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Windows VS Mac OS X as Judged by Ease of Wi-Fi Connectivity

Jul 29, 2011 - 33 Comments
Windows vs Mac

Not to pour anymore fuel on the Windows vs Mac fire, but this wifi setup guide from McDonalds is an excellent illustration to show how the same task is handled on each operating system. On the left, you’ll see two lengthy Windows XP and Windows Vista walkthroughs with a multiple of clicking, configuring, properties, tabs, … Read More

Discard Windows on Quit to Prevent Resume from Reopening Last Session in OS X Lion

Jul 29, 2011 - 8 Comments
Discard Windows from Resume on Quit

Want to toss out the windows in your current application session, preventing them from reopening again via the Resume feature in OS X? This is pretty easy you just have to remember to do it, to discard windows as you quit an app in Mac OS X just do the following: Hold down the Option … Read More

Turn Off Auto Correct in Mac OS Mojave, MacOS Sierra, OS X Mavericks, Yosemite, etc

Jul 28, 2011 - 68 Comments
Turn off Auto Correct in Mac OS X Lion

The Mac has an autocorrect feature that can range from excellent to annoying, and it works by attempting to automatically correct typos and misspellings of words as they appear, which are instantly compared to an extensive dictionary and replaced on the fly. It can be a great feature but it’s not perfect, and how you … Read More

2011 MacBook Air 11.6″ Discounted to $949.99 from Amazon with Free Shipping

Jul 27, 2011 - 3 Comments
2011 MacBook Air 11.6" Deal from Amazon

In the market for a brand new ultralight Core i5 MacBook Air? Amazon is selling the 2011 base model 11.6″ model at a 5% discount, bringing the price down to $949.99 with free shipping included. MacBook Air MC968LL/A 11.6-Inch Laptop (NEWEST VERSION) – $949.99 from Amazon Specs of the base 11.6″ model include: 1.6GHz Dual … Read More

Check Download Progress on the Mac App Store

Jul 27, 2011 - 30 Comments
Check download progress of apps in the Mac App Store

Outside of watching the little progress bar on the downloading apps icon in LaunchPad or the Dock, there isn’t much of an outward display of how downloads are progressing from the App Store in OS X. Instead, more specific information about download progress and download speed is contained within the Mac App Store app itself, … Read More

How to Get Lynx for Mac OS X

Jul 26, 2011 - 7 Comments
Terminal in macOS

Mac users can easily install and use the Lynx web browser in the Terminal. Lynx is a text based command line web browser, it’s relatively popular within unix communities but it also has a variety of general uses too; it’s great if you want to discretely browse the web and read articles at work or … Read More

How to Add New Voices to Mac OS X

Jul 25, 2011 - 34 Comments
Add new text-to-speech voices to Mac OS X Lion

Mac OS X includes many high quality voices for it’s text-to-speech abilities, they’re in a wide variety of languages and accents and are probably some of the best computer rendered voices out there. But guess what? Many of these incredible voices are not installed by default on a Mac! Thankfully that’s easy to change, and … Read More

Access User ~/Library Folder in OS X Mountain Lion & OS X Lion

Jul 22, 2011 - 49 Comments
Access User Library folder in Mac OS X Lion

Mac OS X 10.7 Lion and OS X 10.8 Mountain Lion both hide the ~/Library directory by default, the reason likely being to prevent accidental deletion of critical files that are needed for apps to run. Since most Mac users don’t ever need to go into the Library folder, this isn’t terribly shocking, but for … Read More

Mac Mini 2011 Benchmarks Show Giant Performance Boost from Core i CPU

Jul 21, 2011 - 9 Comments
Mac Mini 2011 Benchmarks

The 2011 Mac Mini is blowing away early benchmarks, in some cases doubling their predecessors and even outperforming the impressive MacBook Air 2011 benchmarks. Not bad for a tiny Mac are they? Unsurprisingly, the Mac Mini Core i7 model is the most impressive, with a whopping 9573 GeekBench score, but the Core i5 is no … Read More

Install Mac OS X Lion on More Than One Computer

Jul 21, 2011 - 57 Comments
Intall OS X Lion on more than one computer

One of the great unsung features of Lion is the personal use license which allows you to download OS X Lion once and then install it on all of your authorized personal Macs. This makes the $29.99 purchase an even better deal than it would be already, because one single purchase lets you upgrade all … Read More

Bought a New Mac Recently? Mac OS X 10.7 Lion is a Free Download If So

Jul 21, 2011 - 14 Comments
Mac OS X Lion is free with recent Mac purchases

Did you buy a new Mac between June 6, 2011 and July 20, 2011? If so, don’t grab Lion from the App Store quite yet because you qualify for a free download of Mac OS X Lion, directly from Apple. All you need to do is visit Apple’s Up-To-Date page to claim your copy, just … Read More

iTunes 10.4 Available to Download, Brings Full 64-Bit and OS X Lion Support

Jul 20, 2011 - 6 Comments
iTunes 10.4 is 64-bit

Alongside the release of Mac OS X Lion, Apple has pushed out iTunes 10.4. The changes are geared mostly towards Lion compatibility, with 64-bit architecture and Full-Screen app support. Download iTunes 10.4 We will post direct links from Apple when they become available, for now there are two options: Open “Software Update” from the  … Read More

Upgrading to Mac OS X 10.7 Lion

Jul 20, 2011 - 45 Comments
Mac OS X 10.7 Lion

Mac OS X Lion is available now and many of us will be upgrading immediately, while others will be waiting. Regardless of when you decide to upgrade to OS X 10.7, you’ll want to update your existing Mac OS X installation, check app compatibility, and backup your data. Recommended Steps for Upgrading to Mac OS … Read More

Automatically Restart Your Mac if it Freezes in OS X Lion

Jul 19, 2011 - 24 Comments
Automatically restart Mac if freezes

Your Mac will automatically restart itself if it freezes, thanks to a new feature in OS X Mountain Lion and Mac OS X Lion. Tucked away in “Energy Saver”, the auto-restart ability is an option that can be disabled if for whatever reason you don’t want your Mac to basically fix itself in the event … Read More

Open a URL in the Default Browser from the Command Line

Jul 18, 2011 - 2 Comments
Safari icon

Using the command line open tool, you can immediately launch any URL from the Terminal into the default web browser of Mac OS X. In other words, you’re launching the specified site into a GUI browser from the command line. The syntax to open any URL into the default web browser like this is remarkably … Read More

Sandy Bridge MacBook Air & Mac OS X Lion Release on Wednesday, July 20?

Jul 18, 2011 - 12 Comments
Lion Mac App Store

Update: Apple has confirmed the release date of Lion as July 20. MacBook Air ETA is yet to be determined. Sick of 10.7 Lion and MacBook Air release date rumors yet? Us too, but as we enter into the second half of July we’re running short on time for OS X Lion to be released … Read More

Delete Specific Application Saved States from Mac OS X Resume

Jul 17, 2011 - 31 Comments
Delete specific application saved states in Mac OS X 10.7 Lion

One of the new features in OS X Lion and OS X Mountain Lion is the “Resume” ability for all applications to save their last state, meaning when you relaunch the app or reboot your Mac, the application will “resume” and reopen again showing all of the windows and data that was last in use. … Read More

Change User Agent with curl to Get URL Source Code as Different OS & Browser

Jul 16, 2011 - 3 Comments

Using curl we can retrieve the HTML & CSS source code of any specified URL and even the http header info, but some sites serve completely different content or HTML to different OS and browser versions, this is done by detecting their user agent. Because of this, we can spoof the user agent of another … Read More

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