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Manage & Switch Between Default Web Browsers Quickly with Objektiv for OS X

Feb 7, 2013 - 2 Comments
Objektiv juggles default web browsers in Mac OS X

Between Chrome, Safari, Firefox, Canary builds, Opera, and the myriad of other apps, juggling between web browsers can be a pain. This is even more exaggerated since every browser wants to set itself as the default, and then, to go about changing the default web browser after the fact, you have to open Safari and … Read More

Fix Archive Utility When It Stops Working, Crashes, or Freezes in Mac OS X

Feb 6, 2013 - 21 Comments
fix for when Archive Utility is not working

Archive Utility is the little system app that launches anytime an archive needs to be dealt with by OS X, usually it launches itself, extracts a zip, sit, tar, gz, or whatever other archive file, then quits on it’s own. Lately there’s been widespread reports of weird problems with Archive Utility though, where a zip … Read More

How to Run GUI Apps as root in Mac OS X

Feb 6, 2013 - 10 Comments
Launch a GUI application as root in Mac OS X

Those familiar with the command line know that running things with super user privileges is typically just a matter of using the sudo command. That still holds true with launching GUI apps into the OS X with root privileges, but it’s not just a matter of prepending sudo to the otherwise useful open command, because … Read More

Simple Tricks to Improve the Terminal Appearance in Mac OS X

Feb 5, 2013 - 56 Comments
Improve the Terminal appearance

The standard terminal appearance is just boring old black text on a white background. Apple included a few nice preset themes too, but to really make your terminals appearance stand out you’ll want to take the time to customize it yourself. While some of these tweaks are admittedly pure eye candy, others genuinely improve the … Read More

Send a File to Multiple Remote Macs or iOS Devices from the Mac OS X Finder

Feb 4, 2013 - 4 Comments
Send a file from a Mac to multiple Macs and iOS Clients

A new contextual menu feature available in the OS X Finder make sending files out from a Mac faster than ever before, and perhaps even better, this trick can be used to send a file or document to multiple client recipients, be they on nearby Macs and iPads, or far away iPhones and iPod touches. … Read More

Stream iTunes Music to Multiple Devices with AirPlay

Feb 3, 2013 - 4 Comments
Stream iTunes music to multiple devices with AirPlay

AirPlay and iTunes let you stream music to multiple devices simultaneously. This means you can have the same music playing on your desktop computer in sync with devices in other locations, like an iPhone or iPod touch connected to a speaker dock, an Apple TV in the living room, a media center running XBMC, or … Read More

Strange Bug Causes Instant App Crashes in Mac OS X by Typing File:///

Feb 2, 2013 - 21 Comments
Crash a Mac App

An unusual Mac bug has surfaced in OS X that causes any application to immediately crash just by typing a short character sequence. The bug was first reported on OpenRadar and is thought to relate to the spell checking and autocorrection features, though the bug is also replicable in prior versions of Mac OS X … Read More

Use Option as Meta Key in Mac Terminal

Feb 1, 2013 - 6 Comments
Meta key in Mac OS X Terminal

By turning Option into the Meta key, you will be able to use familiar meta commands to jump around and navigate text in places like Emacs or bash shell without twisting your fingers around to poke at Esc. This won’t be applicable or useful to everyone, but it’s one of those must-use tricks for frequent … Read More

Take a Photo with FaceTime Camera After a Task Finishes in Mac Command Line

Jan 31, 2013 - 3 Comments

If you’ve ever wanted to document your reaction to an event, task, or specific command execution, now is your chance to get started. With the help of a fun little app called ImageSnap, you can snap pictures with the FaceTime or iSight cameras from the command line. That can be good enough on it’s own … Read More

Stop iPhoto from Launching When iPhone is Connected

Jan 30, 2013 - 11 Comments
Stop iPhoto from opening automatically

Surely you have noticed the default behavior for connecting any iOS device to a Mac is that either iTunes or iPhoto launches itself automatically. This happens when any iPhone, iPod touch, or iPad is connected to a computer, and which app opens depends on if the other one is already opened, or if one has … Read More

Preview All Text Files in Quick Look with the QLStephen Plugin for Mac OS X

Jan 30, 2013 - 4 Comments
Quick Look before

By now you’re probably familiar with Quick Look, used in the Mac Finder and Open/Save Dialogs to view an instant preview of any file simply by selecting it and hitting the spacebar or a tap gesture in OS X. It works amazingly well to see what something is before you open it, but if you’ve … Read More

How to List All Files and Subdirectory Contents in a Folder on Mac

Jan 29, 2013 - 8 Comments
Expand subfolders in OS X Finder

Ever wanted to see not only every file in a given directory, but all files within that directories buried subdirectories? If you’re looking for what is basically a recursive listing of files in a given folder, we’ll show a great trick for the Mac OS Finder that allows you to do just that, and also … Read More

Make a Transparent Image (PNG or GIF) Easily with Preview for Mac OS X

Jan 27, 2013 - 28 Comments
Alpha tool

It’s extremely easy to make an image transparent with the help of Preview app, the built-in image editing app that comes along with all Macs with Mac OS X. Do note creating transparent PNG or GIF images this way works best on images with uniform colors in the area you want to become transparent. The … Read More

Get the Classic iTunes Search List Style Back in iTunes 11

Jan 25, 2013 - 21 Comments
Fix iTunes Search to show classic results style

A lot of things changed when the latest version of iTunes was released, much of which represented user interface and behavior changes that weren’t always popular. For many of us, the best solution of handling the new UI was to basically revert the changes to make iTunes look normal and familiar again, and we’re about … Read More

How to Re-Enable the Invert Display Keyboard Shortcut in Mac OS X

Jan 24, 2013 - 1 Comment
Invert the screen colors in Mac OS X

Many Mac users have noticed that the good old Invert Display keyboard shortcut disappeared from Mac OS some time ago. Well, it didn’t disappear completely, but Invert Display is now tucked into a submenu of Accessibility options via a keystroke on the Mac. The change to the Invert Display keyboard shortcut first happened with Mac … Read More

Dictation Commands for Mac OS X & iOS

Jan 24, 2013 - 57 Comments

Dictation is a feature of iOS and Mac OS X that lets you speak as you normally would, transforming your speech magically into text. It’s impressively accurate, letting you easily crank out notes, emails, diary entries, or just about anything else with it just by talking. To really get the most out of Dictation though … Read More

Remove Duplicates from the “Open With” Right-Click Menu in Mac OS X

Jan 22, 2013 - 32 Comments
Fix the Open WIth menu and remove duplicate app entries

The “Open With” menu appears when any file in the Mac Finder is right-clicked (or control-clicked), and it is intended to provide a list of alternate apps that selected file can be opened with other than what is currently set as the default application. This Open With is great, but sometimes it can become freakishly … Read More

Get Easy Desktop Access to All iCloud Files with Plain Cloud for OS X

Jan 21, 2013 - 6 Comments
Plain Cloud provides easy iCloud file access

Assuming you have iCloud configured with OS X, you’ve always been able to access iCloud files from the Mac desktop by looking for a little-known directory in the user Library folder. Having access to that folder can make it behave like Dropbox, with file syncing between Macs being built right into the Finder, but the … Read More

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