3 Super Simple Finder Keystroke Tips Every Mac User Must Know

Apr 16, 2014 - 8 Comments

Mac Finder

The Finder offers the primary means of navigating the file system of Mac OS X, and though most users will rely entirely on clicking, dragging, and dropping, there are no shortage of keyboard shortcuts to make things even better. If you’re not going to learn them all (and let’s face it, just about nobody does), then at least take the time to learn these three super simple keyboard shortcuts that will make your Mac life much easier when working within the file system.

Sure, advanced users may find these simple Finder keystroke tips to be basic, but and if you already know these tips, that’s fantastic, send the list along to someone who could use it instead! Otherwise, head to your Mac Finder and try them out yourself, and memorize them!

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By Paul Horowitz - Mac OS, Tips & Tricks - 8 Comments

Make iOS Settings Toggles a Bit More Obvious (and Geeky) with Binary On & Off Labels

Apr 15, 2014 - 4 Comments

iOS Settings indicators on vs off

Earlier versions of iOS used to make it very obvious when a Settings toggle was enabled or disabled by showing “ON” and “OFF” text within the button switch itself. While new versions of iOS have removed those word based cues in favor of color indicators (green for on, white for off), there remains an option to make the settings toggle switches a bit more obvious by using binary indicators of a 1 or 0 added atop the color change.

This setting can be helpful for accessibility reasons on any iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch, but it’s also nice to have turned on if you use color inversion as a ‘night mode’ for reading, and even if you’re like me and just prefer obvious visual cues for settings and appreciate the hint of geekiness added by the binary switch indicators.
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By Paul Horowitz - iPad, iPhone, Tips & Tricks - 4 Comments

How to Disable iMessage on the iPhone Completely

Apr 15, 2014 - 23 Comments

Disable iMessage in iOS Completely iMessage is the fantastic free messaging service from Apple that lets iPhone, iPad, iPod touch, and Mac users send each other endless free text messages, pictures, and videos. Because iMessage skips the standard SMS/text protocol from cellular carriers and relies on data transmission instead, it can often help you reduce your phone bill by cutting out the text message plan fee, or at least reducing it to a lower cost.

All the benefits to using iMessage hardly matters if you need to turn off the iMessaging service for another reason, so long as you are clear as to why you are disabling it in the first place. No, we don’t mean temporarily sending an SMS text on a one-off basis, though that can be a workaround for some situations. The fact is there may be times where turning off iMessage in it’s entirety is necessary, whether due to cell reception problems, sporadically inadequate cell service, not having a data plan with the iPhone, hitting a data cap, or even switching from an iPhone to an Android or Windows device, be it temporary or permanent. With the latter situation of switching, disabling iMessage while on the iPhone is essential, otherwise inbound messages can sometimes be caught up in a mystery no-mans land, never delivering the intended recipient.

We’ll go a bit more in-depth about some of the common reasons why you’d want to turn off the universally loved service below, but first let’s show how to disable iMessage on an iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch in iOS.
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By Paul Horowitz - iPad, iPhone, Tips & Tricks - 23 Comments

How to Turn Off the Frequent Locations Feature on iPhone

Apr 14, 2014 - Leave a Comment

Frequent Locations on the iPhone showing drive time

Frequent Locations is an intelligent feature on the iPhone that allows the device to track where you go and learn what places are frequently visited. Once the iPhone has determined some locations that are most common, say your home or work, the iPhone will then report to you some personalized data about that location, like how long it will take you to get home, or how long your anticipated commute to work will be.

Most users will see this represented within Notification Center, accessible via a swipe down from the top of the iPhone, and the associated Frequent Location text will usually say something like “Right now, it would take you xx minutes to drive to (work / home / school)”. If you’ve never noticed this yourself, here’s where to look on your device to see it:

Frequent Locations on the iPhone

While this feature is undeniably convenient, there are several possible issues with Frequent Locations. Most obvious is that Frequent Locations requires the usage of GPS to determine location data, meaning it can lead to unnecessary battery drain on iOS 7+ devices, particularly among users who don’t bother to pay attention to the service let alone use it. Additionally, some users just may not like the idea of iOS and their iPhone keeping track of places you’ve been to and frequently go to, so some users may just want to turn Frequent Locations off for privacy purposes.
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By Paul Horowitz - iPhone, Tips & Tricks - Leave a Comment

Get More Usable Screen Space on a Retina MacBook Pro by Adjusting Resolution

Apr 14, 2014 - 6 Comments

Change the Retina Display resolutions in Mac

The MacBook Pro with Retina Display takes an ultra-high resolution display and scales onscreen elements down to effectively double the pixel count, providing for ultra crisp images and text on the screen. While the default resolution settings are undeniably gorgeous, you can also choose to manually adjust the screen resolution to either show more space on screen, effectively adding to your available screen real estate and desktop workspace, or choose a smaller resolution that will offer larger crisper text.

Each Retina MacBook Pro model offers these display settings, though the display panel size ultimately determines how many options you’ll get, with the larger 15″ screen having an additional selection available than the 13″ model.

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By Paul Horowitz - Mac OS, Tips & Tricks - 6 Comments

Spill Water on a MacBook Pro / Air? Here’s How You Might Be Able to Prevent Liquid Damage

Apr 13, 2014 - 256 Comments

Save a MacBook Pro or MacBook Air from Water Contact

Spilling water or another liquid onto a one to two thousand dollar plus MacBook Air or MacBook Pro is a horrible feeling, but before you completely panic, you can take a few proactive steps which may help to preserve the Mac or your data. There is never a guarantee that the Mac will be saved from permanent water damage, but sometimes you can recover a MacBook Air and MacBook Pro from spills and liquid encounters by taking some very quick actions, or perhaps just mitigate the water damage to the keyboard rather than the entire computer.
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Mac Setup: The Desk of an Information Security Professional

Apr 12, 2014 - 18 Comments

Mac desk setup of an Information Security professional

This weeks featured Mac workstation is that of InfoSec professional Eric W., who uses a great Mac and iOS setup to secure networks and conquer system vulnerabilities for clients. Eric’s got a great Apple setup, uses a ton of interesting apps, and also offers some excellent tips and general advice too (don’t miss the complex password tip, it’s excellent)… read on to learn more!
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By OSXDaily - Mac Setups - 18 Comments

Messed Up Hosts? How to Restore the Original Default /etc/hosts File in Mac OS X

Apr 12, 2014 - 13 Comments

The Original, unmodified hosts file in Mac OS X is easy to restore if need be

The hosts file is included on every computer and used by Mac OS to map IP addresses to host names. Because users may choose to adjust, change, or otherwise edit the hosts file for a variety of reasons, it can be easily subjected to user error, leading to a variety of undesirable network problems ranging from inaccessible network locations, network failures, web sites blocked or otherwise unable to load, even to failed iOS updates and various iTunes errors like the frequently encountered 17 and 3194 errors because the Apple servers have been blocked.

Fortunately, restoring the original default /etc/hosts file back to normal is pretty easy, and the best way to get back the original untouched default file is to simply overwrite the existing damaged hosts file with a new clean version that is a copy of what comes default in Mac OS X. An example of that has been included below for convenience, but you can retrieve it from another Mac if need be as well. No additional entries or modifications are included in the version below, which is a direct replica from that found in OS X Mavericks, making it safe to return to if you accidentally messed up the important hosts document during a change or adjustment.
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Fixing a Scratched iPhone or iPad? Find Device Model Numbers in Settings

Apr 11, 2014 - 1 Comment

Scratched back of an iPhone

If you ever need to identify what model number an iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch is, typically the easiest thing to do is just flip the device over and look on the lower back panel. Alongside the trampstamp of regulatory details, FCC ID, IC, and the various symbols, you’ll find the devices model number. But what if the back of the iOS device is so scratched and damaged, that the model and other identifying details is completely obscured?

If you’re unable to read the model number off the back of a scratched iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch, there’s another option available through iOS. It’s buried fairly deep in some obscure settings panel along with some sleep inducing incredibly interesting other documents and regulatory details, but nonetheless the important number remains easily accessible if you need it from a damaged device:
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Change the Double Quote & Single Quote Style in Mac OS X

Apr 10, 2014 - 15 Comments

Quotes button on a Mac keyboard The Mac has long used the straight quote style for double and single quotes, looking like ” and ‘ respectively. It’s been that way for as long as I remember, but if you’d like to change the quote style to something else, perhaps a bit more fanciful, you can do so through a settings adjustment.

Swapping out the quote style offers a a total of eight different varieties for each single quotes and double quotes, and you don’t need to have them match though it’s probably recommended to do so. Whether you like curlies, fancies, or straights you should be a happy camper with the choices available.
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By Paul Horowitz - Mac OS, Tips & Tricks - 15 Comments

How to Subscribe to US Holidays in Calendar on iPhone & iPad

Apr 10, 2014 - 13 Comments

Calendar in iOS Want to show US Holidays in your iOS Calendar? There are a few ways to accomplish this, and we’ll cover the two simplest methods. First is a direct subscription to the official US holidays calendar offered from Apple, and the other syncs the same calendar from a Mac that has the feature enabled. For the time being this is necessary, because there currently is not a direct toggle to show or hide holidays in the Calendar app on the iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch.

We’re focusing on holidays in the USA for this example, but below there are links that include other nation calendars as well. If you have a direct link from Apple’s calendars for your nation, be sure to share it in the comments as well.
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By Paul Horowitz - iPad, iPhone, Tips & Tricks - 13 Comments

Stop the Power Button From Turning Off the Mac Display in OS X Mavericks

Apr 9, 2014 - 13 Comments

MacBook Pro and MacBook AIr power button on the keyboard

The Power button on newer MacBook Air and MacBook Pro models has been turned into a button on the actual keyboard, located directly above the Delete key. For the most part, this isn’t an issue, but with the introduction of OS X Mavericks, tapping on that Power button no longer prompts the Sleep / Restart / Shut Down dialog, and instead it now instantly turns the screen off, which can lock the screen if you have a wake password set.

For some MacBook Air/Pro users, that behavior change means that accidentally hitting the Power button is much more intrusive than it was before. If you’re one of the users who accidentally strikes the Power button instead of the Delete key from time to time (since they’re quite close to each other depending on your keyboard), you’ll be relieved to discover that you can change the behavior of the Power key in OS X with the help of a defaults write command. Like any other defaults command string, the change is easily reversible if you decide you don’t like how the behavior adjusts, so we’ll show you how to do both.
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By Paul Horowitz - Mac OS, Tips & Tricks - 13 Comments

Make Siri Search the Web with Google or Yahoo Rather Than Bing in iOS

Apr 9, 2014 - 2 Comments

Siri Did you know that Siri defaults to searching the web with Bing, rather than Google? Yes, the results that Siri returns when the assistant says “Here’s what I found on the web” are brought to you by Bing, but they used to be brought to you by Google. That change arrived quietly in iOS 7, obscured by some much more obvious changes, and though some users won’t notice the difference, others may prefer to use a different web search.

Unlike Safari search controls that offer a few choices, you won’t find a default search engine toggle within Siri’s general Settings, and instead if you want to use Google or Yahoo you will have to specifically ask Siri to search using those alternatives. Of course, if you don’t care or are otherwise search agnostic, you can continue to rely on the default choice of Bing, there’s certainly nothing wrong with that.

That said, some users may want to know that they can use other search engines than the default, simply by asking the right question and specifying the web search to use. Here are the three options, including the default (which obviously requires nothing special to use):

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By Paul Horowitz - iPad, iPhone, Tips & Tricks - 2 Comments

Access the Calendar List View for Specific Dates on iPhone with iOS

Apr 8, 2014 - 6 Comments

Calendar icon in iOS The Calendar app list view is probably the single best way to quickly see an overview of events and meetings scheduled for a specific day. Widely appreciated for it’s convenience, the date specific list view was removed and obscured within iOS 7 in favor of a more difficult to access wider list view that encompassed events across multiple dates instead. Fortunately, that has changed moving forward, and now users will again find quick and easy access to the much loved date list view in the Calendar app on your iPhone and iPod touch.
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By Paul Horowitz - iPad, iPhone, Tips & Tricks - 6 Comments

How to Hide Tags from Mac Finder Sidebar in Mac OS X

Apr 8, 2014 - 1 Comment

Tags in the Sidebar of Mac OS X

The Tags feature added to Mac OS X provides for a simple way to group files, folders, and documents together with drag and drop quickness or keystroke simplicity, but not every Mac user takes the time to use tags, or at the very least, use all the tags that are offered by default in the sidebar. For those who don’t use the feature, the “Tags” remaining visible in the Mac OS X Finder window sidebar just wind up being extra clutter, and even for those who do use some Tags, leaving the unused tags around can just make things overly busy.

We’ll cover a few ways to hide tags from the Mac OS X Finder window sidebars. You can choose to hide all Tags, or selectively hide tags you don’t use or just don’t want visible. Note this is not the same as removing tags from files and items in the file system, this is simply hiding the tags from being visible in the sidebar windows throughout Mac OS X.
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By Paul Horowitz - Mac OS, Tips & Tricks - 1 Comment

Why iPhone & iPad App Names Say “Cleaning…” and What to Do About It

Apr 7, 2014 - 15 Comments

iOS App name says "Cleaning" You may have noticed that some iOS apps will turn dark as if they’re being launched and simultaneously rename themselves as “Cleaning…”, seemingly out of the blue and at random. This is demonstrated happening with the attached iPhone screenshot, showing the Instagram app going through the process. So the big question for many users is, what’s going on here and why does that iPhone or iPad app say it’s cleaning?

We’ll explain what the “Cleaning” message means, what it’s doing, and also what it means you, the iOS device user, should do when you see it.
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How to Enable AirPlay Mirroring in iOS to Stream an iPhone, iPad, or iPod Touch Display Wirelessly (iOS 10, iOS 9, iOS 8, iOS 7)

Apr 6, 2014 - 17 Comments

AirPlay Mirroring an iPad to an Apple TV

AirPlay Mirroring sends exactly what is on the iPhone or iPad screen wirelessly over to an Apple TV or a compatible AirPlay receiver app on a Mac or PC like Reflector or XBMC, including the audio stream if one is available. This mirroring feature is great for demonstrations, presentations, picture slideshows, watching video on a larger screen, gaming on a bigger display, recording an iOS device screen, and so much more.

While iOS AirPlay Mirroring is simple to use, how it works can cause some confusion and lead some users to believe it’s not working at all. Furthermore, AirPlay and Mirroring is hidden by default in iOS, and you’ll need to meet a few basic requirements before finding the feature available for usage on any iOS 9, iOS 8, or iOS 7 device. This makes it a bit different than how it works from a Mac where it’s always visible but not necessarily usable, but once you learn how to use it on your iDevice, you’ll find it’s not complicated.
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By Paul Horowitz - Apple TV, iPad, iPhone, Tips & Tricks - 17 Comments

Learn the 2 “Cancel” Button Keyboard Shortcuts in Mac OS X to Close Dialog & Alert Windows

Apr 5, 2014 - 10 Comments

Cancel Button keyboard shortcut in Mac OS X

Most Mac users know that hitting Command+W will close an open window, and we’ve covered a handful of other window management keystrokes before, but what about closing the seemingly inactionable dialog windows found with Open, Save, Save As, Export, iCloud, and Print actions? For closing those type of dialog windows, you’ll want to use the “Close” button keyboard shortcuts instead, and there are actually two of them for Mac OS X.
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By Paul Horowitz - Mac OS, Tips & Tricks - 10 Comments

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