Portal is Free to Download til Sept 20 for Mac OS X & Windows… in Honor of Education

Sep 16, 2011 - 8 Comments

Portal is a free download for Mac and PC

Just in time for some weekend fun, you can download the wildly popular physics-puzzle-shooter game Portal for free from Steam until September 20.

Download Portal from Steam by going here and clicking the big green “Install Game” button

Portal runs in both Mac OS X and Windows, and once it’s in your Steam account you can download it on other machines if you want.

Here’s the interesting part: the game is offered as a free download until September 20, 2011 as part of the “Learning with Portals” program, where some schools are using the popular video game to help teach physics and critical thinking skills. How cool is that? This blurb from their website explains further:

Today, innovative educators are finding ways to incorporate Portalā„¢ and Portal 2 into their classroomsā€”helping teach physics and critical-thinking skills. Itā€™s eye-opening to see how video games can be used in amazing and unexpected ways to help educate our next generation.

One of the biggest challenges in teaching science, technology, engineering, and math is capturing the studentsā€™ imaginations long enough for them to see all of the possibilities that lie ahead.

Using interactive tools like the Portal series to draw them in makes physics, math, logic, spatial reasoning, probability, and problem-solving interesting, cool, and fun which gets us one step closer to our goalā€”engaged, thoughtful kids!

If you’re skeptical, Valve put together a video which shows exactly how it’s being used by one 7th grade classroom:

Pretty cool huh?

Check it out yourself, the system requirements are relatively basic and it should run on most recent Macs:

  • OS X version Leopard 10.5.8, Snow Leopard 10.6.3, or higher
  • 1GB RAM or more
  • NVIDIA GeForce 8 or higher, ATI X1600 or higher, or Intel HD 3000 or higher
  • Mouse, Keyboard, Internet Connection

While we’re on the topic of free gaming, if you’re looking for a multiplayer experience, don’t forget that Team Fortress 2 is also a free download from Steam too.


Related articles:

Posted by: Paul Horowitz in Games, Mac OS, News


» Comments RSS Feed

  1. SMcCandlish says:

    This deal ended Sep. 19, not Sep. 20, unfortunately. It’s Sep. 20 now, and the game is back to US$9.99.

  2. drbroom says:

    Steam?!?!?! DONT DO IT!!!

    Steam is the worst! Even if it free it’s not worth it!

  3. James Abercrombie says:

    Let’s teach 12 year olds to make violent video games – awesome! Shame on Evergreen School.

  4. Cameron says:

    Cool, have the sequel, and now can get the original :)

  5. Prof says:

    Might as well use what the kids use to connect with them, or maybe it’s just an excuse for the teachers to play games hehe :)

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