iPad 2 Rumors: Dual Core CPU, USB, Anti-Glare Screen, CDMA + GSM Version, etc

Dec 29, 2010 - 6 Comments


As the due date for iPad 2 approaches, the rumor mill conjecture continues to heat up. The latest rumors for the next iPad are as follows:

iPad 2 will have Dual-Core CPU
The basis of this rumor comes from a Senior Technology Analyst at the Rodman & Renshaw investment bank, Ashkok Kumar, who claims that Apple will update both the iPad and iPhone to have a dual core processor featuring two 1GHz ARM Cortex A9 cores. If true this could offer a significant performance boost on the devices. What’s the source of the information? Nobody knows for sure, but one can speculate it’s from contacts somewhere in the iPad supply chain, or perhaps it’s just an educated guess.

iPad 2 + USB Port?
Earlier alleged iPad 2 case designs gave some hints as to what the iPad 2 will bring, and as we pointed out there’s a mystery opening on the top of the case that could be appropriate for a micro-USB port. Now a new rumor is giving further credence to this claim, although we have also heard conflicting reports that the top case opening is actually for a light sensor. The source? A reportedly well-connected Russian man who allegedly spoke with an ODM vendor, who claims that iPad 2 will have a USB port. So someone told someone who told someone that the next iPad will have a USB port, hmm… it’d be a great feature but take this one with a grain of salt for now.

iPad 2 with a “Smudge Proof Anti-Glare Screen”
DigiTimes is hit and miss with it’s rumors, and now they’re claiming the next iPad screen will have “anti-smudge and anti-reflective treatments in order to compete against Kindle and attract more consumers.” Sounds good, although I’d be very surprised if the iPad lost the glass surface.

Three iPad 2 Versions: CDMA, GSM, Wi-Fi
A CDMA iPad rumor? Not too surprising. This one is DigiTimes again,who says that Apple will release up to three separate iPad 2 models that offer Wi-Fi, 3G cellular access, and CDMA compatibility (thus, Verizon).

Slimmer Body & Flatter Back
This is based on the cases that are popping up, the current iPad model doesn’t fit and there’s extra room floating around some of the edges. Assuming the cases are real, this obviously means the next iPad is going to be a bit slimmer. Judging by the cases, you can also assume that the back is going to be more flat and that the side bezels may be slightly slimmer.

Better Speakers
This is widely reported with no real source, but I think it’s common sense speculation just based on looking at the iPad 2 case leaks that are floating around: there’s a huge port at the bottom of the case where the speaker usually is, what else would it be?

Dual Cameras
This is nothing new and continues to be a widely anticipated feature of the iPad 2. The leaked case designs show an opening on the back for a camera, and FaceTime is a heavy selling point of the existing iPhone and iPod touch, it would only make sense to come to the iPad. The only thing that would be surprising here is if Apple didn’t release dual cameras for FaceTime support on the next iPad.

By Matt Chan - iPad, News - 6 Comments

Sleep to Music with an iPhone or iPod touch

Dec 29, 2010 - 6 Comments

iOS devices can be used to help you fall asleep to music

Using a Sleep Timer feature, you can set your iPhone or iPod touch to automatically stop playing music after a given amount of time passes, this allows you to fall asleep to music without your music playing all night.

This sleep Music feature is built directly in iOS and you don’t need to download any third party apps, it’s all contained within the iOS software itself.

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By Paul Horowitz - iPhone, Tips & Tricks - 6 Comments

Need a Leather iPad Case? This one is $1

Dec 29, 2010 - 7 Comments

leather ipad case

Amazon is blowing out the CaseCrown Leather iPad Case for just $1 plus $4.99 in shipping and handling. This is a 97% discount and by far the cheapest genuine leather case I’ve ever seen for an iPad. Why the huge discount? I have no idea, but grab it while you can.

By William Pearson - iPad - 7 Comments

sIFR Flash – How to Display sIFR Flash Text with a Flash Block Plugin Installed

Dec 29, 2010 - 3 Comments


Usually when people complain about Flash it’s regarding the abysmal performance (particularly on Mac OS X) when playing Flash elements, games, and videos. The easiest solution for Mac users is to just install a Flash blocker plugin like ClickToFlash so that Flash files are not automatically loaded.

Unfortunately by using a Flash blocker you may unintentionally limit the display of some web text, data, and headlines displayed through something called sIFR. Rather than an element on a page, you’ll see the ‘sIFR Flash’ image above repeated on a webpage instead (highlighted in red box below):
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By David Mendez - Mac OS, Troubleshooting - 3 Comments

iPod Nano jailbreak may be possible soon

Dec 28, 2010 - 1 Comment

ipod nano jailbreak soon

A self proclaimed ‘iPod Nano hacker’ has found a way to boot an iPod nano with modified system files, which suggests that the device may be possible to jailbreak sometime in the near future.

The hack at this stage is pretty simple, it’s basically just removing apps from the launchboard screen and creating a blank space instead, but it’s a start. Some iPod fan sites are erroneously reporting that there is a jailbreak available for the iPod Nano and that is not the case, as described by the Nano Hacker:

the iPod Nano hasn’t been “jailbroken” as some sites claim, I do not have root access over the device. I did not “install” an app. I figured out how to remove them and insert a blank space into the springboard.

What I have also done is figured out a way for the iPod to boot with modified files (eg the SpingBoard Plist), bypassing the procedure it takes to stop this, I hope this will allow us to figure out a way to jailbreak it. I am primarily focusing on exposing some of the (for now) hidden features of the device.

So again, the iPod nano has not been jailbroken but this could represent a step in that direction. If you recall, the touchscreen iPod Nano does not run iOS but rather a variant operating system that shares some similarities, which are quite obvious given the functionality and GUI. I was a little disappointed to hear the nano doesn’t run iOS proper, as I’m sure developers would create a lot of fun apps for the tiny and ultra portable iPod, but perhaps through a jailbreak this possibility will be opened up through the world of Cydia.

We’ll keep you posted, this might be a fun one to follow.

By Paul Horowitz - Hardware, News - 1 Comment

Rotate Mac Screen Orientation

Dec 28, 2010 - 59 Comments

iMac with an external display rotated vertically

A little known trick allows users to rotate the Mac screen, thereby allowing a display to run in a vertical 90 degree orientation, or even in a flipped mode. Display rotation is possible on any monitor connected to any Mac, whether that’s an external display or even on the the primary built-in screens of a MacBook Pro, Air, or an iMac. As you may have discovered already, this is not an option which is visible immediately in Mac OS preferences, instead users will need to access a hidden pull-down menu within the Display preferences to toggle and adjust the display orientation setting into portrait or landscape mode.

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By Paul Horowitz - Mac OS, Tips & Tricks - 59 Comments

Redsn0w 0.9.7b3 Download Released

Dec 27, 2010 - 11 Comments

redsn0w 0-9-7b3 download Update 2: Redsn0w 0.9.7b5 has just been released and it fixes the Bluetooth issues.

Update: Redsn0w 0.9.7b4 download is now available, it is recommended to use that instead.

The Dev Team has just released another public beta version of the untethered iOS 4.2.1 jailbreak. Redsn0w 0.9.7b3 aims to resolve some of the bugs from the prior 0.9.7b2 release, bringing stability to FaceTime calls, winterboard themes, and YouTube.

The limited beta still only works in Mac OS X on an iPhone 4, iPad, and iPod touch 4G. Other hardware will be supported in the final release, and a Windows version will be out then too. The same caveat applies as before, this is a public beta test and should not be considered a stable jailbreak for mass consumption. Most users should wait for the final stable release of the redsn0w untethered jailbreak for iOS 4.2.1 which should be finalized in the near future thanks to the rapid speed at which the Dev Team is working on these redsn0w betas.

Download Redsn0w 0.9.7b3

You can download the latest here:

For those who are curious what this all pertains to, the iPhone Dev Team is working on an untethered jailbreak for the latest iOS update. Currently, many jailbroken iOS devices must boot with the device attached to a computer in order to work properly. You can learn more about tethered vs untethered jailbreaks if you are interested.

By Manish Patel - iPad, iPhone - 11 Comments

Is the iPad the best product of 2010?

Dec 27, 2010 - 1 Comment

ipad best product of 2010

As the 2010 comes to a close, several prominent tech writers are declaring the iPad the best product of the year.

Walt Mossberg has declared the iPad the “best product of 2010” saying:

For a 1.0 product, the iPad was amazing. With the new iOS 4.2 operating system and its huge selection of apps, the iPad continues to stay ahead of the competition.

Also appearing in Walt’s top three products of 2010 was the iPhone 4.

MG Siegler of TechCrunch writes that the iPad is:

Maybe the best v1 product Apple has ever made? Maybe the best v1 product anyone has ever made? There was so much hype leading up to the launch that it seemed impossible that it would live up to the hype. But, remarkably, the iPad blew past it.

It’s crazy to think that Apple will improve it greatly with v2, but you know they will. It has already changed the face of personal computing.

MG also loves the new MacBook Air, the new Apple TV, a handful of iOS apps, and the iPhone (minus AT&T).

With all the acclaim that’s fallen on the current iPad, you’ve got to wonder what’s in store for the next gen iPad 2 which should be announced sometime in the near future.

By Matt Chan - iPad, News - 1 Comment

iPad Games for Cats

Dec 27, 2010 - 8 Comments

ipad game for cats

Think you’ve seen it all? Think again, because now there are iPad games designed for cats. Yes, you read that right. Hiccup Inc is an iOS developer that is creating iPad games for cats, and their first title, the appropriately named “Games for Cats” is hilarious because cats actually play the game. Well, play as in swipe at a moving object on the iPad screen that is.

Dubbed “The Worlds Best Video Game for Cats” (not sure if there are any competitors in this space), it’s a pretty basic concept really. Things move around the screen and cats swipe at them. You can select either laser mode which mimics the classic laser pointer that cats go absolutely nuts over, or you can choose mouse mode, which features a rabid squeaky mouse that scurries away and squeaks in response to a cats paws touch. The game even keeps track of high scores.

Instead of talking about the game any further, I’d recommend watching some of the videos of the cats playing “Games for Cats” they are pretty funny:
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By Paul Horowitz - Fun, iPad - 8 Comments

Redsn0w 0.9.7b2 Download Available

Dec 26, 2010 - 1 Comment


Update 2: Redsn0w 0.9.7b4 download is now available and no longer requires usbmux to jailbreak.

Update: redsn0w 0.9.7b3 has been released and provides further stability, it is recommended to use the latest beta version.

Redsn0w 0.9.7b2 has just been released into the public redsn0w untethered jailbreak iOS 4.2.1 beta test program. The latest beta resolves some significant problems with the first beta, and the iPhone Dev Team says that 0.9.7b2 should resolve all the crashes that were occurring from the prior b1 release. It’s worth mentioning that bluetooth is still disabled, and unlocks are continue to be unsupported. The Dev Team also suggests that if testers had any trouble using usbmuxd with beta1 that they should wait until the software is integrated directly into a coming release of redsn0w itself.

Download Redsn0w 0.9.7b2

The 0.9.7 beta releases are recommended for testers only, it can be downloaded directly:

As before, this beta version only works on Mac OS X with an iPhone 4, iPad, and iPod touch 4G. Windows users as well as those with other iOS hardware will need to wait until a more finalized public release of the untethered jailbreak.

The iPhone Dev Team suggests to try redsn0w 0.9.7b2 only after a fresh restore to limit variables involved in debugging. When running the app, select “Jailbreak Monte” to test out the untethered jailbreak solution.

By Manish Patel - iPad, iPhone - 1 Comment

Redsn0w 0.9.7b1 Download Available

Dec 26, 2010 - 5 Comments

redsn0w 0-9-7-b1-download

Update 3: Redsn0w 0.9.7b4 is now available and no longer requires usbmux to initiate the jailbreak.

Update 2: redsn0w 0.9.7b3 download is now available and provides further stability.

Update: A newer and more stable Redsn0w 0.9.7b2 has just been released, it is recommended for beta testers to use that version instead.

The latest version of the Redsn0w jailbreak is available to download via the iPhone Dev Team. The Redsn0w 0.9.7b1 release is the much talked about untethered jailbreak for iOS 4.2.1, meaning you’ll be able to boot your iPhone without attaching it to a computer with redsn0w running, however this is very much a beta release and should be used only by veteran jailbreakers who want to help beta test the release.

The Dev Team is calling this betas backup method the “Jailbreak Monte” and the beta indeed makes it a game of chance, since not all hardware can use this jailbreak. Redsn0w 0.9.7b1 only works to jailbreak iPhone 4, iPad, and iPod touch, and only if you have saved your iOS 4.2b3 SHSH blobs with Cydia. If you rely on the ultrasn0w unlock, you also can not use the latest Redsn0w 0.9.7b1, and you’ll need to wait until the beta period is over.

Download Redsn0w 0.9.7b1

This beta release of redsn0w is currently limited only to Mac OS X users:

There are a several significant bugs in this beta release, most notably that Bluetooth functionality is disabled and the iPod music player only works on the 4G iPod touch at the moment. There are also reports of Springboard (application launcher) crashing frequently and many apps becoming unstable. This release is definitely not for the faint of heart or those who are not familiar with the jailbreak and restoration process.

Be sure to backup your iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch before using redsn0w 0.9.7b1 and read all instructions.

By Manish Patel - iPad, iPhone - 5 Comments

Make a MacBook Air look like a composition notebook

Dec 26, 2010 - 2 Comments

macbook air notebook skin

The MacBook Air is tiny and very notebook like as is, but one MacBook Air owner decided to take that idea one step further and create a composition notebook skin for his MacBook Air. The MacBook Air is beautiful as is, but I kind of like the topsheet and bottomsheet cover idea, I can’t say I’m a fan of the ruled pages appearing on the inside of the Air though.

It’s almost like camoflauge if you just keep it on the exterior, certainly making the MacBook Air blend in with regular day to day notebooks and writing pads… so this could be useful for some.

You can see more pictures on the Flickr and even download the PNG files yourself if you want to make your own, in case you’re super dedicated to the customization thing.

Personally I prefer stickers and what not on my MacBooks, but there are plenty who are satisfied with the plain shell that comes stock, admittedly beautiful in it’s stark aluminum glory. What about you? Do you customize the look of your Mac?

By William Pearson - Fun, Mac - 2 Comments

Merry Christmas!

Dec 25, 2010 - Leave a Comment

ipad christmas

Merry Christmas from OSXDaily.com!

Things will be a bit slow around here today, but:

Check out a geeky Christmas concert of an all iPad, iPhone, and iPod touch band performing Christmas songs.

If you got an iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch for Christmas, you’ll need to download iTunes 10.1 before you grab the iOS 4.2.1 update. If you’re feeling adventurous, you can jailbreak and turn the iPhone into a wireless hotspot. Don’t forget to check out the most popular iPhone and iPad apps for 2010 for some app ideas.

Did you get a new Mac? How about copying the iTunes library from a PC to a Mac?

If you got someone else an iPhone, iPod touch, or iPad, why not setup an iTunes Store allowance for them?

If you’re a total slacker and still need some last minute gift ideas (the very definition of last minute at this point), go for the virtual gift cards!

By Paul Horowitz - Fun - Leave a Comment

Skype features Verizon logo on iPhone video calling page

Dec 25, 2010 - 2 Comments

skype verizon iphone

Everyone suspects that the Verizon iPhone release date will be soon, but just how soon is anyones guess. Some say the CES expo at January, and others say at a later release date.

And then there is Skype, who has a prominently featured Verizon logo next to their own logo on a page about making Skype video calls on the iPhone. Maybe Skype is just having fun with everyone or maybe they know something and are anticipating FAQ for the Verizon iPhone, but it’s a bit interesting to throw the Verizon logo up on an iPhone Q&A page. 2011 is right around the corner so we’ll be finding out soon enough, until then, let the speculation continue!

By Paul Horowitz - iPhone, News - 2 Comments

iPad Setups: 10 iPads

Dec 25, 2010 - Leave a Comment

lots of ipads

It must be Christmas! Somewhere behind that stack of ten iPads is a guy carrying them all… just don’t trip!

Thanks to Brad for sending this in via Flickr.

By William Pearson - iPad - Leave a Comment

Redsn0w Untethered Jailbreak for iOS 4.2.1 in Need of Beta Testers

Dec 24, 2010 - 3 Comments

redsn0w untethered jailbreak beta The iPhone Dev Team is looking for beta testers to try out the new untethered redsn0w jailbreak for iOS 4.2.1. Requirements for the beta program are as follows:

  • You will need a Mac
  • Your iPhone must not be unlocked or need the ultrasn0w unlock for iOS 4.2.1
  • You have a copy of iOS 4.2b3 IPSW on your Mac
  • You have stored a copy of your 4.2b3 SHSH hashes with Cydia

Update 2: A second and more stable beta has been released as redsn0w 0.9.7b2, however it is still not recommended for the average user.

Update: The beta is now released to the public, you can download Redsn0w 0.9.7b1 to try out the untethered jailbreak, however it is not for the faint of heart.

Note that you won’t need to restore to iOS 4.2b3, you only need a copy of the IPSW file for redsn0w to access. iOS 4.2b3 would be available to those in the Apple iOS Developer Program, and the DevTeam is asking that everyone else do not pirate the beta version.

If you fit the requirements and are interested in participating in the untethered redsn0w beta program, you can follow redsn0w_testers on Twitter and request more information.

Windows users will have to wait for the untethered redsn0w release, but according to iPhone Dev Team member MuscleNerd, “(if) all the Mac testers give good feedback, then the Win port will follow very soon.”

The difference between a tethered vs untethered jailbreak is that a tethered jailbreak requires the iOS device to be connected to a computer and booted with the aid of the jailbreak app. For iOS 4.2.1 it is currently the iPhone 3G, iPhone 3GS, and iPod Touch 2G that are untethered jailbreaks, which can be achieved with redsn0w 0.9.6b6. Other iOS hardware can be jailbroken with redsn0w 0.9.6b6, but it remains tethered.

By Manish Patel - iPhone - 3 Comments

Save credentials when printing with Active Directory from a Mac

Dec 24, 2010 - Leave a Comment

Setting your Mac up to print to a Windows print server with Active Directory is pretty straight forward, but it’s really annoying that your network credentials aren’t stored which causes the login popup screen to display. Looking for a solution to this, I came across a post at TheAppleBlog, and the author had the exact same frustrations I did. It’s not the most straight forward method in the world, but it works. You can check it out here at TheAppleBlog: Printing with Active Directory Credentials.

I’m sort of left wondering why Apple hasn’t resolved this itself within Mac OS X, or maybe they have and I haven’t found a way to implement it?

By Manish Patel - Tips & Tricks - Leave a Comment

Last Minute Christmas Gift Ideas

Dec 23, 2010 - 3 Comments


If you’re anything like me, you waited until the last minute to start Christmas shopping. Yea, it’s stressful and the choices are a bit more limited, but that doesn’t mean you still can’t find some good gifts.

Here are a few last minute Christmas gift ideas:

  • Amazon Gift Cards – You can get them in various denominations and Amazon is offering free next day delivery for physical gift cards, otherwise you can just send a digital gift card even on Christmas Day. And who doesn’t like Amazon? This is probably one of the better last minute gifts since Amazon sells just about everything imaginable.
  • Amazon MP3’s – Give the gift of music, everyone likes music, and Amazon has great deals often beating iTunes prices
  • Many items from Amazon – if you select One Day Shipping and order early enough today, you can still have many gifts delivered by Christmas
  • iTunes Gift Cards – You can buy these and have them digitally delivered directly through iTunes. These are great gifts for everyone that has an iPhone, iPad, iPod, Mac, or who just listens to music. The gift cards work for apps, music, books, movies, media, everything available on iTunes.
  • Free Tech Support from You – If you’re out of ideas or just strapped for cash, why not offer a coupon for free technical support? Maybe you’ll clean out someones PC spyware, upgrade their Mac to 10.6, install RAM for them, whatever. This is a great last minute gift idea for those of us who are technically inclined.
  • Your Love – Who needs gifts when you can give your love? Cheese alert!

Get to it, and Merry Christmas!

By William Pearson - Fun - 3 Comments

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