MacOS High Sierra 10.13.3 Update, Security Update 2018-001 for Sierra & El Capitan Released to Mac Users
Apple has released the final version of macOS High Sierra 10.13.3 for Mac users running the High Sierra operating system. Apple has also released security updates for Mac users running MacOS Sierra and Mac OS X El Capitan, along with iOS 11.2.5 for iPhone and iPad, and updates to watchOS and tvOS.
The macOS High Sierra 10.13.3 release appears to mostly focus on bug fixes and security enhancements, whereas the security updates for Mac OS El Capitan 10.11.6 and Mac OS Sierra 10.12.6 are specifically aimed at mitigating the Spectre and Meltdown security flaws. No new features are expected to be included in the system software updates. Safari 11.0.3 is also available for El Capitan and Sierra.
How to Download and Install macOS High Sierra 10.13.3 Update
Be sure to backup the Mac before installing a system software update, this is made simple with Time Machine on a Mac.
- Go to the Apple menu in the upper left corner, and choose “App Store”
- Select the “Updates” tab, and choose to download and update “macOS 10.13.3 Update” when it becomes available
The High Sierra system software update is labeled with the update label “macOS 10.13.3 Update 10.13.3” in the Mac App Store.
Mac users running macOS Sierra 10.12.6 or Mac OS X El Capitan 10.11.6 will discover “Security Update 2018-001 10.12.6” and “Security Update 2018-001 10.11.6” in the Updates section of the Mac App Store as well as an update to Safari 11.0.3.
Mac users can also download the macOS High Sierra 10.13.3 Combo Update or the regular update as a package file, or the individual security update packages for El Capitan and Sierra, from the Apple Support downloads page here. You can read about using combo updates if interested.
MacOS High Sierra 10.13.3 Release Notes
Release notes accompanying the App Store download for High Sierra 10.13.3 are very brief, as follows:
– Addresses an issue that could cause Messages conversations to be listed out of order
– Resolves an issue that could cause your Mac to stop responding when connected to an SMB server
Lengthier security related release notes are available here for those interested.
Separately, Apple has also released iOS 11.2.5 update for iPhone and iPad, along with watchOS 4.2.2 for Apple Watch, and tvOS 11.2.5 for Apple TV.
Anyone else having their bluetooth stop working on startup after this update? I can reset the PRAM and it works again, but it’s kind of annoying to have to do that every time it shuts off. I’m on a 2016 MacbookPro running Sierra. This just seems to have started happening after this security update.
Hi, just did the update on my Mid 2014 MBPr 13, it took about 15 minutes and everything seems to be working properly. Don’t skip doing a backup, it’s cheap insurance if something goes wrong.
Hi, just did the update on my Mid 2014 MBPr 13, it took about 15 minutes and everything seems to be working properly, don’t skip backing up, the most basic insurance if something goes wrong.
Dont install 10.13.3
I tried installing once and it keeps on rebooting.
I did a TimeMachine restore and all working perfectly on 10.13.2, so I tried again and again it keeps crashing.
Yes I updated today can’t boot now .
Got to open up the imac and replace my backup hdd
And reinstall to ssd back what the hell of jobs apple doing.
I just downloaded and installed Security Update 2018-001 10.11.6 on a late 2011 / early 2012 MacBook. Restart has been hung up for over an hour. Suggestions?
Hi Sue had the same problem but on iMac my only choice was to wipe and reinstall but not update until they sort it out,apple is getting the way pc was a while back a we switched to mac now MAC is getting sloppy on there releases,don’t update until its been well tested!
I second that. VERY SLOPPY. More concerned with profits and how to not pay taxes than making good products. another example of how often when the founder leaves, a company goes down.
10 13 3 update to High Sierra bricks new iMac with partitioned ssd. Loops on attempted boot showing logo and nearly completed status bar. Reverted to 10 13 2 using Time Machine
The firmware update left my 2009 Mac Pro without working USB. Bluetooth is also out because that’s connected by way of USB. So no way to connect a keyboard and mouse directly. The problem persists even if I boot from an external HD. However, I am still able to connect by Screen Sharing and use the machine.
Console shows numerous errors like the following:
160620.383219 PRT2@fd200000: AppleUSBHostPort::disconnect: persistent enumeration failures
I did the update of Sierra 10.13.3 and now I can’t access to Somebody nows what to do?
I updated El Capitan with the latest security updates on a early 2008 iMac & everything still seems to work fine here. Cannot immediately see a slowdown in Safari.
For those with issue of boot looping, it may be related to security firmware updates sourced to Apple from Intel for the Meltdown and Spector issues. It was leaned earlier this week that many systems, both Macs and PC were effected by this, and Intel has asked manufactures to warn customers to wait for an updated version of the firmware. You may want to go,d off on this update for now.
Absolutely no problems or slowdowns with this update for me. High Sierra is actually the most problem free OS I’ve experienced so far.
don’t install 10.13.3- instead of fixing messages, which was not broken for me like iOS. it broke messages- no longer can send any attachments from messages on computer running 10.13.3 new installation to 10.13.2 and then upgraded to 10.13.3 the day after it came out and no more attachments. I have tried every fix. anyone else experiencing this problem?
I’ve been an early updater on my early 2011 MBP from day 1, and I have never had any problems with an update. NONE. Same for my iPhones.
As for 10.13.3, no slow down.
I’m on 10.12.6 now and do not see an option to upgrade to HS at the App Store. Do I need to run that security update mentioned above first?
You have to have High Sierra installed to see High Sierra software updates. Install High Sierra from the App Store to get updates to macOS High Sierra. You can’t update what you don’t have.
If you don’t see High Sierra at all, you probably hid it in the App Store so go to your account section/purchases and go to the hidden section to unhide it.
After installing this update, my MacBook performed really slow. I turned it off and went home. When I turned it on, it stucked at apple logo. I didn’t backup, and there’s a really important work files I need. I spent two weeks for this and don’t know what to do now. I tried safe mode and it’s the same

Seeing a lot of reports of Security Update 2018-001 for El Capitan is bricking Macs. Proceed with caution!
For Sierra, there are mixed reports of Safari becoming extremely slow and crashing after the update, and of very long login times
Just be aware, this may not happen to you, but be aware it could.
Absolutely back up your Mac BEFORE installing these security updates, there are many people who had to roll back after installing them because the update rendered their Mac either so slow it was unusable, or unable to boot, or something similar.
Beware! And no, using High Sierra is not any better in my experience anyway. Please share your experiences with any of the above.
I had a funny feeling, so I backed up first. wow, it bricked it. thankfully the backup worked.
The update for 10.12 seems to have bricked my 2017 MBP that I have not updated to High Sierra. It fails to boot and just continues to restart. I’ve been able to get it boot to safe mode a couple of times and it looks to me like it has clobbered something in the graphics adapter portion of the system (but that’s only a completely uneducated opinion based on have had a couple of MBPs over the years that have had their graphics cards/subsystems fail). It could just be a coincidence, as it was fine before applying the update… or not.
The update for El Capitan bricked my 2013 Macbook Pro. Kept restarting and I am not able to backup my latest files.
Trying to recover from time machine from last week now.
No QA at all. This is very bad!
This was a common issue I guess. I had this experience and so did a friend.
Apple doesn’t really care about its software as much anymore. not enough to test on throughly enough on their now hardware and/or firmware.
The update for El Capitan bricked my mid 2009 Macbook Pro. Was able to recover from a Time Machine backup using Disk Warrior on a USB stick.
Will this slow performance of the Mac?
I hope they’re able to condense the next OS. High Sierra eats up over half of my SSD.
Then it’s definitely time for a new drive – the system folder is 9.5 gb, and the library folder is 30 gb, so you’ve got a 80 gb ssd? I didn’t know they even made them that small.
Library is not 30 GB, installed software may make it that big but the whole OS should start off at under 20.