How to Change the Voice of ChatGPT on iPhone, Mac, iPad

May 26, 2024 - 2 Comments

ChatGPT icon and logo

ChatGPT for iPhone, iPad, and Mac, all include a very impressive Voice Chat feature, that lets you have voice chats and full on conversations with the advanced AI Large Language Model. One of the fun ways to customize Voice Chat with ChatGPT is to change the voice to something you prefer, and there are multiple options available to choose from.

We’ll show you how you can easily change the voice of that used in conversation mode of ChatGPT on iPhone, iPad, or Mac.

How to Change the Voice in ChatGPT on iPhone, iPad, Mac

If you’ve never used voice chat on ChatGPT before, when you go to enable it you will be asked to choose a voice as well. The instructions below are how to access that same voice selection screen but after you’ve already used the feature before, through settings:

  1. Open ChatGPT on iPhone, iPad, or Mac
  2. Tap the menu button in the corner
  3. Tap the Menu Button to change the voice

  4. Now tap on your name to access ChatGPT Settings
  5. Tap your name to access ChatGPT settings

  6. Next, tap on “Voice” to change the voice in ChatGPT
  7. Tap on Voice to change the voice of ChatGPT

  8. You will have several voice options to choose from, tap to listen to each and pick whichever sounds best to you, or that resonates most with you for whatever reason
  9. ChatGPT voice can be changed easily

  10. Tap on “Confirm” to set the voice change
  11. Now back at the regular ChatGPT screen, look in the bottom corner next to the chat input area for the headphones icon and click on that
  12. How to use Voice Chat on ChatGPT

  13. Engage in voice chat with ChatGPT, and enjoy the new voice you chose
  14. Voice Chat in use on ChatGPT

This works the same on ChatGPT for iPhone, iPad, or Mac (if you want to get the Mac version right now and bypass the waitlist, here’s how to do that).

You may need to update ChatGPT if you don’t see the voice options feature available to you.

Conversations with ChatGPT and Voice Chat mode are really powerful and fluid, you can think of it as what you wish Siri could do (and probably will be able to do soon, assuming rumors about Apple developing an LLM or even partnering with OpenAI, are true).

All of the normal ChatGPT capabilities are available when in Voice Mode, and you’re free to have full conversations with the AI assistant. It’s really quite impressive and powerful, and well worth exploring if the world of artificial intelligence and voice chat intrigues you.

Voice Chat is a feature in ChatGPT that is rapidly improving and advancing, and some of the demos from OpenAI are quite impressive. A short one is shown below.

Do you have a preferred ChatGPT voice? Are you hoping the “Her” style voice will be reintroduced in the future? Share your perspectives in the comments.


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Posted by: Ali Khan in iPad, iPhone, Mac OS, Tips & Tricks


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  1. RM says:

    Didn’t know I could do this, thank you!

    Note that on an iPad, you’re offered an additional and very pleasant voice “Sky”

    Not sure why it’s not on phones, both are running same 17.5.1

    • Sky Rules says:

      I also have the Sky voice on my iPad, but not my iPhone or my Mac.

      The Sky voice is good, but the irony to me is the media really went into a tizzy about the Sky voice claiming it’s just like Scarlet Johannsen (the actress who voiced the movie Her), but to me it sounds nothing like her, it just sounds like a generic female voice with a slight midwestern or Canadian accent.

      Some of the other voices are really unpleasant, like the voice of a very obnoxious west coast barista, or someone at the DMV, maybe they check a few corporate boxes but are grating to listen to.

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