How to Pair a Bluetooth Trackpad, Mouse, & Keyboard with iPad

Jan 17, 2022 - 1 Comment
How to pair iPad with Bluetooth keyboard, mouse, trackpad

Until somewhat recently the idea of pairing a Bluetooth trackpad, mouse, or keyboard with an iPad is something that would have had people looking very confused indeed. But we live in exciting times, and all modern iPad devices running modern iPadOS versions have proper pointer support for trackpad and mouse, and full support for keyboards, complete … Read More

How to Add & Remove Favorite HomeKit Accessories to Home on iPhone & iPad

Jul 3, 2021 - Leave a Comment
Home app favorites

Whether you’re just dipping your toe into home automation with HomeKit or have been collecting accessories for years, you’re no doubt already finding out that it’s no fun to have to go hunting for your favorite or most-used accessories in the Home app. Thankfully Apple seems to know that as well because there’s a handy … Read More

How to Find a Lost Apple Watch

Jun 30, 2021 - 1 Comment

Most of the time your Apple Watch is likely to be on your wrist, for obvious reasons. But there are plenty of reasons to take it off and when you do, that’s when it’s likely to go missing. Kids, pets, or just general forgetfulness can be wonderful reasons to lose something like a watch but unlike … Read More

How to Use Nintendo Switch Joy-Con Controllers with Mac

May 21, 2021 - Leave a Comment
Macbook Pro and Joy-Con

Ever thought of using a Nintendo Switch controller with a Mac? You can do that! While it’s true that the Mac might not be the gaming powerhouse that some gaming fanatics may like, but that doesn’t mean that there aren’t some pretty great games to be played. Apple Arcade has certainly improved matters, and the … Read More

How to Create and Edit Widget Stacks on iPhone & iPad

May 7, 2021 - 1 Comment
iOS 14 weidgets

Modern versions of iOS and iPadOS offer widgets to be added to the Home Screen. By allowing widgets to live amongst apps, Apple instantly made them more usable and more important for iPhone and iPad users. It also introduced stacks. Stacks are super widgets that house more than one standard widget. That not only brings … Read More

How to Check Your Headphone Volume Level In Real Time to Keep Your Ears Safe with iPhone & iPad

May 5, 2021 - Leave a Comment
iOS 14 headphone volume check

Plenty of us know that listening to music too loudly can impair our hearing in the long term, but how loud is too loud? Apple has offered historical data on how loud your earphones have been blasting music for a while, but with modern iOS and iPadOS versions, that feature is now available in real-time, … Read More

How to Scan Documents with Notes App on Mac

Apr 28, 2021 - 5 Comments
How to scan documents header

There was once a time when scanning a document required a piece of big, clunky hardware. Those times have thankfully long passed and we can scan things using our iPhones and iPads. But did you know that you can use your Mac to scan things too?

How to Start a Timer On Your Apple Watch

Apr 8, 2021 - 2 Comments
Starting an Apple Watch timer

How’d you like to start a timer, right from Apple Watch? The Apple Watch might be the best thing to happen in personal fitness in a long time, but where the wearable really shines is in making it super easy to do things that we do multiple times a day, week, or month. Checking the … Read More

How to Have Your Apple Watch Speak The Time For You

Apr 6, 2021 - 6 Comments
Enable speak time

How’d you like your Apple Watch to speak the time to you? Sounds convenient, high-tech, and useful, right?

How to Challenge a Friend to an Apple Watch Activity Competition

Mar 31, 2021 - 1 Comment
Apple Watch competition

Want to get competitive with your Apple Watch? You can challenge a friend, family member, coworker, or anyone else with an Apple Watch to an activity competition! Competition is always a good way to spur people on to achieve a goal, and that’s most definitely the case in terms of exercise. Sure, you can compete … Read More

How to Control Which Apps Provide Data to Siri Apple Watch Face

Feb 20, 2021 - Leave a Comment
Access Siri on iPhone X

Apple Watch wearers have no shortage of options in terms of selecting their favorite watch face. There are tons to choose from with Apple adding new ones with each major watchOS revision. But there’s one that is perhaps the smartest watch face available and if you’re going to use a smartwatch, why not go all-in? … Read More

How to Enable and Use the Handwashing Timer on Apple Watch

Feb 19, 2021 - Leave a Comment
Apple Watch handwashing

Keeping your hands clean is always an important thing to consider and while it might seem like one of the easiest things to do, it turns out that some people aren’t washing their hands for as long as they should. Apple wants to help out and it’s introduced a new Handwashing timer to do just … Read More

How to Disable Explicit Apple Music Content on iPhone, iPad, and Mac

Feb 1, 2021 - 1 Comment
Tap clean

We all love a bit of music and Apple Music subscribers are no different. But with so much music including explicit language, you might want to turn it off, ensuring you only hear the clean version of every song. That is especially the case if you have kids who use your device – or they … Read More

How to Set a Vibrating Silent Tap Alarm on Your Apple Watch

Jan 31, 2021 - Leave a Comment
How to set an alarm on Apple Watch

Want to set up a silent alarm clock on your Apple Watch? How’d you like to be tapped on your wrist to wake up? The Apple Watch can go beyond the iPhone silent vibration alarm feature and actually tap you on the wrist as a wake-up instead, and it’s a pretty neat feature for obvious … Read More

How to Backup Your Apple Watch

Jan 16, 2021 - Leave a Comment
WatchOS 6

Your Apple Watches contain all kinds of information that you probably don’t want to lose, so backing it up is important. Your contacts, health data, and more are all stored on your Apple Watch and the health data, in particular, is all absolutely something you can’t replace should it go missing. That’s why backing everything … Read More

How to Use the Dock on Apple Watch

Dec 25, 2020 - 1 Comment
How to use the Dock

Whether you’re a heavy Apple Watch user or just someone who dips in and out of a few apps here and there, the Dock can be a real timesaver. It works similarly to the Dock on a Mac, iPad, and iPhone, giving users a place to put their favorite and most frequently used apps. That … Read More

How to Send & Read Messages on Apple Watch

Nov 29, 2020 - 1 Comment
Apple Watches with Messages icons

The Apple Watch is so much more than something strapped to your wrist that can also tell the time. It’s a miniature computer and that fact is driven home further with every new hardware and software revision. But one feature that has been there since day one is the ability to send and receive iMessages … Read More

How to Use Walkie-Talkie to Talk on Apple Watch to Talk to Friends & Family

Nov 17, 2020 - 2 Comments
Apple Watches with walkie-talkie app

The Apple Watch supports a fun feature called Walkie-Talkie, which, much like the name implies, allows for instant communication with just about anyone else with an Apple Watch.

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