Tips & Tricks

Tips and tricks for all things Apple! Whether you want to learn tips for a Mac, iPhone, iPad, Apple Watch, or much more, you will find many tricks, tips, tutorials, and excellent walkthroughs for Apple devices and software here.

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How to Reset Fitness Calibration Data on Apple Watch

Oct 24, 2021 - 1 Comment
How to Reset Fitness Calibration Data on Apple Watch

Is your Apple Watch not accurately tracking your morning walks, workouts, and other fitness activities? This is something that can be resolved by resetting the fitness calibration data on your Apple Watch. This is pretty easy to do.

Prepare for macOS Monterey, the Easy Way

Oct 23, 2021 - 15 Comments
macOS Monterey update

Are you excited to install macOS Monterey on your Mac? The release date for MacOS Monterey is Monday, October 25, and whether you’re thinking of installing it right away, or after some time passes, you might want to take a few measures ahead of time to get your Mac ready for the new system software … Read More

How to Change iTunes Backup Location on Windows PC

Oct 23, 2021 - 1 Comment
How to Change iTunes Backup Location on PC

Have you ever wanted to change the default backup location where your iPhone or iPad backups are stored on your Windows PC? You’re not alone, and fortunately it is possible to change the iTunes backup location on PC.

How to Delete Chrome Remembered URLs from Address Bar

Oct 22, 2021 - 14 Comments
Google Chrome Icon

The Google Chrome browser address bar doubles as a search bar, and as you’ve probably noticed by now it will keep a history of your visited links, URLs, and searches. These URLs and searches then come up as suggestions when you access the Chrome search/address bar again, particularly when you type anything that is close … Read More

How to Use iMessage Effects on Mac

Oct 22, 2021 - 3 Comments
How to Use iMessage Effects on Mac

Someone celebrating an event or birthday? Bored in the middle of an iMessage conversation? Not sure what to talk about or just want to make things interesting? Using iMessage screen effects can help to emphasize and spice up your conversation, and you can use these right from your Mac Messages app.

How to Search & Send GIFs in Messages for Mac

Oct 21, 2021 - Leave a Comment
How to Search & Send GIFs in Messages for Mac

Have you ever wanted an easy way to share GIFs while texting your friends on iMessage from a Mac? As long as your Mac is a modern version of macOS, you can find and send gifs right within the stock Messages app, just like you can from iPhone and iPad.

Why is My MacBook Draining Battery While Sleeping?

Oct 20, 2021 - 8 Comments
MacBook battery draining when sleeping

Some MacBook Pro, MacBook Air, and MacBook users may have noticed their computers are draining battery even when the Mac is sleeping and not in use. This seems like a peculiar issue, but it turns out there there may be an explanation. A simple way to diagnose this issue is by going to  Apple … Read More

How to Backup Voice Memos from iPhone

Oct 20, 2021 - 2 Comments
How to Backup Voice Memos from iPhone

Do you use the built-in Voice Memos app on iPhone or iPad for recording your voice or other external audio? If you’re a regular Voice Memos user, you may want to back up all your recordings to make sure you don’t permanently lose them.

How to Get File Paths on iPhone & iPad Files App

Oct 19, 2021 - 1 Comment
How to Get File Paths on iPhone & iPad Files App

The Files app for iPhone and iPad offers a file system for iOS and iPadOS, and though it’s limited, it does offer some advanced features like file paths. File paths may be familiar to Mac, Windows, and Linux users, as a file path points to exactly where to go find a file or folder in … Read More

How to Get an Apple ID Recovery Key on Mac

Oct 18, 2021 - 3 Comments
How to Create an Apple ID Recovery Key on Mac

Resetting an Apple ID password can be annoying, though it’s made much easier if you have access to a device that you are already signed into. Without another device though, the process of resetting an Apple ID account login can be frustrating, but a Recovery Key makes this situation easier. You can generate a Recovery … Read More

How to Use Low Data Mode in Netflix on iPhone

Oct 17, 2021 - Leave a Comment
How to Use Low Data Mode in Netflix on iPhone

Worried about using cellular data to stream Netflix content on your iPhone? Want to make sure you’re not burning through your allocated data within minutes? Well, Netflix allows you to do so with a dedicated low-data mode.

How to End Free Apple One Trial Subscription on iPhone & iPad

Oct 16, 2021 - Leave a Comment
How to End Free Apple One Trial Subscription

Did you give the Apple One subscription trial a try, but determined you not interested in paying for Apple One? Perhaps, you just wanted to check out all the services and changed your mind? In that case, you may want to cancel your free Apple One trial before it expires to avoid getting charged by … Read More

How to Take & Share a Screenshot with Siri

Oct 15, 2021 - 2 Comments
How to Share a Screenshot with Siri

Taking screenshots is a common activity for iPhone users nowadays. Often people use screenshots to share things displayed on their screen, since it’s one of the fastest and most convenient ways to share content as an image. So, wouldn’t it be nice to use Siri to take screenshots and share them?

How to Stop Sharing Calendars on Mac

Oct 15, 2021 - Leave a Comment
How to Stop Sharing Calendars on Mac

Want to stop sharing a calendar from the Mac? Maybe you’re trying to remove someone from your shared calendar? Removing someone from your iCloud calendar is as easy as sharing it using Apple’s Calendar app, and of course you can stop sharing a calendar completely too.

How to Use Hide My Email for Signups from iPhone & iPad

Oct 14, 2021 - 3 Comments
How to Use Hide My Email for Signups from iPhone

Apple has introduced a neat new privacy feature called Hide My Email, which, as the name implies, hides your email during service signups. This feature was introduced alongside iOS 15 and iPadOS 15 software updates as part of the company’s new iCloud+ service that focuses on user privacy, and is included in all existing paid … Read More

How to Make a Calendar Public on Mac

Oct 14, 2021 - Leave a Comment
How to Make a Calendar Public on Mac

Are you looking to share your calendar with a lot of people from a Mac? In that case, adding those users to your shared calendar one by one can be a hassle. In such instances, you can make use of the Public Calendar feature that the Calendar app on macOS has to offer.

How to Copy & Paste Text from Photos on iPhone & iPad

Oct 13, 2021 - 1 Comment
How to Copy & Paste Text from Photos on iPhone

Did you know that your iPhone and iPad can detect text in images? Thanks to a unique feature called Live Text that debuted in iOS 15, you can now copy text information from photos, and paste that text anywhere you’d like.

How to Share Calendars from Mac

Oct 13, 2021 - Leave a Comment
How to Share Calendars from Mac

Do you want to share your work schedule and upcoming meetings with a colleague? Or perhaps, you want to plan on events together? This can be done easily by sharing your calendar from your Mac.

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