How to Turn Off Keyboard Click Sounds on iPhone & iPad
A little clicking sound is made every time you type on the iPhone keyboard. Some users really like that sound effect and find that it helps them to type on the virtual keyboard easier, but other users find it to be annoying and obtrusive. If you don’t want to hear the clicky sound effects when typing in iOS, you can quickly turn the feature off and have the key taps stay quiet, leaving you with completely silent hitting any keys on the iPhone keyboard.
Disabling the key click sound effects can be done permanently through a settings change, or if you just want to be quiet for a short while, say when typing in a coffee house or library, you can use a broader mute option too.
Turn Off Keyboard Click Sound Effects in iOS Completely
This works to disable the keyboard click sounds on any iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch. The setting option is available in virtually every version of iOS and is always located in the same place:
- Open the “Settings” app on your iPhone or iPad and choose “Sounds”
- Scroll all the way to to the bottom and find “Keyboard Clicks”, flip that switch to the OFF position
- Exit out of Settings
The change is instant. You can go to any app in iOS that you would type and normally hear the click sounds, you’ll find them to be nonexistent and you are no longer announcing to the surrounding vicinity that you are typing on an iOS keyboard.
Of course going back into the Settings > Sound and toggling the Keyboard Clicks switch back ON will make the click on tap sounds appear again.
This brief video shows how quick this settings change is, and just like muting the key tap noises, it’s silent:
Temporarily Turn Off Keyboard Click Sounds with Mute
For iPhone users who generally like the keyboard click sounds, another option is to just temporarily turn off the key clicking sounds by using the devices Mute button. Just flip the mute switch while typing and the clicking sounds won’t be heard, of course neither will anything else when Mute is on, however, which is why this is just a temporary measure.
The keyboard sound effects are often loved or hated, many people find them a nuisance which is why we’ve mentioned it in the annoying iPhone settings that can be fixed as well as resolving some iOS 8 frustrations (particularly since some users discovered the sound effects were turned back on after updating iOS to the latest version, even if it was turned off before). Ultimately, whether you want your typing to make sounds or not is a matter of preference and opinion. Me personally, I like the iOS key click sounds, but I’ve always liked clicky keyboards in general, particularly on desktop computers. The clickier and louder the clicks the better, just some weird reward system stemming from the gloriously clicky Apple Extended Keyboard II from yesteryear, I suppose.
Ty tyty!!! That worked! Lol
I am done the above process but nothing happened. Dial pad make noise till… Is there any other options to make it offf
Done the above, but Facebook stll makes those ridiculous noises whenever I press “Like”. Fed up constantly dealing with this issue. It is considerex snti-social behaviour on Japanese trains.
Unfortunately, the latest version of FB no longer has the “sounds” option under settings, that I’ve been able to find. It’s driving me crazy. NOW what????
Despite disabling keyboard click, when I dial a number it still beep. Unless I switch to silent mode the its really silent.
The same happens for me. If you have discovered a way to turn off sounds from the dial pad, please let me know. Thank you, Amber
You are amazing. Thanks so much!
How do I turn off the keyboard voice ?
Can’t turn off sounds annoying on face book follow directions settings sounds app off sounds still on????? Help very annoying
Have the same issue. Trying to turn off stupid clicking sound when typing and the switch is off but still here the noise. Looks like the bug that they need to fix. Very annoying.
How can I type in the meeting. I will have to mute everything because of that.
I have the opposite problem. I want the sounds back. Turning them on via the Settings hasn’t worked. Plus some videos have no sound. iPhone 7s
In Iphone 7 I disabled “keyboard click” in “SETTING –> SOUNDS & HAPTICS” but the sound has not been yet off.
please help me to switch it off.
Thanks my friends
My annoying noise comes from other people texting me. Like a galloping noise which keeps repeating. Turning sound down doesn’t work nor does disabling In App sound
How can I PERMANENTLY remove the annoying in-app noises from Facebook? I go through the process to disable in-app toggle key but it continually turns itself back on. So frustrating!!
I turned it off and it’s STILL DOING IT!!!! I even turned my phone off and back on after I changesld it and still clicking!!!
My sounds in Settings on my iPhone are off. I have to change the settings in FB several times a day to OFF because they come back on again. Very annoying.
I have found this and done it.
However, the setting does NOT remain more than a few days. Then I’m suddenly popping and squishing again, to the annoyance of me and others.
Churches. Why they gotta be so sensitive?
iOS 10 on a 6s. I toggle the switch to off. By the next day the sound is back and the setting change did not stick.
after turning off keyboard clicks, I can still hear them in the calculator app (but not in Notes). iOS 10. in two different iPhones. May be a iOS fault.
I have the keyboard clicks turned off in my settings but when dialing a phone number it still makes sounds. I had no sound for the longest time & all of a sudden it came back! I have an iPhone 6s.
The same is happening for me. If you have found a solution to fix this, please let me know. Thank you. Amber
My phone when u text it quiet not as loud as itwas
Before is it cause of the update
Thank you!! It just recently started clicking again and normal settings changes didn’t help. This did!!
For those of you who like keyboard sounds, you need to know that you are annoying everyone around you. Thank you for this quick fix!! Much appreciated.
Your articles are very helpful. Very nicely explained. Thanks a lot!
Hi, I followed your excellent directions on how to turn on the key board clicking sound. But it’s not working. I really miss the sound of the clicking noise. Is there something else I can do? I have an iphone 6.
Turn the Keyboard Click Sound Effects switch to the ON position and turn the phone off of MUTE so it’s not mute, if you want the click sounds.
THANKS!! I tried turning those iNsAnElY annoying sounds off in the Settings app. There IS a place to turn off FB sounds but, surprise surprise, it didn’t work. Turning them off inside the FB app did the trick!
JLinMn I was having same issue. I went into Facebook – settings – in app sounds-select off. Hope this is an easy fix
Thanks! It was driving me crazy!
I have always had the keyboard click noises turned off. Suddenly, in the past couple days, the Facebook app for iOS has started making little chirp or squishing noises when you like or click on things. I can see how to turn off notifications from the FB app, but for the life of me, I cannot figure out how to turn off these new noises. Any idea?
Gee, Allen tell all of us how you really feel!
Thanks for this nice article. Keyboard noise by typing any key is so irritating. Turning off the best one option for a proper concentration.
Me too, I think the click sounds help me type. Maybe I’m weird!
Turning off keyboard clicks, all notifications except calls and messages, and disabling location services are basically all the first things I do when I get a new iPhone.
I really don’t know why someone would like artificial keyboard noises, they sound stupid and when you type fast there is a lag that makes them trail behind your typing even on a brand new iPhone 6. Kind of Windows-eque if you ask me, like that Windows bootup sound that is like the gates of paradise opening or whatever they’re trying to conjure up.