Switch Background Styles of Launchpad in OS X 10.7.3
The OS X 10.7.3 update brought with it a variety of subtle changes, including a minor adjustment to how the Launchpad background image style is switched. In previous Mac OS X versions, Command+B would switch between the background effect styles, but this is now achieved with Control+Option+Command+B.
Try it yourself by opening Launchpad and then hitting the Control+Option+Command+B keys to alternate between backgrounds with blur, unblurred, black and white, and blurred black and white. You can see samples of these background style effects below.
Without a blurred background:
Black and white with blur background:
Black and white without blur:
Using the unblurred color background makes Launchpad on the Mac closely resemble Springboard on an iOS device.
This is so awesome, love it!
Does 10.7.3 make this a permanent change? In 10.7.2, it resets itself every time I log out! Basicallt rendering the “option” useless.
I second this question. It resets repeatedly.
I found a way to automate this, just add this applescript at launch.
Not a perfect solution, though.
tell application “Finder”
open application file “Launchpad.app” of folder “Applications” of startup disk
end tell
delay 0.3
tell application “System Events” to keystroke “b” using {control down, option down, command down}
delay 0.3
tell application “System Events” to key code 53
Tnks 4 the Upgrade! and Sharing this info! Love your Page!
I wonder why they had to change the keys.
Well, how can we toggle motion blur???
Haven’t found a way yet, still looking into it!
But is there a way to make this choice consistent?
I have to hit cmd B (and now cntrl+alt+cmd B) after every reboot.
That’s what I was wondering. It get annoying that it won’t hold the change.
That’s an interesting option. Good to know, thanx.