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Close Windows When Quitting Apps in Mac OS X Selectively or Always

May 7, 2013 - Leave a Comment
Close windows on application quit

Mac OS X defaults to automatically re-opening windows when an application is quit and relaunched later. This feature is borrowed from iOS and it’s incredibly useful, and once you become dependent on it you’ll find that it can really increase your productivity by allowing you to get back to work quickly. This is especially true … Read More

How to Fix Randomly Disconnecting Bluetooth Keyboards & Devices on Mac

May 6, 2013 - 50 Comments
Bluetooth logo

Bluetooth devices are usually extremely reliable, but every once in a while something can start acting up and either lose it’s connection with the Mac completely, or suddenly develop a flaky connection. With something like the Apple Wireless Keyboard, a Magic Trackpad, or a Magic Mouse, it’s fairly obvious when something is going wrong; clicks … Read More

9 Tricks to Ease a Cluttered Mac Desktop & Maintain Focus

May 6, 2013 - Leave a Comment
Full Screen mode icon for OS X

Desktop clutter happens to the best of us, even if we try our hardest to maintain a remarkably simplified virtual workspace. Whether it’s way too many icons thrown all over the desktop from working with files, or just a million and one windows open for various apps, documents, and browser tabs, there are some simple … Read More

Enable HDMI Audio & Toggle Sound Output from Mac OS X Quickly

May 4, 2013 - 22 Comments
Mac audio output

If you’ve ever connected a Mac to something else like a TV through HDMI, you’ve probably noticed that, unlike the video source, sound output does not automatically change to the newly connected hardware. This is intentional, but many users misinterpret that as a problem with their HDMI adapter or cable, or even their Macs output … Read More

Zoom Web Browsers & Increase Font Size for Easier Reading on the Web

May 3, 2013 - 1 Comment
Zoom web pages on the Mac with these keyboard shortcuts

Though most web pages pick a reasonable text size, some are just too hard to read because the font size is either too big, or more typically, just too small. Sometimes it’s not the web sites fault though, and a web page that is perfectly viewable on one computer may become teeny-tiny on another display … Read More

Change the Notification Center Background Pattern in Mac OS X

May 2, 2013 - 1 Comment
Notification Center wallpaper background before and after being replaced in OS X

Tired of seeing that linen wallpaper in the background of Notification Center of OS X? You can change that linen pattern to something else, giving a nice customized appearance to the Notifications panel when you’re checking alerts on the Mac. There are actually two ways to swap out the Notifications background, the harder manual way … Read More

Use a Single External Hard Drive for Time Machine Backups and File Storage

May 1, 2013 - 58 Comments
Specify the Time Machine partition

Having regular backups of your Mac is a necessity, and there is really no easier way to consistently back up your Mac than by using the excellent Time Machine feature of OS X. But with the enormous size of external hard drives and their prices becoming cheaper and cheaper, it’s not always necessary to dedicate … Read More

How to Exclude Files from a Zip Archive

Apr 30, 2013 - 6 Comments
Zip archive icon

The easiest way to exclude many specific files or a group of matched files from a zip archive is by skipping the easy zipping utility built into Mac OS X’s friendly UI and turn over to the command line, where the powerful zip command resides.

Disable the Red Badge Alerts on Dock Icons in Mac OS X

Apr 29, 2013 - 1 Comment
Disable badge app icons in Mac OS X

The little red badges that appear on app icons stored in the Mac OS X Dock are intended to provide a quick alert and overview of some important notification pertaining to the respective app. Whether it’s the new unread email count, new iMessages, a Calendar event, unfinished Reminders, missed FaceTime calls, or any other number … Read More

How to Connect a Mac to a TV with HDMI for Full Audio & Video Support

Apr 28, 2013 - 61 Comments
Connect a Mac to a TV

Ever wanted to connect a Mac to a TV screen? Maybe you want to use the TV as a giant external monitor, to play games on a big screen, or just for video playback and movie streaming? It’s actually quite easy to do, and we’ll cover the entire process from start to finish. We’re going … Read More

Using the Delete Key on a Mac & Adding a Forward Delete Button

Apr 26, 2013 - 12 Comments
Using the Delete Key on a Mac, including Forward Delete and deleting full lines of text

The delete key on a Mac keyboard functions like a backspace key on a Windows/PC keyboard, deleting a character at a time backwards from where the cursor is located. Pretty straightforward, but many newcomers to the Mac platform are confused as to why there isn’t a forward delete key… well it turns out there is … Read More

How To Retrieve Forgotten Web Site & Browser Passwords in Mac OS X via Command Line

Apr 25, 2013 - Leave a Comment
Allow security to retrieve a password from keychain

You can retrieve forgotten website and browser passwords by using a command line tool in Mac OS X. This is a handy feature that gives you access to the Keychain via Terminal. How many times have you forgotten the password to a website? Don’t feel bad because it happens to the best of us. The … Read More

Improve Command Line History Search with These .inputrc Modifications

Apr 24, 2013 - Leave a Comment
Terminal logo

If you’re a heavy command line user, you’re probably well aware that the arrow keys can be used to flip through previously executed commands and the tab key can complete them. But both of these functions can be significantly improved upon for searching through past command history by adding a few modifications to your .inputrc … Read More

How to Change File Ownership in Mac OS X

Apr 23, 2013 - 10 Comments
User icon

Though it’s somewhat rare to encounter ownership and permissions errors in Mac OS X, it can happen, particularly when an account has been moved, or a files owner has been modified by a third party application. Oftentimes you can just run through the process to repair user permissions, but that’s not always guaranteed to sort … Read More

Delete Contacts from iPhone the Fast Way, All or Individually

Apr 23, 2013 - 15 Comments
Contacts icon in iOS

Need to delete a contact from the iPhone? Maybe you want to delete all contacts from the iPhone, iCloud, Mac OS X, iPad, and everywhere else they appear, so that you can start anew with a completely blank address book? You can do both easily and quickly, and while deleting a single contact is quick … Read More

How to Secure Erase a Mac SSD / Hard Disk from Recovery Mode

Apr 22, 2013 - 14 Comments
Disk Utility in Mac OS X

The newest Macs ship with a Recovery partition rather than a separate external reinstall disk, and if you’ve ever rebooted a newer Mac, iMac, MacBook Air, or MacBook Pro with an SSD from the Recovery partition to reformat the drive, you may have noticed that by default the “Security Options” button is greyed out in … Read More

Reduce Dock Clutter in OS X by Minimizing Windows Into Their App Icons

Apr 20, 2013 - 8 Comments
Minimized window thumbnails in the Dock of Mac OS X

If you minimize a lot of app windows while using a Mac you’ve probably noticed that the right side of the Dock in OS X quickly becomes cluttered with tons and tons of those minimized window thumbnails, and as they build up the size of the visible Dock slowly starts to shrink and adjust the … Read More

Got an Older Mac? MLPostFactor Installs OS X 10.8.3 on Old Unsupported Macs

Apr 20, 2013 - 28 Comments
Installing OS X Mountain Lion on older Macs with MLPostFactor

Many older Macs lost out on the ability to run OS X Mountain Lion (10.8.3!), but some hard working fellows have created a free third party tool called MLPostFactor that allows for the newest version of OS X to be installed on older, officially unsupported Macs. The process used to be quite complicated, but with … Read More

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