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How to Install OS X Yosemite on Any External Drive (Thumb Drive, USB Disk, etc)

Jun 9, 2014 - 29 Comments
Install OS X Yosemite

We’ve covered how to install OS X Yosemite onto a separate partition of an internal hard disk and dual boot with OS X Mavericks, but many Mac users have wondered if it’s possible to install OS X 10.10 onto an external drive instead, thereby avoiding any modifications to the primary Mac hard drive or partition … Read More

Want to Beta Test OS X Yosemite? Sign Up for the Official Beta Program

Jun 6, 2014 - 16 Comments
OS X Yosemite

If you can’t wait until the fall to get your hands on OS X Yosemite, and you don’t want to cough up the $99 to get a Mac Developer Account just for the current Developer Preview access, Apple provides all users with a third option; joining the official OS X public beta program. The OS … Read More

How to Install OS X Yosemite Beta on a New Partition & Safely Dual Boot

Jun 5, 2014 - 55 Comments
Install OS X Yosemite

OS X Yosemite is an amazing update to the Mac operating system that’s really better experienced than seen, but due to it’s current early beta status, it’s generally not a good idea to upgrade your primary OS X volume to the 10.10 beta quite yet. Instead, the safest approach is to install OS X Yosemite … Read More

OS X Yosemite System Requirements & Compatible Macs List

Jun 3, 2014 - 33 Comments

OS X Yosemite will be one of the most exciting updates to Mac system software in many years, complete with an all new user interface, major iOS integration, and tons of new features. Of course all the excitement surrounding Yosemite is largely useless if your Mac won’t actually run OS X 10.10 when it launches … Read More

28 Screen Shots of OS X Yosemite [Gallery]

Jun 2, 2014 - 82 Comments
AirDrop on Mac

OS X Yosemite offers a major visual redesign of Mac OS X, with heavy usage of translucency, transparencies, redesigned icons, a new appearance to the Dock, a completely redesigned Notification Center, and so much more. Set to be released this fall as a free download with tons of features to go along with the visual … Read More

OS X Yosemite Set To Be Released This Fall As A Free Download

Jun 2, 2014 - 1 Comment
OS X Yosemite logo

The next major Mac operating system, OS X Yosemite, will be released to the public this fall. While a specific release date has yet to be announced, fall of 2014 officially begins on September 22 and ends on December 21, offering a vague timeline for the launch and to expect when all Mac users will … Read More

OS X Yosemite is the Next Mac OS: Here’s a First Look

Jun 2, 2014 - 23 Comments

OS X Yosemite is the next major release of the Mac operating system. It’s set to be a whopper of an update for the Mac, with a major new user interface overhaul and a slew of amazing features. Let’s take a quick look based on what we’ve seen so from the OS X Yosemite presentation … Read More

Try Preventing the Bluetooth Wake Ability if Your Mac is Randomly Waking from Sleep

May 30, 2014 - 3 Comments
Disable Bluetooth waking a Mac from sleep

Many Mac users choose to put their computers to sleep when they’re not in use, and unless Macs are scheduled to wake at a specific time, the computer should stay asleep until it has been manually awoken by user input, like a key press or mouse click. Should of course is the operative word here, … Read More

Open Folders as New Windows Instead of Tabs in Finder of Mac OS X

May 28, 2014 - 20 Comments
Open folders into new windows rather than tabs in Mac OS X

The Mac file system received tabbed window support in OS X Mavericks, which also caused opening new Finder windows into launching new tabs rather than an actual new Finder window. While this helps to cut down on window clutter when browsing the file system, it can also be kind of frustrating if you want to … Read More

iPhoto Thumbnails Not Showing Up? Here’s How to Fix That in Mac OS X

May 27, 2014 - 4 Comments
iPhoto thumbnails missing and a fix

Many Mac users rely on iPhoto for their image management and to pull pictures from a digital camera, an iPhone, or Android, a generally flawless experience that makes handling tons of digital pictures easy. But once in a blue moon iPhoto goes awry and you may experience a variety of peculiarities with the image database, … Read More

Recursively Create a Nested Directory Structure & All Subfolders with a Single Command

May 27, 2014 - 10 Comments
Create a nested directory structure with mkdir command

Creating a series of nested directories within one another can be done instantly through the command line. This makes it very easy to immediately and recursively create a complex directory structure of folders within subfolders of subfolders, without having to navigate manually into each directory to create a new directory, then navigate again to that … Read More

Create ASCII Art Text Banners at the Command Line

May 23, 2014 - 9 Comments
Mac Terminal icon

Graphics and large stylized text blocks constructed entirely out of the ASCII keyboard characters is called ASCII art. You may have seen it with the goofy ASCII Star Wars thing, but once upon a time it was very popular to stylize messages and images on BBS’s, IRC, MUDs, message boards, and across the early days … Read More

Instantly Eject All Mounted Drives & Disks from the Command Line in Mac OS X

May 22, 2014 - 18 Comments
Eject all mounted volumes from the command line of Mac OS X

The next time you’re at the command line and need to eject every single mounted volume, hard drive, disk, disk image, and/or external drive attached to a Mac, you can instantly eject them all in one fell swoop with a handy osascript command string. This is great if you work frequently in the Terminal and … Read More

How to Use the Port Scanner in Mac OS X Network Utility

May 20, 2014 - 20 Comments
Scan ports from a Mac

Mac OS X comes with a bundled port scanner tool, just one of a variety of features tucked into the ever useful Network Utility app. That means you don’t need to bother with the command line or install more advanced tools like nmap to quickly scan for open ports on a given IP or domain, … Read More

How to Check Bluetooth Keyboard Battery Levels from Command Line on Mac OS X

May 18, 2014 - 11 Comments
Get Bluetooth battery life from the command line of Mac OS X

Ever needed to remotely check the battery level of a Bluetooth keyboard connected to a Mac? Or maybe you’re just a heavy Terminal user and wanted to see the current battery life of a wireless keyboard without having to leave the command line? You can do that easily through the Terminal of either a remote … Read More

See a “Flash Out-of-Date” Message in Safari on Mac? Here’s How to Fix That

May 17, 2014 - 20 Comments
Flash Out-of-Date in Safari for Mac OS X

Mac users who primarily browse the web with Safari will eventually notice the “Flash out-of-date” message appearing somewhere in the browser. This happens because the Mac will intentionally disable the Flash player plugin when it has become outdated, preventing any potential security breaches from occurring. As you probably guessed, this just means you need to … Read More

iTunes 11.2.1 Fixes the Missing /Users Directory Issue for Mac OS X

May 16, 2014 - 4 Comments
iTunes 11.2.1 update resolves missing Users folder

Apple has released iTunes 11.2.1, an update that, curiously, resolves the issue where some users encountered their /Users folder gone missing along with changed permissions to the same directory. Initially thought to be a bug with the OS X 10.9.3 update, apparently the problem was actually related to the accompanying update to iTunes.

Is Your /Users Folder Missing in OS X 10.9.3? Here’s How To Show Users Again

May 16, 2014 - 7 Comments
Users folder in Mac OS X

Update: iTunes 11.2.1 resolves this problem, making the Users folder visible again while also turning the directory permissions back to normal. All Mac users should install iTunes 11.2.1, even if they only updated to iTunes 11.2 and did not update to OS X 10.9.3 yet.

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