Manually Restore the Last Browsing Session in Safari on Mac OS X

Jul 8, 2010 - 8 Comments

Safari icon Safari for Mac includes the ability to manually restore your last web browsing session, this is helpful if you want to get back to where you were before a session ended or closed. Unlike Firefox and Chrome, Safari won’t prompt you with the little “restore” button though. While modern versions of OS X will attempt to restore the last browsing session if the Safari app was quit or crashed, old versions of the Mac do not do that, but whether old or new versions of Safari and OS X are in use, you can always manually choose to restore the last browsing session and windows that were closed even without a crash or quit.

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By Paul Horowitz - Tips & Tricks - 8 Comments

Mac sales up 35%

Jul 7, 2010 - 2 Comments

mac sales up

A report published on AppleInsider with data from NPD and Piper Jaffray shows Mac sales are up 35% year-over-year. Responding to initial analysts fears that the release of the iPad would hurt Mac sales, the report shows minimal cannibalization of the Mac product line from the iPad:

“We believe in the long run Mac cannibalization will exist, but will be minimal, Apple has successfully limited the iPad functionality to primarily content consumption vs. content creation on a Mac. And relative to the iPod, the physical size of an iPad provides a meaningfully different value proposition (portability vs. screen size).”

This is important to note because there has been widespread worry that the growth of the iPhone and iPad would ultimately lead to the death of the Mac, which Steve Jobs himself has publicly refuted. You can read more of the report on AppleInsider.

By Manish Patel - Mac, News - 2 Comments

How to Stop Skype from Starting Automatically on a Mac

Jul 7, 2010 - 8 Comments


Skype launches itself automatically on either user login or system boot of Mac OS X. This is either helpful or annoying, depending on your needs. If you wish to stop Skype from opening itself automatically in OS X, you can do so easily using the methods outlined below.

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iPhone 5 Preview

Jul 7, 2010 - 3 Comments

iPhone 5 has been spotted, and here is the first known picture:
iphone 5
So much for reception problems! Ok not really, but it’s pretty funny. This picture was sent to us from Flickr, and it got a good laugh. Check out more iPhone 4 reception humor here (and yes, we realize this whole reception thing is totally overblown).

By Paul Horowitz - Fun, iPhone - 3 Comments

Test Wireless Signal Strength from Command Line of Mac OS X

Jul 7, 2010 - 6 Comments

Terminal in Mac OS X If you’re trying to tweak a wireless router to get the best signal, being able to continuously measure the wi-fi signal strength while you toy with the antennas, placement, and whatever else on the network is really valuable. While most users are best served by using the Mac Wi-Fi Diagnostics app to monitor signal strength and performance, another option is to turn to the command line of Mac OS X, and that’s what we’re going to cover here.

This trick is based entirely from the command line using the somewhat secretive airport wireless tool, and it’s available on all Macs with all versions of Mac OS X. Yes the airport tool is still around and as useful as ever, even though wireless networking is now called Wi-Fi on the Mac.

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Fix iPhone Proximity Sensor Problems

Jul 6, 2010 - 1 Comment

Some users who have upgraded to iPhone OS 4.0 (iOS 4) have noted that the proximity sensor behaves differently, sometimes it’s just less sensitive, a bit slow or lagged, and other times it’s just not as responsive. In the worst case scenario, the iPhone is up to your ear and the device doesn’t detect that it is close, so your ear or face will actually tap on buttons on the screen and either mute the call or even hang it up! This is obviously a software problem and an official fix is expected soon, but for the time being we have a few options that help to remedy the situation.

Here are two solutions to fix the iPhone proximity sensor problems that have been reported:fix iphone proximity problem

Reset your Network Settings:
* Tap on the Settings icon
* Tap General then tap on Reset
* Tap on “Reset Network Settings”

Try making a few phone calls and holding the iPhone up to your ear, if the proximity sensor is still behaving strangely, try the following:

Reset All Settings on the iPhone:
* Tap on Settings
* Tap General
* Tap Reset
* Tap “Reset All Settings”

After both you should restart your iPhone. These are the solutions offered at the moment, as mentioned before there is expected to be a software update to resolve the proximity sensors sensitivity so that it will detect when it is near your ear.

The iPhone 4 has been a huge hit for Apple, sales are through the roof as they struggle to maintain iPhone 4 availability with the huge demand for the device. That’s not to say their haven’t been some hiccups with the launch, users have reported some issues with the reception as well as the aforementioned proximity sensor issue. These problems will be sorted out soon with a fix from Apple.

Of course it’s good to have a sense of humor about things, so if you want a good laugh check out some iPhone 4 humor

By Manish Patel - iPhone, Troubleshooting - 1 Comment

Get iPhone Photo GPS & Geolocation Data

Jul 6, 2010 - 7 Comments

See GPS location data stored in Photos

If you want to know exactly where a photo was taken with an iPhone, the actual image file can often tell you that thanks to it’s embedded GPS and geolocation data. This is often referred to as Geotagging, and it’s a little known feature that is used on almost all smartphone cameras by default, including the iPhone and most Android phones.

We’re going to focus primarily on viewing location and GPS data with iPhone pictures, but this works the same for any photo taken that embeds geolocation details.

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By Manish Patel - iPhone, Tips & Tricks - 7 Comments

Turn Spotlight into an Application Launcher Only in Mac OS X

Jul 6, 2010 - 4 Comments

Spotlight You can easily turn OS X’s wonderful Spotlight search engine into only an application launcher for Mac apps by adjusting the Spotlight search settings that are found within System Preferences.

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By Manish Patel - Customize, Mac OS - 4 Comments

16 hilarious images on iPhone 4 reception

Jul 5, 2010 - 23 Comments

iphone 4 joke

We’ve all heard about the supposed iPhone 4 reception problems by now, so why not poke fun at the issue? Here’s a collection of some of the best iPhone 4 humor we’ve come across, have a laugh and enjoy!

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By William Pearson - Fun, iPhone - 23 Comments

How to Resize a Window That is Too Big or Off Screen in Mac OS

Jul 5, 2010 - 70 Comments

Finder There are times when you will find a windows sizing controls have been rendered inaccessible, the most likely cause is from changing the Mac’s resolution by hooking it up and then disconnecting it from an external display, however I have also seen poorly written javascripts resize windows to outrageous proportions as well. Additionally, sometimes a window just opens largely off screen, making it impossible to access without some creative attempts to moving the window back onto the primary display in Mac OS X.

If you encounter a window on your Mac that is too big to manually drag or resize, try one of these techniques, and you will be able to move it back onto the screen again.

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The Setup: Nerdy interviews with geeks about their hardware & software

Jul 4, 2010 - Leave a Comment

MacBook Pro breakfast setup

Our Mac Setup posts are always popular and well liked by many users who are interested in seeing how other people configure their workstations and get things done. But we’re not the only one doing show-and-tell and Q&A or great interviews about setups and workstations!

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By William Pearson - Fun - Leave a Comment

Mac Setups: iMac & MacBook Pro with vertical Apple Cinema display

Jul 3, 2010 - 5 Comments

imac and macbook pro vertical monitor

The developer of Sifter has a pretty sweet Mac setup, featuring a MacBook Pro and an iMac with an external vertically aligned Apple Cinema display (BTW, I didn’t know you could tilt the ACD’s). I can only imagine how useful it is to have a vertical display like that when coding, and it looks great too! Great setup.

[ via Flickr ]

By William Pearson - Mac Setups - 5 Comments

How to Disable iPhone Data Use

Jul 2, 2010 - 6 Comments

iPhone 5S

Want to turn off all mobile data use on iPhone? The iPhone offers a feature that allows users to easily disable all iPhone data usage when on a cellular network. This means if you’re about to hit your bandwidth cap, you can simply toggle cellular data usage off and avoid any potential overage charges from your cellular carrier.

Turning off cell data does not impact wi-fi connections, so you’ll still be able to access the internet on the device as long as it’s connected to a local wireless network.

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By Paul Horowitz - How to, iPhone, Tips & Tricks - 6 Comments

iOS 4 for iPad Available Now

Jul 1, 2010 - 21 Comments

ios 4 ipad

Update 2: iOS 4.2 download is now available for iPad, get it now!

Update: iOS 4.2 for iPad has been confirmed by Apple to be available in November. This will be the unifying iOS 4 release across i-devices in Apple’s product lineup, and it will bring many new features to the iPad such as multitasking, folders, AirPlay, print support, and more.

If you own an iPad and you want to run the latest version of Apple’s mobile iOS, you’ll have to wait a few more months. A report from AppleInsider looks to confirm the release date of iOS 4 for iPad as November of 2010, this is in line with Apple’s statement during WWDC that OS4 will reach iPad in the Fall.

iPad & iPhone builds of iOS have different features

iPad owners have been left out of the recent release of iOS 4 with it’s new features, as Apple readies an iPad specific OS build for the device. Polls indicate that most iPad users want multitasking and folder support the most out of iOS 4, but due to Apple splitting the builds they’re not missing out on all of the features of the newer OS. The current version of iOS 3.2 supports the use of a bluetooth keyboard with iPad, which is a feature that otherwise is only in iOS 4 for iPhone and iPod touch. Reports indicate that when iOS 4 reaches the iPad, it will come as iOS 4.1 and it will finally combine the differing iPhone and iPad builds of iOS into a single unified operating system.

Updated iPad coming in Fall?

Could the release of iOS 4 for iPad coincide with the release of an updated iPad? That’s what some in the rumormill are suggesting, and it doesn’t seem too unlikely considering the current iPhone 4 has features that the iPad doesn’t; most notably twice the RAM at 512MB, dual cameras with FaceTime support, and the stunning PPI & screen resolution of the Retina display. With these prominent feature differences, an updated iPad alongside the update iOS would bridge the hardware and feature gaps of the two devices.

Update: Rumors continue to circulate about a new iPad with camera and FaceTime compatibility coming in the Fall.

By Manish Patel - iPad, News - 21 Comments

Best iPad Decal Ever

Jul 1, 2010 - 11 Comments

cool ipad decal

If you have fond memories of Shel Silverstein and his famous childrens book “The Giving Tree”, you’ll immediately like this iPad decal, which plays on the cover of that classic book and adds the Apple logo as the fruit falling from the tree. Awesome!

By Paul Horowitz - Fun, iPad - 11 Comments

How to Adjust Display Brightness on Mac Precisely

Jul 1, 2010 - 8 Comments

Adjusting a Mac displays screen brightness

If you need to adjust the brightness of a Mac display precisely, you can turn to two different tricks that offer precision control on just how bright a Macs screen is.

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By Manish Patel - Mac OS, Tips & Tricks - 8 Comments

iPhone 4 + Verizon

Jun 30, 2010 - 9 Comments

iphone 4 verizon Oh the rumor that never dies: iPhone is coming to Verizon. This has been speculated for years, but now the partnership of Apple and Verizon seems nearly certain, at least according to a report by Bloomberg. Citing two anonymous sources, Bloomberg claims that iPhone 4 will be available on the Verizon network starting in January of 2011.

If iPhone 4 became available on Verizon, it could produce a significant sales boost for Apple. AppleInsider cites an analyst saying that just having iPhone available on Verizon could sell an additional 12 million iPhones a year, which certainly wouldn’t help the current iPhone 4 availability difficulties, but it would be a very impressive feat considered Apple sold 11 million iPhone’s last year on AT&T alone. Having the iPhone on Verizon would also alleviate some of the network congestion that AT&T is dealing with as a result of the iPhone’s popularity.

I’m going to continue to treat this as a rumor because it’s been talked about so many times in the past, but supposedly this time it’s true… we’ll see come January!

By Manish Patel - iPhone, News, Rumor - 9 Comments

Set Spotlight Search Priorities in Mac OS X

Jun 30, 2010 - 4 Comments

Spotlight You can easily adjust the search priorities in Spotlight so that other items are listed first in the Mac OS X Spotlight search results. For example, you could adjust the priorities so that files and documents are listed above apps, or so that images are shown above everything else.

There are a ton of options to choose from, and if you have ever wished you could customize your Spotlight results you’ll be happy to discover it’s quite easy to do.

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By Paul Horowitz - Mac OS, Tips & Tricks - 4 Comments

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