Change the iPhone Simulator to 640×1136 Resolution

Aug 8, 2012 - 4 Comments

iPhone Simulator Resolutions

With rumors and some new evidence suggesting the new iPhone display will have a 640×1136 screen resolution, developers and designers may find it interesting to alter the iOS Simulator to accomodate such a resolution. This can be done fairly easily by adding a basic text file to a directory, and then altering a plist file within the the iOS Simulator to add the new dimensions.

  • Grab this text file, save it as plain text named “File.txt” into ~/Library/Application Support/iPhone Simulator/
  • Now locate the iPhone Simulator and modify the plist file stored at the following location – you will need admin privileges to edit the plist file:
    /Applications/ (Retina).deviceinfo/Info.plist

  • Add the following keys near the bottom of the plist but before the closing dict and plist tags, like so:
  • Modifying the iPhone simulator resolution

  • Relaunch iOS Simulator and select iPhone Retina as the device type to see the changes

This was discovered by Cedric Luthi and works with the latest versions of Xcode.

By comparison, the current iPhone 4 and 4S retina display is 3.5″ and has a resolution of 640×960 pixels.


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Posted by: William Pearson in Development, iPhone, Mac OS, Tips & Tricks


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  1. Kelly says:


    Can this be done to view the resolution of Iphone 4S in the simulator (640×960)? The simulator only shows the iPhone 3 resolution, which makes my graphics way to big in the simulator AND the final app.

  2. Tiger Tony says:

    Two things: You say ‘Grab this text file, save it as plain text named “File.txt”…’

    Where can I find “this text file”?

    In Xcode 4.3.2 the p-list file doesn’t match up with the one you have here…perhaps I’m no longer on the latest version? :X

  3. William Scott says:

    Off-topic question: Is it possible to run purchased apps in the simulator? (I have been looking for a way to run Apple’s on a desktop.)

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