Redsn0w 0.9.10b2 Untethered Jailbreak for iOS 5.0.1 Released [Download Links]

Dec 27, 2011 - 27 Comments

Untethered redsn0w for iOS 5.0.1 The much anticipated untethered jailbreak for iOS 5.0.1 has arrived in the form of Redsn0w 0.9.10b1, courtesy of the iPhone Dev Team and jailbreaker @pod2g.

Redsn0w will provide an untethered jailbreak to the following iOS 5.0.1 devices: iPhone 4, iPhone 3GS, iPad 1, iPod touch 3rd gen, iPod touch 4th gen. For iOS devices based on the A5 CPU, like the iPhone 4S and iPad 2, the jailbreak is not yet available but is expected to debut soon.

Download Redsn0w 0.9.10b2

Download and follow the in-app instructions, it’s very easy:

For the Windows version make sure to run it in ‘Administrator’ mode.

If you haven’t upgraded to iOS 5.0.1 yet due to the lack of an untethered jailbreak, you can do that now either with iOS 5.01 IPSW or through iTunes Software Update. After you’re on the latest iOS 5.0.1 version, you can then run redsn0w. If you are already on iOS 5.0.1 and using a tethered jailbreak, you can run this version of redsn0w directly over your existing jailbreak to untether it.

Update: Here is a guide on how to jailbreak iOS 5.0.1 untethered with redsn0w


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Posted by: Matt Chan in iPad, iPhone, News


» Comments RSS Feed

  1. samantha says:

    i restored an iphone3 i bought off my sister and now it does not detect sim do i jailbreak again?? and how i dont know a thing about iphones please help!!

  2. juboraj says:

    i have jail broken my iphone 4, my apps is ios 5.0.1 , but when i am trying to get theams, the information has shown “cant locate package” why? wat sud i do now…. my redsnow cydia version is 0 9.10b5

  3. trey says:

    thanks alot i used the download and my ipod wont turn on

  4. mickey says:

    It says, sorry Ipad2 is not supported… :(

  5. anth says:


  6. Ur funny's stupid says:

    Just heard about it from my friend. Not around a computer but can’t wait to download it and jailbreak my iPod touch.

  7. jmac says:

    it keeps getting stuck on the waiting to reboot page. what should i do?

  8. belz says:

    Hmm trying to jailbreak iphone 4, wont work gets stuck on ‘please wait while your build is being identified’ either im very impatient or it takes longer than 1 min to identify it. im sure it should be quicker!

  9. John says:

    where can I download a free jailbreak onto my pc?

  10. trent says:

    it wont work everytime i press the download it brings me to a game download what am i doing wrong

  11. Zoheb says:

    If you want installous go to cydia tap manage click sources select edit select add then type leave the http one link has been added open the hacklous link then find installous and install it
    By the way installous allows you to download and install any paid app for free

    • adrian says:

      thats totally wrong !
      this is what to type !
      Type in Then click add source.

      cant be that difficukt for u guys to write !!!

  12. Zoheb says:

    This is just amazing …., can’t wait for to jailbreak
    Hope that the updated iSO 5.0.2 has more features and stops apps from crashing

  13. kinglou says:

    I jail broke my iphone 4 and my sons 2nd gen touch but he was saying something about installous how do I put that on our stuff? thanks for your help

  14. jeremy says:

    NOT WORKING! It just gets stuck at: “Please wait while your build is being identified”

    I have iPhone 4 with 5.0.1, never jailbreaked yet since I got 5.0.1 either tethered or untethered.

    • anon says:

      Same! What did we do wrong?

    • ur funny says:

      it is wirking cuz i jailbroke 8 devices wif it my friend got stuck in it but he was using b8 he got stuck on b2 but it was cuz he did the process wrong but he did it agsin and it witked so shut up it works

  15. […] for whatever reason you don’t want to use Corona, you can also download the untethered redsn0w and jailbreak iOS 5.0.1 untethered by running the new version over an existing tethered base, but […]

  16. […] Download Redsn0w 0.9.10b (Direct: Mac OS X or Windows) […]

  17. guanlik says:

    sofa? great i always wanted untethered my jailbreak ios5.0 since 5.0 would more likely to be untethered first, 5.0.1 is better than what i expected!!!

    • rob1 says:

      Hey man its saying open failed:eacess(permission denied) or I’m not doing it right

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