iPhone 6 Pricing Starts at $199
The all new iPhone 6 has been announced, and pricing closely follows prior iPhone models. But there’s a catch; the two upper-end models have both doubled their capacity without raising the prices. That means that if you skip the intro-model of the iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 Plus, you’ll get twice as much storage capacity. Here’s the breakdown on pricing:
iPhone 6 with 4.7″ Display Contract Pricing
- $199 – 16GB
- $299 – 64GB
- $399 – 128GB
iPhone 6 Plus with 5.5″ Display Contract Pricing
- $299 – 16GB
- $399 – 64GB
- $499 – 128GB
Keep in mind these prices as shown are for two-year contract subsidies through major cellular carriers. The full unlocked prices for each model will be significantly higher, as usual.
Unlocked / No-Contract pricing for the new iPhone 6 models is quite a bit more because you lose the carrier subsidy. Those prices are currently set as follows:
Price of iPhone 6 with 4.7″ Display Unlocked / No Contract
- $649 – 16GB
- $749 – 64GB
- $849 – 128GB
Price of iPhone 6 Plus with 5.5″ Display Unlocked / No Contract
- $749 – 16GB
- $849 – 64GB
- $949 – 128GB
Notably absent is a 32GB model, which is a bit curious as that size capacity really should have replaced the 16GB version… this makes the middle and upper end model particularly desirable.
The free iPhone 5C is the 16GB, not 8. Bought 3 last night.
I saw one in China store today!
I will get moms to buy it for me!!
I am really bummed that they did not announce a 27″ iPhone. 4.7″ or even 5.5″ is way too small to watch anything on. Even better would be a 40″ or 55″ iPhone.
And how about all those schmucks who camped out at Apple stores waiting to get a new phone today. Hehe