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Apple Moving Macs from Intel to ARM Processors?

May 6, 2011 - 17 Comments
Apple ARM Processor

Apple may be looking to move their laptop lineup from Intel processors to ARM CPU’s sometime in the next few years. According to a report on SemiAccurate, the move away from Intel is a “done deal” and that the transition to ARM processors will likely happen to Apple’s desktop lineup as well. ARM processors currently … Read More

Get htop for Mac to Watch & Manage System Resources, CPU, Memory, etc

May 6, 2011 - 12 Comments
htop for Mac

If you like to keep an eye on system resources and you want to branch out from the GUI Activity Monitor, check out htop for Mac. htop is basically a significantly improved version of top, which lets you monitor system resources, CPU core load, memory use, load averages, and view and manage individual running processes. … Read More

Transfer Clipboard Text & Source Code From One Mac To Another Over SSH

May 5, 2011 - 6 Comments
Transfer Source Code and Text over SSH

Do you have some source code, text, or a command string that you want to securely transfer from one Mac to another? Combining the command line clipboard tools pbcopy and pbpaste with SSH we can do exactly that, and it doesn’t matter where the other Mac is located: be it LAN, WAN, or anywhere. Here … Read More

Add Your Own Folders to the Finder Sidebar in Mac OS X

May 5, 2011 - 14 Comments
Add Apps to Mac Finder Sidebar

Want to add your own folders or items the Mac OS X sidebar to customize it a bit more, perhaps by adding shortcuts to your most recent work, or a regularly used folder, directory, or drive? A great way to do this is by adding your own specific folders to the Finder sidebars. There are … Read More

Mac OS X 10.7 Lion to be Distributed Through Mac App Store

May 4, 2011 - 14 Comments
Mac OS X Lion through the Mac App Store

The upcoming release of Mac OS X 10.7 Lion will be distributed primarily as a download through the Mac App Store. This information comes from AppleInsider, who says the following: The Mac App Store… will become the de facto method for obtaining the Lion upgrade, people familiar with the matter have revealed. Users will be … Read More

Is an Apple Backlit External Keyboard Coming Soon?

May 4, 2011 - 9 Comments
iMac 2011 light sensor

The brand new updated iMacs for 2011 include a seemingly out of place setting in the Keyboard System Preferences: Keyboard Illumination. That’s right, despite being a desktop machine that ships with the same familiar keyboards we all currently know, the new iMac includes the same keyboard illumination option that MacBook Pro’s do. Does this suggest … Read More

Access Folders from Finder Windows with a Custom Toolbar

May 4, 2011 - 6 Comments
Mac Finder custom toolbar folders

This is a neat Mac trick I accidentally discovered: not only can you launch apps from the toolbar of a Finder window after placing them there, but you can drag folders into any Mac OS X Finder window toolbar as well, and it will stick there allowing for easy access. The do this yourself, you … Read More

Google Chrome Canary for Mac OS X is Available for the Brave

May 3, 2011 - 2 Comments
Google Chrome Canary for Mac

Want to help test Chrome development releases and be on the absolute cutting edge of web browser development? Try out the newly released Google Chrome Canary for Mac OS X, which Google says is aimed at the “bravest” of Chrome users. Chrome Canary installs as a separate app to the stable Chrome builds, so you … Read More

MemTest for Mac OS X Tests your RAM

May 3, 2011 - 55 Comments
MemTest for Mac

If you have recently upgraded your Mac RAM, or if you are experiencing strange system crashes, it’s a good idea to test your memory modules integrity using a free tool called memtest. Essentially, memtest is a utility designed to stress test RAM for errors. Without getting overly technical in the explanation, memtest works by writing … Read More

Mac OS X Lion to Simplify Uninstalling of Apps with iOS-like Delete Function

May 2, 2011 - 12 Comments
Lion makes uninstalling apps easier in Mac OS X

Uninstalling apps from Mac OS X is set to get even easier in Lion, thanks to usability cues taken from iOS. Using Launchpad, you’ll be able to just click and hold on an icon to cause the familiar icon jiggle and “X” to appear, click the X and the app will delete. One quirk though, … Read More

“MACDefender” Malware Targets Mac OS X Users – Here’s How to Protect Against and Remove It

May 2, 2011 - 7 Comments
MACDefender Mac Malware

A new malware threat has been identified for Mac users, the app is called MACDefender and it disguises itself as antivirus software for Mac OS X. The malware attempts to install itself through hijacked websites, and the threat level is considered low, nonetheless all Mac users should be aware of the potential threat and take … Read More

Take a Timed Screen Shot in Mac OS X

May 1, 2011 - 16 Comments
Timed Screen Shot in Mac OS X

You can take time delayed screenshots in Mac OS X easily by using the Grab utility or the Terminal app, included with every Mac OS X version. We’ll cover taking timed screen shots in Grab first because it’s more user friendly and doesn’t involve the command line which is a bit more technical, and then … Read More

Mac OS X Lion Developer Preview 2 Update 2 Released to Devs

Apr 29, 2011 - 9 Comments
Mac OS X Lion Dev Preview 2 Update 2

A nondescript update to Mac OS X Lion Developer Preview 2 has been released to developers via Software Update. The description is only that it is “recommended for all users running Mac OS X Lion Developer Preview 2” and likely focuses on bug fixes and feature refinements. The update brings Lion to build 11A444d, weighs … Read More

Show What Apps & Processes Are Using an Internet Connection via Command Line in Mac OS X

Apr 29, 2011 - 3 Comments
Mac Wi-Fi Tool

Much like you can monitor Mac OS X filesystem usage through the command line, you can also discover what apps and individual processes are currently using your Macs internet connection. This is a really handy trick if you know your bandwidth is being used by something, or if you’re just trying to track down what … Read More

Show the Finder Location of Any Item from Open & Save Dialog of OS X

Apr 28, 2011 - 5 Comments
Reveal Finder location of item from Open and Save dialog box

You can instantly reveal the location of any item in the Mac Finder from an Open and Save dialog box by selecting the item and then hitting Command+R.

Show Only Currently Active Apps in the Mac OS X Dock

Apr 28, 2011 - 13 Comments
Finder icon on the Mac

You can set the Mac Dock to only show actively running apps, making it perform a bit like a task manager rather than an application launcher. This is a great trick if you prefer a minimalist Mac OS X desktop and Dock. In order to set the Dock to only display currently active apps, you’ll … Read More

Bypass the New York Times Paywall with Safari Reader

Apr 27, 2011 - 5 Comments
Read NYT Paywall Article with Safari Reader

We showed you how to read NYT articles for free using Google but if you have Safari there’s an even easier method: Safari Reader.

Disable Wake From Sleep When Opening the Lid of a MacBook Pro

Apr 26, 2011 - 7 Comments

If you don’t want your MacBook Pro to wake from sleep when you open the lid of the machine, all you need to do is launch the Terminal and type the following command:

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