Watch These Apple Newton Commercials from the 1990s
Do you remember the Apple Newton commercials from the mid 1990s? The Apple Newton, which was Apple’s Personal Digital Assistant and first tablet experiment, used a stylus for input, had internet connectivity, and some really cool features that only recently came to the iPad – like Scribble.
A YouTuber has put together a collection of all Apple Newton commercials from the 1990s, and it’s a fun watch. Some of the commercials are funny, and all of them show off some of the capabilities of the Newton.
The commercials are embedded below for easy viewing:
Anyway, whether you’re a fan of retro commercials, retro Apple, a Newton enthusiast, or if you recently watched the “Love Notes to Newton” documentary” on the Apple Newton then you may be interested in seeing some of these.
If you’re a fan of the Newton, you may enjoy this little brief blurb from CultOfMac too, which discusses the history of when Steve Jobs returned to Apple and killed the Newton product.