iCal automatically assumes that a new event will be an hour long, but you can manually adjust that into shorter minute intervals by using the defaults write command.
defaults write com.apple.iCal "Default duration in minutes for new event" 15
You can set the 15 at the end to any other number of minutes you want, then just quit iCal and relaunch it for changes to take effect.
This tip is from CmdComma, although if you copy/paste it from their site the command doesn’t execute properly due to the improper use of quotation marks.
iCal has a hidden debug menu with 24 additional options and features that can be accessed with the help of a defaults write command. Quit out of iCal and then launch the Terminal Enter the following command: defaults write com.apple.iCal IncludeDebugMenu 1 Open iCal again to find the "Debug" menu…
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Anytime I schedule anything particularly important I use iCal alerts to remind me of the event. But I really only want to receive the alarm on my iPhone which is the device I have with me all the time, rather than coming home and opening my MacBook screen to an…
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Will this automatically change it on iPhone 6 if I change it on Mac?
Thanks very much.
Is ir possible to change the defaut evevn lenght to “all day”?
Why go to the added complication of doing this from the command line, when it is is a Preference opinion (under the General tab)?
I have no such settings in iCal preferences, maybe you are reading the Day Start/End?
This is quite useful, I set mine to 30 minutes which is more accurate for meeting schedules.
Where do such hacks or simple terminal lines come from?
is there like a website that we can learn from?
Thanks a lot