iPhone 5 TV Commercials Start to Air: Thumbs, Cheese, Physics, Ears [Videos]

Sep 21, 2012 - 14 Comments

iPhone 5 in hand

Apple has started to air a group of four commercials for the iPhone 5, each ad is voiced by Jeff Daniels (Dumb and Dumber, Newsroom) and focuses on different aspects of the phone. The videos are described briefly and embedded to watch below.

The first commercial, titled “Thumb”, focuses on the new 4″ display and how it is sized according to the reach of thumbs:

The next commercial is titled “Cheese” and is centered around the new Panorama camera mode new to iOS 6 and iPhone 5:

Another commercial is dubbed “Physics”, and emphasizes how the new iPhone offers more features and a larger display while weighing less and being bundled in a thinner package:

The final commercial airing is called “Ears”, with a focus on the new and improved EarPods headphones that have replaced the popular earbud headphones and ship with iPhone 5:

The ads are all pretty good, and are thus far being received far better than the controversial and unpopular Mac Genius ads from earlier in the summer. Typically you can catch new Apple commercials on TV during primetime, keep a lookout for them.


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Posted by: Paul Horowitz in iPhone, News


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  1. Erika says:

    “Thumb” a clever commercial (and in theory, design) but in reality, shows Apple didn’t include females as part of their focus groups or design design team. The 5 is a ‘guy phone.’

    As a female with average sized hands, I’ve been finding it very difficult to use in one hand and have to tip forward to reach the upper left & right corners (i.e. “edit” or “mailboxes” while in mail.) ALSO…

    1) it’s too tall for females’ front pockets and easily falls out
    2) it’s too light! Women can’t find it in their pocket books!

    Despite my issues with design, I AM excited about the features contained ‘within’ the 5!

  2. Nilesh Parmar says:

    i like these adverts, the thumb one, looks like he is struggling a little lol

  3. Tim says:

    Commercial “Thumb” doesn’t make sense, because they show how iPhone being used with the left hand. And when you used normally with the right hand it is uncomfortable to use back button. They need to change iOS navigation paradigm for that new screen to make it ok to use.

  4. Dave T says:

    FANBOY Alert!!!

    I don’t know which which is worse to read, Trolls or FANBOYs.
    I use Apple products and they are good but they should be for the prices charged but Apple make some pretty big mistakes. Too many to list but just one was when Jobsy made us all go grey, grey Finder, grey iTunes etc. Why?

    What discerning observers are already noticing is that within Apple, which for years was run by one man, other control freaks will start to emerge amid a power struggle and Apple could easily bomb. How’s it go, it takes years to build up wealth but it only ever takes two generations to lose it?

    But then again, there are some out there that would queue, in the rain, to buy a dog turd for Β£500, provided it carried the Apple logo.

  5. Sayed says:

    I remember back in the days when Steve Jobs first introduced the iPhone as a 3.5 inches screen that he said this is the perfect screen size to use the iPhone with one hand and the guy kept the same iPhone screen size for almost 4 years for 5 iterations of iPhones but what I see today is that Tim Cook stretched the screen and made it 4 inches and they still claim its the perfect size to be used with just one hand and a thumb, I am an Apple fan but this is crab, I am expecting next year they make a 6 inches screen and they still will claim its the best size for one hand :). Apple NOW is more about generating more and more revenues by just flowing with the market, I see the Apple design language/signature is changing, starting by the iPhone screen size, the USB, the MagSafe in MacBooks, etc.

    • MizuInOz says:

      You know you can always buy a Dell…
      Mikey needs the money.

      I am sure that the 4″ screen was in the works prior to Steve Jobs death. In fact, I would surmise (based upon product RD&D cycles) we will continue to see technology catch up with Job and team’s vision for a while.

      But it won’t matter to you, because you will have your Dell.
      And you can buy one of so many other smartphones. You know you really don’t need to buy an iPhone – no matter the screen size. All the others are “crab” – worse than any “crab” that Apple will produce.

      BTW, you may want to do some research into Apple University. It will help you understand the depth of Job’s commitment to the RD&D process that is simply Apple. (And there is no recipe for apple cider at AU).

  6. Marucins says:

    TV Ad – Thumb -> Image superimposed on the image.

  7. Natalie Drest says:

    I had a very friendly conversation with a nice man at Apple support on Thursday…

    It ended with me stating, that I will never buy another Apple product.

    And I won’t.

    • MizuInOz says:

      And you point?

      Do you want to be congratulated or what?

      Maybe you might want to file a complaint with Apple.

      I have been a conscious user of Apple products since 1983. They have always been supportive and willing to solve a problem. Give it a go. You may be surprised.

      That is unless you are a troll. Then no worries. Keep in trollin’

      One question though: why make this obtuse comment here in an article about 4 new TV commercials?

      • Natalie Drest says:

        “..why make this obtuse comment here in an article about 4 new TV commercials…”

        Because the TV commercials are attempting to sell their new product, which might in itself be OK, as far as smartphones go…

        But which also boasts what I regard as the most fundamentally flawed OS that they have ever produced… And it has been done because two big corporates have fallen out with each other and this one (Apple) has shat on its own customers, and seems to be proud of the fact.

        That is why.

    • Uh huh says:

      Interesting that you spend all of your time on Apple related websites commenting then, isn’t it?

      • Natalie Drest says:

        @Uh huh…

        Guess what…? The only (Apple) site that I ever look at is this one, because it sometimes has some nice little fiddles for the Mac, and this activity takes me all of 2 minutes per day.

        However, since buying my first Mac in 2009, the company has descended ever lower, and departed ever further from what attracted me to its products in the first place…

        N.B. I have been using, specifying, procuring and sometimes programming computers professionally since 1974, I was even a shareholder in a lengthy but failed project (lack of money), (unfortunately because it was better than anything currently available) to write a new x86 operating system.

        I understand that many Mac users regret the passing of “Tiger”, well for me, it was “Snow Leopard”, the stuff that has followed has the same failures as Vista.

        Anyway, I digress…

        The new iPhone mapping software which was foisted on me, in exchange for a product which actually worked (Google Maps), was the final straw, and the inflexibility of the company, in not providing either a (usable) work around, or the possibility of an upgrade to the older version of IOS, is a serious pissmis take, and I am seriously peeved.

        • Natalie Drest says:

          Oh and finally, I have just made my fourth comment ever on any Apple product…

          Which is hardly spend(ing) all of your my time on Apple related websites commenting

  8. Winski says:

    Hummm. The last of the iconic Jobs-inspired iPhone and it will sell millions… The other cracks that have begun to emerge behind the scenes seem to be a bit more deeply imbedded in the business…

    I’m not talking about the AWFUL maps app. That was released today based on ego not capabilities, but the emergence of fundamentals how Apple approaches customer service and how they’ve begun to take on some field sales management personnel thatdon’t have a single clue how to sell anything… Ask John Chambers.. He suffered long and ugly with these folks…

    It won’t take long… The stock could hit $850 just on the mobs in the street buying phones they don’t need or $65 based on the sales channel imploding on itself during the first part of next quarter….

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