If Apple Made iOS In 1986 This Is What It Would Look Like

Feb 13, 2012 - 46 Comments

Retro iOS UI on iPhone

Update 2/22/2012: Want your iPhone to look like this? Here’s how to install the iOS 86 theme on an iPhone and iPod touch!

What would iPhone’s iOS look like had it been made in 1986? Maybe this, and it looks awesome in that retro sort of way. This is just concept art from a few designers who posted their ideas to LiveJournal, but I know I’m not the only one secretly hoping that someone will make a jailbreak skin or theme that matches the concept art, and if it happens we’ll certainly let you know.

Check out some more pictures below:

retro iOS

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By Paul Horowitz - Fun, iPhone, Retro - 46 Comments

Upgrade Deal: OCZ 90GB SSD for $99.99 with Free Shipping

Feb 13, 2012 - Leave a Comment


If you’re looking to upgrade a Macs hard drive to an SSD, Amazon is featuring a great deal on an ultrafast OCZ Technology Agility 90GB SSD SATA III drive for just $99.99 with free shipping. The drive is 2.5″ and fits standard laptop drive bays, allowing you to install it in a MacBook Pro, MacBook, and Mac Mini models, and other Macs with the proper drive caddy.

This is a Gold Box “Deal of the Day” so it will expire by the end of today, grab it while you can:

SATA is backwards (and forwards) compatible, but double-check that your Mac supports SATA III before buying to take advantage of the full speeds. Generally this means 2011 model year or newer Mac, although earlier models will still get the huge general speed boost of upgrading from a slow spinning drive to the wonders of an SSD.

By Paul Horowitz - Hardware - Leave a Comment

Enable iCal Debug Menu to Access 24 Additional Options & Tweaks

Feb 13, 2012 - 8 Comments

iCal Debug Menu

iCal has a hidden debug menu with 24 additional options and features that can be accessed with the help of a defaults write command.

  • Quit out of iCal and then launch the Terminal
  • Enter the following command:
  • defaults write com.apple.iCal IncludeDebugMenu 1

  • Open iCal again to find the “Debug” menu

Many of the options are only useful for developers, hence the Debug label, but there are a fair amount of tweaks that are potentially useful to the average user as well, particularly these three:

  • Open multiple iCal Calendar windows with Command+L – probably the most useful option, making it easier to compare dates and schedules on any level
  • Change the number of weeks that appear before and after the start date in Day View
  • Show more than 7 days in a week (7, 14, 21, and 28 days)

Multiple iCal windows

You can hide the debug menu again by relaunching Terminal and entering the following command:

defaults write com.apple.iCal IncludeDebugMenu 0

Quitting and reopening iCal will again cause those changes to take effect.

Overall the iCal menu is probably not quite as useful as the Safari debug menu but it’s still interesting to take a peak at. Great little trick from MacGasm, who used it to alter the amount of days shown in a week.

By Paul Horowitz - Mac OS, Tips & Tricks - 8 Comments

Remove Finder from the Command+Tab Application Switcher in Mac OS X

Feb 13, 2012 - 14 Comments

Remove Finder from App Switcher in Mac OS X

The Command+Tab application switcher gets a lot use by many Mac OS X power users, and by default it will include the Finder in the apps to be able to switch to and from. If you’d rather limit the App Switcher to only swap between open applications and not include the Finder though, you’ll have to dig out the command line.

  • Launch the Terminal and type the following:
  • sudo nano /System/Library/CoreServices/Finder.app/Contents/Info.plist

    You’ll need to authenticate because you are using sudo to edit a system file

  • Add the following strings near the top of the plist file but under “<dict>”:
  • <key>NSUIElement</key>

    That should look like this:
    Remove the Finder from Mac OS X App Switcher

  • Now hit Control+O to save the changes, then hit Control+X to exit out of nano
  • Finally you must kill the Finder to relaunch it with the following command:
  • killall Finder

  • Exit out of Terminal and hit Command+Tab again to verify the change

You can undo this at any time by editing the Info.plist file again and removing the two lines you added.

This tip and topmost image come from joshdzielak.com, we modified the process slightly and chose to use the simpler nano editor rather than vi.

Thanks for sending this in Dan

By Paul Horowitz - Customize, Mac OS, Tips & Tricks - 14 Comments

Show the Mouse Pointer in Screen Shots on Mac

Feb 12, 2012 - 10 Comments

Mouse Pointer visible in a screen shot

If you’ve ever taken a screen shot in Mac OS X you’ll notice the cursor is nowhere to be found, even if you’re taking a screenshot of something like a menu in use. Instead, if you want to snap the mouse cursor or pointer as well in the screen shot, you’ll use a slightly different screenshot method.

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By Paul Horowitz - Mac OS, Tips & Tricks - 10 Comments

A Brief Look at How Developers Test for iOS Application Compatibility

Feb 12, 2012 - 4 Comments

Lots of iPhones, iPads, iPods, and Androids

Have you ever wondered how an iOS developer tests for application compatibility with the myriad of devices and versions of iOS out there? This picture from developer David Smith gives us an idea, as you can see it takes a lot of hardware. Four iPads, four iPod Touchs, four iPhones, each with a different version of Apple’s mobile OS running (there are even a few non-iOS devices thrown in there for other mobile testing, with two Android phones, a Windows Phone, a Kindle Fire tablet, and a Kindle 4). If you’re wondering why this is necessary, David explains:

I can test anything from iOS 3.1 through iOS 5. The older OS versions are especially helpful to keep around since it is essentially impossible to replicate an issue on iOS 3.X without having a dedicated device kicking around.

This isn’t a fragmentation thing though, this is more a look at how meticulous some iOS developers are for ensuring compatibility for even the most obscure use cases. How necessary it will be for developers to hold onto so many variations of iOS remains to be seen, but the adoption rate of the latest iOS versions looks to accelerate dramatically thanks to Apple bringing the OTA update feature to iOS 5. Of course this also means that those who are lingering on earlier versions of iOS will inevitably begin to miss out on new application features and full compatibility, as anyone using old iPhone and iOS gear can already attest to, and it’s likely that future iOS compatibility labs will include just two devices: an iPhone and an iPad.

For the Mac side of things, it’s also interesting to note that Apple has a Mac compatibility lab at the 1 Infinite Loop campus in Cupertino, California that developers can schedule appointments to use. You can read more about the Mac compatibility lab at Apple.com and explore its vast amount of Macs, but apparently no such lab exists for iOS gear… yet at least.

By Matt Chan - iPad, iPhone - 4 Comments

Download Photo Stream Photos to a Folder in Mac OS X

Feb 11, 2012 - 13 Comments

Save Photo Stream Images to a folder in Mac OS X

Photo Stream is a nice feature of iCloud that pushes all of your pictures automatically to your other iOS devices and your Mac with iPhoto or Aperture. If you haven’t used it before, this means if you take a picture on your iPhone, it will automatically show up in the Photo Stream on your iPad, and also in iPhoto on your Mac. Oddly, there isn’t an option to choose a destination other than iPhoto or Aperture in Mac OS X though, but this cool trick allows you to specify a folder and then download all the images from iCloud to your Mac, without using iPhoto or Aperture.

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By William Pearson - iPad, iPhone, Mac OS, Tips & Tricks - 13 Comments

Make an Active Console Log the Background Wallpaper of iPad or iPhone

Feb 11, 2012 - 7 Comments

WallpaperLog for iOS

A new free app will soon be available on the Cydia store that puts an active Console log as the background wallpaper of your iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch, giving you an overview of all low level events going on with iOS on the device.

WallpaperLog will be a free download on Cydia. Of course, to use and access the Cydia store you will need to have a jailbroken iOS device. Nowadays that isn’t too hard to do and it’s easy to reverse, so if you don’t have jailbroken hardware and are interested in trying this out, backup your iOS device and then use either Absinthe for iOS 5.01. on iPad 2 and iPhone 4S or redsn0w for iOS 5.0.1 on all other iDevices.

It’s not known for certain yet, but it looks like this scrolls through /private/var/log/system.log, as you can see up top on an iPhone (left) and iPad (right), and larger full size screenshots below. Is this useful? Not necessarily for everyone. Is this cool? Yes, absolutely, and the geekier amongst us should get a kick out of it, much like a GeekTool script running atop the background of a Mac OS X desktop,

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By William Pearson - iPad, iPhone - 7 Comments

Mac Setups: MacBook Pro 13″ & External LG 22″ Display

Feb 11, 2012 - 2 Comments

MacBook Pro Desk

This nice and clean Mac setup comes from reader Jason Y. and is used for graphic design and photo editing. Rather than going with the defacto Apple keyboard and mouse, Jason chose a wireless mouse and solar keyboard from Logitech, making it stand out a bit from the pack. Hardware shown in this setup consists of the following gear:

I have an older MacBook Pro 13″ on the same Griffin laptop stand with an external monitor, and I can confirm that it makes for a pretty nice desk arrangement that emphasizes productivity. Using a laptop stand provides for better ergonomics by raising the display closer to eye level, and also helps keep the MacBook Pro cool by allowing for improved airflow. I’ve never used a solar powered keyboard before, but it’s very well rated on Amazon and not having to deal with swapping out dead batteries constantly sounds like a nice perk.

Another great Mac setup, thanks for sending this in Jason!

Submit pictures of your own Apple & Mac setups to osxdailycom@gmail.com – please include some details on the hardware and what you use it for.

By William Pearson - Mac Setups - 2 Comments

Disable Launchpad Fade Transition Effect in Mac OS X Lion

Feb 10, 2012 - 9 Comments

Launchpad Transition in Mac OS X Lion

Launchpad shows a fading transition anytime it is opened or closed, making for a nice effect over whatever is in the background. It’s pleasant looking, but if you don’t like it you can disable the fading with a few defaults write commands. You can also choose to disable only half of the transition, either for showing or hiding Launchpad.

Disable Launchpad Fading

Launch the Terminal and enter the following commands separately:

defaults write com.apple.dock springboard-show-duration -int 0
defaults write com.apple.dock springboard-hide-duration -int 0

Now you must kill the Dock so it relaunches with the changes:

killall Dock

Launchpad is a subprocess of the Dock so killing the Dock forces Launchpad to reload, and the change will be immediately noticeable when you open Launchpad again. Gone is the smooth transition, and now it’s a sudden switch, almost like changing desktops but without the side scrolling animation. If you only want to disable half of the effect, say for when Launchpad is being hidden, only use the defaults write command with “springboard-hide-duration” in the string.

Re-enable Launchpad Fading

To reenable fading and go back to the default OS X Lion setting, use the following commands:

defaults delete com.apple.dock springboard-show-duration

defaults delete com.apple.dock springboard-hide-duration

Again kill the Dock with:

killall Dock

Remove Launchpad Fade Effect

Launchpad will now be back to it’s usual self with the fading transitions. If you’re not certain, hold down the shift key and see if the transition is in slow motion.

By Paul Horowitz - Customize, Mac OS, Tips & Tricks - 9 Comments

Redesigned MacBook Pro Lineup to be Revealed This Year?

Feb 10, 2012 - 8 Comments

MacBook Pro Lineup in 2012 maybe

The entire MacBook Pro lineup will be redesigned “radically” this year to more closely resemble the MacBook Air, according to a new report from AppleInsider. Citing a source who says “they’re all going to look like MacBook Airs,” AppleInsider also suggests the MacBook Pro 15″ will likely be the first of the bunch to be redesigned, and will feature the removal of older technologies like the traditional hard disk drive and optical drives, in favor of digital distribution and SSD drives.

Assuming the latest report lines up with past rumors and reports, here is what we could possibly see from a refreshed MacBook Pro line this year:

  • Thin and light MacBook Air inspired design
  • Dual Core & Quad Core Ivy Bridge CPU’s with speeds up to 2.9GHz
  • An ultra high resolution display at 2880×1800
  • SSD drive to replace the traditional hard drives
  • Removal of the optical drive
  • Longer battery life
  • Emphasis on digital distribution for software installation

Taiwanese trade publication Digitimes previously suggested that a new MacBook Pro (or Air) 15″ model may come in March, which would coincide nicely with the iPad 3 rollout. If the suspected high resolution display was included, it would also help to resolve the issue of designing for a retina iPad resolution on the currently smaller screen resolutions offered with Mac laptops.

By Matt Chan - Mac, News, Rumor - 8 Comments

Keep a MacBook Running While Closed Without Going to Sleep with NoSleep

Feb 10, 2012 - 34 Comments

Closed MacBook Air

With traditional clamshell mode for a MacBook Air, MacBook Pro, or Macbook, an external display, mouse, and keyboard must be attached in order to maintain the running closed-lid clamshell state. Thanks to a third party kernel extension called NoSleep we can now remove those hardware limitations and run a Mac laptop with the lid closed and no hardware attached.

Installing NoSleep is easy and places a System Preference panel for configuration, along with a menu bar item that lets you toggle the NoSleep function similar to the Caffeine app, but only impacting lid sleep behavior.

Closed MacBook No Sleep

Check “Do not fall asleep when lid is closed” and you can freely shut a portable Mac without the machine sleeping, even without a keyboard or display attached. This is great if you have an old MacBook laying around you want to use as a file server or wireless media center, or you just want to close a Mac while it sits quietly on a desk downloading large files or anything else – just remember to keep the Mac well ventilated when running with the lid closed.

If you’re done with NoSleep or just don’t find it useful, uninstalling NoSleep is best achieved through the bundled uninstaller bash script.

This extension was found on Twitter, although I can’t recall who from or the origin tweet. Thanks to whoever it was!

By Paul Horowitz - Mac OS, Tips & Tricks - 34 Comments

How iPad 3’s Retina Display Resolution Would Compare to Other Screens

Feb 10, 2012 - 31 Comments

iPad 3 vs other resolutions

Assuming iPad 3 (or whatever the next iPad is called) gets the much rumored and highly anticipated ‘retina’ treatment, the screens resolution would come in at a whopping 2048×1536 pixels. That’s an enormous amount of pixels for a screen that isn’t even 10″, and to help convey just how large that is comes an image from clkoerner that compares the rumored iPad 3 resolution to other common resolutions, including the original iPhones, retina iPhones, prior iPads, and a Blu-ray full HD 1080p movie.

Click here to see the full version, be prepared to do a lot of horizontal and vertical scrolling.

As we’ve mentioned before, there is currently no Mac screen capable of displaying a resolution of that size natively, which will pose an interesting challenge for developers and designers to prepare artwork and apps for the next iPad. That fact combined with recent evidence and rumors have led many to believe that Macs with high DPI displays may arrive soon after iPad 3 is announced, although this could be just wishful thinking. A refreshed Apple lineup complete with ultra high resolutions? Let’s hope so, we’ll be finding out soon enough.

By Paul Horowitz - iPad - 31 Comments

New iPhone 4S Commercials Focus on Siri: “Road Trip” and “Rock God”

Feb 9, 2012 - 1 Comment

Apple has started to air two new iPhone 4S commercials that focus on Siri. The first ad is titled “Road Trip” and features a young couple winging a road trip with the help of Siri. The second ad is titled “Rock God” and features a teenagers journey with music, aided by none other than Siri. Both follow the same recurring theme as past iPhone 4S commercials and have the same background tune. You can watch both of them below.

As usual with Apples commercials, the objective is to show how people interact with the iPhone and Siri in real life situations. Although they aren’t as fun as the classic Santa Siri ad, they both do a good job of conveying how useful Siri is for getting directions, finding food and events, retrieving information, sending text messages, and many other daily tasks.

These ads started to air earlier in the week, but weren’t posted online until this evening.

By Paul Horowitz - iPhone, News - 1 Comment

Set Gmail as Default Email Client for Chrome, Firefox, and Safari

Feb 9, 2012 - 32 Comments

Gmail as the default email client

Clicking an email link in a web browser defaults to launching Mail.app, which is great if you use Mail but not so great if you use webmail services like Gmail. This is fairly easy to resolve, though you’ll have to configure it separately on a per-browser basis, with different methods for Firefox, Safari, Chrome, and Opera.
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By Paul Horowitz - Mac OS, Tips & Tricks - 32 Comments

See Every Apple Design Released in History With a 30 Second Video

Feb 9, 2012 - 11 Comments

Want to see every Apple design ever released in 30 seconds of cheesy video? Of course you do. You’ll see everything from the Apple I to the QuickTake Camera to the LC III and of course modern gear like the iPhone and iPad. It looks like all the bases of Apple’s historical releases are covered here, although I’m not so sure the sock looking things at the end are genuine Apple gear.

Update: Apparently the socks at the end are real, yes Apple sells socks, well, for your iPod anyway. Thanks to those who pointed this out!

By Paul Horowitz - Fun - 11 Comments

iPad 3 Release Set for March

Feb 9, 2012 - 9 Comments

iPad 3 looks like an iPad 2

The iPad 3 will be announced in the first week of March and likely go on sale soon after, according to a new report from the Wall Street Journal’s AllThingsD. Typically well connected and the source of most accurate leaks from Apple, AllThingsD says the event will probably be held at the Yerba Buena Center for the Arts in San Francisco.

As for the device itself, AllThingsD reiterates existing rumors that iPad 3 will have a much faster processor and a high resolution “retina” display. Here is a roundup of the current rumors to paint a better picture of the device we’ll see in March:

  • Quad-Core CPU
  • Improved graphics chip
  • 2048×1536 resolution retina display
  • Dual Mode CDMA-GSM Support for 3G devices
  • Improved rear and front cameras
  • Enclosure, size, and appearance practically identical to iPad 2
  • Siri integration
  • Likely to ship with iOS 5.1

Most of these rumors have been around a while in some form or another. There is also some speculation that the next iPad won’t be called iPad 3 at all, but possibly iPad 2S, iPad HD, or something else entirely.

Regarding the physical appearance of the device, AllThingsD says the next iPad will be “similar in form factor to the iPad 2”. This is familiar wording to the final rumors leading up to the iPhone 4S’s release last year, which ended up looking almost identical to the prior generation iPhone 4. The idea of having a similar appearance is also backed up by recently leaked images from Apple.pro that are said to be of the third generation iPad rear shell:

iPad 3 shell

These pictures show what appears to be a rear enclosure for an iPad with a 3G antenna, and although it looks nearly the same as iPad 2 there are some minor differences in how the interior is laid out.

Update: The New York Times is also chiming in with their own sources, confirming the early March timeframe and also reaffirming some of the hardware rumors:

An Apple employee said that the version of the new iPad that is being tested inside the company is “essentially the same size and shape as the iPad 2,” with an improved and “truly amazing” screen. The tablet will include a faster processor, said the employee, who did not want to be identified because Apple is not fond of leaks.

The NYT report also raises some questions on naming the next iPad, which may or may not be called iPad 3.

By Matt Chan - iPad, News, Rumor - 9 Comments

Verify SHA1 Hash with openssl

Feb 9, 2012 - 2 Comments

Terminal in OS X

An alternative to checking a SHA1 hash with shasum is to use openssl. Yes, the same openssl utility used to encrypt files can be used to verify the validity of files.

The syntax is quite similar to the shasum command, but you do need to specify ‘sha1’ as the specific algorithm like so:
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By William Pearson - Command Line, Mac OS, Tips & Tricks - 2 Comments

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