NewsToday2: What it is & How to Disable NewsToday2 on Mac

Mar 27, 2024 - 3 Comments

NewsToday2 process running on. Mac and using system resources like CPU

Some Mac users have discovered a process named “NewsToday2” running on their Mac, typically found after they’ve noticed a slowdown on their machine, or if they’re browsing through active processes running in MacOS.

We’re going to dive into the NewsToday2 process in MacOS, discuss what it is, and show you how to stop it from running and disable NewsToday2 on the Mac.

What is the NewsToday2 process on Mac?

The NewsToday2 process in MacOS is associated with the “News” app and it’s related “News” widgets.

Thus, if you use the News app, or News widgets either in Notification Center or the Desktop, knowingly or unknowingly (more on the latter in a moment), the NewsToday2 process may be running on your Mac, and you may notice it consuming system resources.

How to Disable NewsToday2 Process on Mac

If you wish to disable the NewsToday2 process from running on your Mac, you have to not use the News app, or News app widgets anywhere on the Mac. Here’s how you can do this:

  1. Quit out of “News” app if you have it running
  2. Remove any “News” widget from your Mac Desktop by right-clicking on the News widget and choosing “Remove Widget”
  3. Next, open Notification Center on MacOS by clicking the clock in the top right corner, scrolling down to find the “News” widget here, and again right-click and choose “Remove Widget” *
  4. How to disable the NewsToday2 process on Mac

  5. Finally, if you want to end the NewsToday2 process, open Activity Monitor, find “NewsToday2”, select it, and kill that process
  6. Kill the NewsToday2 process on Mac

* Removing the “News” widget from Notification Center is essential, because the News widget is present in Notification Center by default. Thus if you want to disable and remove the NewsToday2 process on MacOS, you must remove the widget from Notification Center. Critically, this applies even if you do not use the News app, and even if you do not use Notification Center, or the News widget in Notification Center!

Is NewsToday2 legitimate or malware?

NewsToday2 is not malware, and it may be helpful to remember your Mac has malware protection to ward off unwanted mischievous processes and apps.

NewsToday2 is in fact a legitimate process from Apple, and it is directly associated with News app, and the News widgets, in MacOS.

Some Mac users have wondered if NewsToday2 is malware or a legitimate process, which is not completely unreasonable especially when auditing new processes running on a Mac. Perhaps because of the peculiar name, and the fact that many Mac users see the “NewsToday2” process using CPU and system resources despite not ever using the gossip-filled and heavily political “News” app, and despite not using the “News” widgets on their Mac, the NewsToday2 process runs on modern MacOS anyway.

There are a variety of questions, reports, and concerns regarding NewsToday2, some going back several years, so if you’re unfamiliar with the process but have discovered it on your Mac, you’re certainly not alone. If you followed this article and instructions, you should now understand what NewsToday2 is, and how to stop it from running on your Mac.


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Posted by: Jamie Cuevas in Mac OS, Troubleshooting


» Comments RSS Feed

  1. Oofy Prosser says:

    What about the similar processes: NewsTodayIntents, NewsTag, and newsd?

  2. RM says:

    Just noticed this Newstoday2 thing, thank you.

    It seems that the more bloated MacOS becomes, the more we need a return of the old school extension manager lol

  3. Hi,
    I am wondering how much energy is being wasted worldwide every day because of NewsToday2?
    Is this “Green” Apple?



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