Command Line

The command line interface is an alternate method of interacting with macOS and Mac OS X, relying on text based command entry to execute commands and perform tasks. It is accessed on the Mac by using the Terminal application. Generally, the command line is considered advanced, and thus it’s usage tends to be more complex than many standard procedures on a Mac.

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Make hidden Applications transparent in the Dock

May 17, 2007 - 11 Comments

Here’s a simple Dock hack that is really useful for those of us who have many applications open at once. When activated, icons of applications that are hidden (either by right clicking the icon in the Dock, or by option-clicking away from the application) will appear transparent within the Dock like the screenshot shows with … Read More

Quickly Check Mac OS X Virtual Memory Usage

May 16, 2007 - 4 Comments

Virtual memory serves a crucial task in modern operating systems, essentially how it works is that when you run out of real memory (RAM), the slower hard disk will take over as a temporary memory source. The downside is that the hard disk is slower, so running things in virtual memory is not ideal, one … Read More

Download Files from the Web via the Mac OS X Command Line

May 11, 2007 - 12 Comments

I am frequently developing web pages and often times I find it frustrating when I can not restart my browser because I’m in the middle of a download. So when I need to download a large file and I don’t want to have to worry about whether or not Safari, Chrome, or Firefox continues to … Read More

Quickly Encrypt a File with OpenSSL

May 2, 2007 - 18 Comments
Mac Terminal icon

Want to encrypt a file quickly? You can do so with OpenSSL at the command line. A few months ago a question was posed to our readers about encrypting or password protecting a text file [How can I password protect a file?]. We got several good responses but one in particular has really stuck with … Read More

Change the System Volume from the Command Line in Mac OS X

Apr 28, 2007 - 29 Comments

There are several ways to go about changing the volume on your Mac, but did you know you can use the command line? I’m a big command line junkie so the more things I can do from the Terminal the better. If you want to adjust your system volume level directly from the command line, … Read More

Get System Information from the Command Line in Mac OS X

Apr 23, 2007 - 13 Comments
Mac hardware

Regardless of how many Mac’s you administer, there will surely come a time when you’ll need to retrieve relevant System Information. This can be done from the graphical interface with the Apple System Profiler utility, but often you’ll need to pull system details from the terminal as well. Gathering system information from the command line … Read More

Install Software Updates from the Command Line

Apr 18, 2007 - 4 Comments

We all know the familiar Mac OS X Software Update and App Store Updates panel, it pops up weekly to give us a nice GUI interface to install all the latest updates to our Apple software. But did you know that you can get the same list, query the available updates list, and even install … Read More

Change the Minimize Effect in Mac OS X via Defaults Command

Apr 12, 2007 - 22 Comments
minimize windows in Mac OS X

When you click the yellow minimize button in Mac OS X, the snazzy Genie effect pulls the window into the Dock. Although you can change between the Genie and Scale effect from within the Dock preference pane, there is a third hidden effect that Apple has chosen to keep out of the preference pane. The … Read More

Using Pipes at the Command Line, a Basic Overview

Apr 3, 2007 - 1 Comment

One of the essential functions of the command line of Mac OS X, Linux, or any Unix, is understanding some basics about how to use pipes. Essentially, pipes allow you to direct the output of one command into the input of another command, allowing the following command to manipulate, adjust, or work with the prior … Read More

Mac OS X Directory Structure explained

Mar 30, 2007 - 36 Comments
Mac Finder, where you can copy the path of a file name easily

If you have ever looked at your Mac root directory and wondered what some of those other directories are for, you’re probably not alone. Mac OS got a whole lot more complex with the advent of Mac OS X, adapting a unix file structure that is largely unfamiliar to Mac OS 9 and Windows users. … Read More

Transfer music to your iPod via the command line

Mar 29, 2007 - 9 Comments

Most of us use iTunes to transfer files to and from our iPod, but apparently you can also use the command line. Sasha Ingbram writes in with this tip: “I realize this is a controversial position to take, but I’m not always thrilled with iTunes and how long it takes to get things done. For … Read More

How to Use Redirection at the Command Line, a Basic Overview

Mar 29, 2007 - 4 Comments

Ever wished you could send the output of a command to a file or append that output to an existing file? That’s what redirects do. To put it simply, command line redirects allow you to take the output of certain commands and create new files or add to existing ones with this data, this is … Read More

Quick Tip: Eject Media from Command Line on Mac OS X

Mar 26, 2007 - 10 Comments
A disc

Ever needed to eject a disc, cd, DVD, or media from the command line on a Mac? You can do that from the Terminal, as we’ll show here. To eject a disc or media from the command line on Mac, open up your Terminal and type the following:

Clearing DNS Caches in Early Versions of Mac OS X (10.3, 10.2, 10.1)

Mar 24, 2007 - 10 Comments

Anytime you visit a website or do any other kind of DNS lookup, the IP address conveniently gets cached. While what’s convenient for most of us can be a real nuisance for others, particularly administrators who are moving around servers. This set of quick tips that Systems Administrators (and others) will surely appreciate covers flushing … Read More

Command Line Disk Usage Utilities: df and du

Mar 20, 2007 - 7 Comments

Getting disk usage information on a Mac is often gathered by selecting a file, directory, or hard drive and hitting Command-I for Get Info, then appears a nice GUI interface with extended information about the selected object including disk usage. Command-I isn’t the only way to get disk info however, with the command line there … Read More

Block Access to Websites on a Mac by Modifying /etc/hosts

Mar 19, 2007 - 72 Comments

We’ve received several questions asking how to block specific sites from being accessed directly on the Mac. The frustration seems to lie in how easy it is to circumvent the typical measures, such as setting Parental Controls and blocking sites in Safari, only to have them accessed in Camino or Firefox. Well, a quick and … Read More

pbcopy & pbpaste: Manipulating the Clipboard from the Command Line

Mar 5, 2007 - 10 Comments

Copy and Paste are absolute necessities for virtually all computer users, and if you find yourself working in the command line frequently, you’ll want to know how to manipulate the clipboard of Mac OS X directly from the terminal prompt. That’s what the Mac commands pbcopy and pbpaste are for, and as you may have … Read More

How to Change from Bash to Tcsh Shell in OS X Terminal

Feb 27, 2007 - 10 Comments
Change Bash to TCSH or vice versa

Bash is the default shell in Mac OS X and has been since 10.3, it’s generally considered to be the de facto shell standard in the unix world. That said, there are some people who prefer to use the tcsh shell, or perhaps you just want to break away from the norm. Changing the default … Read More

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