Archive for the year 2015


Apple Watch Pricing, Pre-Orders, & Release Date Revealed

Mar 9, 2015 - 9 Comments
Apple Watch Gold models

Apple spent a good amount of time detailing specifics about the Apple Watch product, revealing pricing, pre-orders, and a specific release date.

All New 12″ MacBook Released in Silver, Space Gray, and Gold

Mar 9, 2015 - 21 Comments

Apple has released an all new redesigned unibody MacBook with Retina display. The new Mac laptop looks absolutely gorgeous and is intended to be extremely portable. The computer is available in a trio of colors, much like the iPhone and iPad, don’t miss the specs and gallery images below, this is one impressive portable Mac.

How to Change the Root User Account Password in Mac OS X

Mar 8, 2015 - 13 Comments
Login as root user in Mac OS X

Some advanced Mac users require having the root user enabled in Mac OS X for administrative or troubleshooting purposes. While many will keep the root user account password the same as their general administrator password, this is not always recommended for some situations, and thus these Mac users may wish to change the root user … Read More

How to Bypass a FileVault Password On a Per Boot Basis with Mac OS X

Mar 6, 2015 - 12 Comments
Lock a Mac Screen

Using FileVault full disk encryption is one of the better ways to protect your Mac and personal documents from prying eyes and password resets, but if you’re troubleshooting a Mac with FileVault, either your own or someone else’s, it’s kind of annoying to have another layer of passwords necessary to enter before you’ll be able … Read More

Type the Apple Logo Icon on iPhone or iPad with Keyboard Shortcuts

Mar 5, 2015 - 28 Comments
The Apple Logo icon

The Apple logo is iconic and used frequently by fans, but if you’re looking to type the Apple logo () on an iPhone or iPad you won’t find it in the standard keyboard options or special characters. Indeed, for the time being anyway, the Apple logo does not have an easily accessible character option in … Read More

Microsoft Office 2016 Preview Available for Mac as Free Download

Mar 5, 2015 - 67 Comments
Office for Mac 2016

Microsoft has released a free public preview version of the Microsoft Office 2016 Suite for Mac. The Office suite includes Word, Excel, Powerpoint, Outlook, and OneNote, which are arguably the most popular productivity apps in existence.

Larger Screen iPad Model Delayed Until Later in 2015

Mar 4, 2015 - 4 Comments
iPad Pro

If you’ve been waiting to get your hands on a larger screen iPad, you’ll need to wait a bit longer. Apple is said to be delaying the release of a larger screened 12.9″ iPad model until later in the year, according to a set of new reports from Bloomberg and the Wall Street Journal.

Fix for Mac Randomly Asking for Password to iCloud, FaceTime, Messages

Mar 4, 2015 - 90 Comments

A notable amount of Mac users have discovered that a random Mac OS X password popup window can appear from iCloud, FaceTime, or Messages, any of each asking for the respective iCloud password. The random password request is very non-specific and just has the logo, “iCloud Password – Please enter your password for email@address” with … Read More

How to Force Reboot an iPhone & iPad (with Home Buttons)

Mar 3, 2015 - 48 Comments
How to Force Reboot an iPhone

Rarely, an iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch will become completely unresponsive and errant, leading to what amounts to a frozen device that just won’t do anything. The most obvious indicator of this is when something on screen just cease up completely and the touch screen becomes unresponsive to all input, and clicking on any of … Read More

OS X 10.10.3 Public Beta with Photos App Now Available

Mar 2, 2015 - 50 Comments
Photos app in OS X

Apple has released the first public beta version of OS X Yosemite 10.10.3 with the new Photos app. The beta software is build 14D87p, nearly the same as the most 2nd developer beta, and can be installed by users who are opting to participate in the OS X Yosemite Public Beta testing program.

Audio & Sound Not Working in Mac OS X? It’s an Easy Fix

Mar 1, 2015 - 116 Comments
Fix no audio output on a Mac

A few Mac users that update to Mac OS X discover their sound and audio output has ceased to work, leading to a completely mute Mac that does not respond to the volume keys. Fortunately, the mysterious missing sound output issue is incredibly simple to fix, and there is nothing actually wrong with the Mac.

Instantly Add Item to the Mac Dock with a Keyboard Shortcut

Feb 28, 2015 - 9 Comments
Add to the Dock keyboard shortcut in OS X

Just about all Mac users know that you can add items to the Dock of Mac OS X by dragging and dropping things into it, but another option, which may even be faster for some users, is to use a keyboard shortcut. With a quick keystroke, you can instantly add any item from the file … Read More

Simple Tips to Improve Battery Life for Macs with OS X El Capitan & Yosemite

Feb 27, 2015 - 31 Comments
Battery life in OS X Yosemite

Some Mac users have noted that MacBook Air and MacBook Pro battery life has taken a downturn with their Macs running OS X El Capitan and OS X Yosemite. While this doesn’t impact all users, and much of the perception of diminished battery is likely due to usage and various features, there are some easy … Read More

Enjoy a “Spring Forward” Wallpaper Inspired by Upcoming Apple Event

Feb 26, 2015 - 7 Comments
Apple Event inspired wallpaper

The invitation for the upcoming Apple Spring Forward event features an aesthetically pleasing image as the background, which happens to make a great wallpaper for your Mac and iOS devices too.

Apple to Host Livestreamed “Spring Forward” Media Event on March 9

Feb 26, 2015 - 13 Comments
A fancy Apple Watch

Apple will host a media event on March 9, 2015 at 10AM PST. The event is to be held at the Yerba Buena Center for the Arts in San Francisco, California, but Apple is planning on livestreaming the occasion as well.

Can’t Open a Specific File in OS X? Search the Mac App Store Quickly to Find an App That Can

Feb 25, 2015 - 1 Comment
Find apps to open unknown files in Mac App Store of OS X

If you’ve ever come across a file that you can’t open on your Mac, or perhaps that doesn’t open as you may expect it to in a particular OS X app, maybe rendering poorly or like a bunch of gibberish after forcing it, this quick trick can help find a more appropriate application to open … Read More

How to Visit Open Web Pages on Other Devices with iCloud Tabs on Mac, iPhone, iPad

Feb 24, 2015 - 2 Comments

Safari iCloud Tabs are a great feature that allow you to visit and access any actively opened web page in Safari on one device on another iPhone, iPad, or Mac. This is really handy if you found something interesting on your iPhone but you’d rather read it on your iPad or Mac, or vice versa, … Read More

How to Customize the Login Screen Wallpaper of Mac in OS X Yosemite

Feb 24, 2015 - 25 Comments

Customizing the login screen appearance on a Mac is a nice way to add some personal (or corporate) flair to the OS X login experience. How exactly to change the login screen wallpaper has differed continuously in the many versions of Mac OS throughout the years, but with OS X Yosemite, the process of setting … Read More

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