A day late here, but todays Mac setup won’t disappoint, it’s an iMac 27″ with dual 27″ Apple Cinema Displays, and two additional (22″?) displays are connected to PC’s running Ubuntu Linux floating above it all.
I’m not sure if there’s another Mac Pro or something driving one of the Cinema Displays, or if it’s the MacBook Pro 13″ that is shown in another variation of this setup shown below. The Cinema Displays are being powered by the iMac’s Thunderbolt ports. Great Mac desk, thanks to Scott G for sending this in!
In the second picture, the iMac looks like it’s playing either Team Fortress 2 or Counter Strike. TF2 is free and CS is on sale this weekend, both from Steam.
Talk about screen real estate, wow. This MacBook Pro is setup to use dual 24" Apple Cinema Displays. Awesome. [ via TnPham ] Here's another sweet dual monitor setup with a MacBook Pro, this time with 22" displays (and lacking the super cool city view in the background of the…
Ever wondered what the Mac setup of a tech companies CEO would look like? If you guessed it'd be a series of awesome Apple hardware complete with an amazing view of New York City, you'd be right. Hardware shown in the picture includes: iPad 3 iMac 27" (2011) top of…
This awesome Mac setup shot was sent in all on its lonesome with very little information, but as you can see it's a great looking setup so it's worth a post anyway. Here's what I can identify in the picture: MacBook Air 13" running the iTunes Screensaver White iPad White…
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I always wonder why do you need such a set up, what is this person working?
If the iMac is thunderbolt, it can drive the two cinemas on it’s own. Very nice hardware, but I’d want a larger desk to hold all of that.