mode, then take it out and try. I dont know what this will do, but I saw in a few different forums that it works. Maybe give it a shot?
I have to same problem as PeDrO. I restored my ipod cause Cydia was crashing and i was going to re jailbreak it, but it doesn’t work. I tried RC5 and RC6, when I click jailbreak nothing happens. Please Help!!!
I downloaded greenpois0n rc6 on my computer and i get my ipod touch (4g MC model) into dfu mode andi click the jailbreak button, but it wont jailbreak. PLEASE HELP
I don’t have a mac to use Pwnage tool to make a custom 4.2.1 ipsw. Is there a way in Windows to keep my baseband 05.13.04 while upgrading to 4.2.1 firmware and keeping my phone unlocked at 05.13.04 baseband?
i did resote…began JB…reinstalled doesn’t workkkkk :(((((((((( click when closes againnnn… whaaaa whaaa whaaa :(((((((( cydia installing when “You running out of disk space.You delete some photos and videos” but enough space in my ipod touch…?
I have just jailbroken an Iphone 3gs 4.2.1 using greenpois0n rc6. The baseband is 5.15.04 but I now need to unlock the phone. is this even possible or do I need to preseve an unlock first and then jailbreak?
is this worked for ipod touch 2g MC model?
i restore it and i don’t know what to do… can somebody help me.!! :(
how can i unlock iphone 4 bb 03.10.01?
dear Sir,
ur program only jealbreak ?
I’m hoping someone is still browsing this thread… This is my first time so I really don’t know anything and the WIKI’s are overwhelming to say the least. I have a 3G (4.2.1 & 5.15.04) and a 3GS (5.0 & 5.16.05). Could I use greenpois0n to unlock these phones for use internationally? Is this also jailbreaking or is this different?
I heard that if you try jailbreaking and it says “jailbreak failed”, even though it is in DFU mode and had a clean iOS 4.2.1 restore, then put the device into recovery mode, then take it out and try. I dont know what this will do, but I saw in a few different forums that it works. Maybe give it a shot?
someone answer to us
I try to download it and it says “Opops. We couldnt find the server.”
I have to same problem as PeDrO. I restored my ipod cause Cydia was crashing and i was going to re jailbreak it, but it doesn’t work. I tried RC5 and RC6, when I click jailbreak nothing happens. Please Help!!!
I downloaded greenpois0n rc6 on my computer and i get my ipod touch (4g MC model) into dfu mode andi click the jailbreak button, but it wont jailbreak. PLEASE HELP
may be your power
button is not working check it first
I don’t have a mac to use Pwnage tool to make a custom 4.2.1 ipsw. Is there a way in Windows to keep my baseband 05.13.04 while upgrading to 4.2.1 firmware and keeping my phone unlocked at 05.13.04 baseband?
so many reinstalled no successssss
i think out of disk space due to half way finished…to i guess
i did resote…began JB…reinstalled doesn’t workkkkk :(((((((((( click when closes againnnn… whaaaa whaaa whaaa :(((((((( cydia installing when “You running out of disk space.You delete some photos and videos” but enough space in my ipod touch…?
Just installed and JB my IP4G int version 4.2.1 – works great! Thanks!!!
succesfully installed greenpoison on my ipod touch 4G but Cydia doesn’t work click when closes.i did reboot but same. how to revert…?
just reinstall cydia, read their guide you can use redsn0w or just redo launcher
worked beautifully on iPhone 4, thanks
I have just jailbroken an Iphone 3gs 4.2.1 using greenpois0n rc6. The baseband is 5.15.04 but I now need to unlock the phone. is this even possible or do I need to preseve an unlock first and then jailbreak?
I can’t find a solution that works with my old ipod touch first gen. Anyone know how to jail break older devices?
This does not work for my iPhone 3g with 2.4.1 on it
the phone remains in DFU mode and has to be restored with iTunes. Hopefully it wont erase all my stuff off my phone!
do what you did to git intoDFU mode bakwerds
Do anyone knows what is the difference? Today I noticed that the iBooks is not working. Will this resolve the issue?
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I just noticed that the GreenPois0n icon is an Apple logo made out of a skull.