Watch Steve Jobs Introduce the Original iPhone in 2007
Ten years ago today, on January 9, 2007, Steve Jobs introduced iPhone to the world.
In a highly anticipated keynote presentation, Jobs famously announced what seemed like three different products: a widescreen iPod with touch controls, a revolutionary mobile phone, and a breakthrough internet communications device… of course this was soon to be revealed as all contained within the same device; the iPhone. The rest, as they say, is history.
As iPhone turns ten years old, it’s worth watching the full MacWorld 2007 presentation of Steve Jobs introducing the very first iPhone to the world. If you’re feeling nostalgic or just want to see one of Jobs most legendary presentations, it has been embedded below for easy viewing:
Whether you’ve had an iPhone since the very beginning, or are a newcomer to the platform, it’s fun to look back a decade and see how the genuinely revolutionary product was unveiled and demoed. It’s not hyperbole to say the iPhone changed consumer electronics, cell phones and smartphones forever, completely changing the expectations of what a phone can do and what a phone should be.
(Image of Steve Jobs holding original iPhone via @pschiller on Twitter)
A month after the device debuted on stage, the very first iPhone commercial was aired on TV, which is a classic worth watching as well.
It certainly makes you wonder, where will iPhone be in another 10 years?
Just stop worrying about all the gizmos you think you need and enjoy the ones you have. Just leave my Mac, my IPad and my IPhone alone, when something new from apple comes out if there something I feel I want or need I will think about it then. I still wish they had left IPhoto alone, I still use it I do not like photo at all. If it isn’t broke do not fix
Man, I agree 1000%.
I feel like the company has been infiltrated by average people with share prices than in the quality it takes to make it great.
Even the OS on both iPhone and Mac are getting slower, buggier and bloated and with fragmented feature sets leaves you trying to figure out if development is under one roof in Cupertino or like their manufacturing process and made everywhere.
I like their products still more than most but in the end ecosystems will be built and competition will come along and they will become the Dell of the computer industry–trying to cheap it out and milk pro features with cool videos selling the product as a must-have.
7 phones in 10 years. Geezu, think about it.
Make the model I have now the best and I may upgrade the next time around instead of moving on to something else where you change the features so I forget how to login to my phone and how the heck to add a song to a playlist in the Music app.
Steve wouldn’t have stood for the bullsh*t.
It’s because of people like you that cause Apple to continually change the OS, because its just not technically possible to dramatically change the hardware year on year.
Wrong on the number of iPhones in 10 years btw.
1st gen: June 29, 2007
3G: July 11, 2008
3GS: June 19, 2009
4: June 24, 2010
4S: October 14, 2011
5: September 21, 2012
5C, 5S: September 20, 2013
6 / 6 Plus: September 19, 2014
6S / 6S Plus: September 25, 2015
SE: March 31, 2016
7 / 7 Plus: September 16, 2016
Everyone wants the next revolutionary device, but nobody says what that is or should be. There’s only so much you can do to a damn phone unless you want it to make you fly.
Apple have to keep changing and adding features to the OS because people keep bleating about how they want or expect more.
FYI, neither iOS or macOS are bloated or fragmented. In fact they have never been so integrated across all platforms as they are now. If you want fragmentation, look at android, its a dogs breakfast of garbage along with the garbage hardware that it comes in. Anyone for an exploding samsung? Now thats true fragmentation for you.
I don’t share your concern about Apple 10 years from now.
I think it’s very important to remember that Apple, at the time the first iPhone was released, was a much smaller operation.
They were certainly on a growing track before iPhone and it was to continue in a huge way after this launch. The broke record after record after record after record.
I’mm nobody, but I have managed small to medium companies with annual revenues up to 60 million.
I cannot for the life of me, imagine how hard it has to be – after the crazy intense growth they had to sustain for years, and at the overall scale they are at now – to be as attuned and attentive as they were back then on each and every product release, firmware release, and OS release.
That doesn’t make it ok, but I am not unhappy at all with any of my current Apple products. In fact, on Friday I added to one of the many memorable Apple moments in my life with the arrival of my AirPods.
As expected, and as with every Apple product I have purchased since 2004, I was surprised and delighted with everything about them. That is how you want every customer experience to be, no matter what you do.
As with most companies, answering to the stock market on a quarterly basis is a big problem for most publicly traded companies. It make you potentially take your eye off the ball.
Anyway, I’m pretty hopeful at least that this company will continue to delight customers like me long into the future.
I have an original iPhone and iPhone 3G, they are quite literally more responsive to touch and “faster” in the interface than modern iPhones. Sure the internet was slower, but the device is much faster. Why is that?
Steve Jobs was a perfectionist and Apple developed for him, the entire company perfected products for him. Now they seem to design by committee for who knows who, they don’t seem to know who their customer is anymore, but the company is certainly no longer perfecting products and there are compromises all over the place.
Back then we celebrated revolutionary new products and technologies, with amazing intuitive interfaces and amazing performance. Today we celebrate losing features like headphone jacks, worse performance, a clunky “redesigned” lockscreen that still doesn’t feel right and should never have been changed from the iconic slide-to-unlock, and iMessage stickers? Oh and new Emoji!
At this rate I am very concerned about where Apple will be in 10 years, it’s not heading in the right direction right now.
Very well put, and I couldn’t agree more.
Apple have nothing to do with emoji’s. Unicode is the body that oversees their upgrade, Apple just implement them to keep up with the standard.
As for the original iPhone, it was a revolutionary device, but it certainly wasn’t faster than any iPhone I have had since.
Living in the past doesn’t bring the future any faster.