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Mac Setups: Mac Voice Recording Studio

Oct 2, 2010 - 4 Comments

Now here’s an awesome Mac setup: a MacBook Pro, a beautiful iMac, and an external vertically aligned Dell display, plus a bit of voice recording equipment. Ok I admit I don’t know if that’s really a voice recording studio, maybe it’s for podcasts or radio or just making funny noises and emailing them to people. … Read More

Mac Setups: iPad and MacBook Pro

Sep 11, 2010 - 3 Comments

What a great setup: a 32GB iPad, Unibody MacBook Pro 17″, an iPhone, and a 20″ external display attached to an ergonomic desk stand. [ via Flickr ]

Get Inertial Scrolling on older MacBook & MacBook Pro’s

Sep 3, 2010 - 2 Comments

If you have an older MacBook or MacBook Pro and you envy your friends with newer models and their fancy inertial scrolling, envy no more. InertialScroll is a simple freeware utility that allows you to enable inertia scrolling on older Mac laptops, the only requirement is that they have multitouch trackpads (this covers at least … Read More

MacBook Pro 13″ gets dropped at 195mph… but wait it still boots!

Aug 24, 2010 - 29 Comments

Here’s a Mac heartbreaker: a motorcycle enthusiast went for a ride carrying his MacBook Pro 13″ in a backpack, unfortunately the zipper holding the MacBook Pro in place failed going a reported 195mph (315km/h)!

Disable Momentum Scrolling on a MacBook Pro

Jul 30, 2010 - 4 Comments

Scrolling with momentum is a feature that is included with some MacBook Pro trackpads (and MacBooks thanks to a recent software update from Apple). The behavior is very much like the iPad or iPhone, when you are scrolling through anything you can give the trackpad a swipe and the speed of your gesture will determine … Read More

Find Out Type and Model of LCD Panel in an iMac, MacBook, MacBook Pro, etc

Jul 28, 2010 - 15 Comments

You can find out what the manufacturer, model number, and type of LCD panel you have in any of your Macs, including the iMac, MacBook Air, MacBook, or any model MacBook Pro by using a fairly complex looking terminal command. If you’re unfamiliar with the command line, just copy and paste the line below into … Read More

Mac Setups: Telecommuting MacBook Pro

Jul 10, 2010 - 3 Comments

How’s this for the ultimate telecommuting setup: a MacBook Pro with a cellular modem… on a boat! This picture was sent in by one of our readers, unfortunately I don’t know where this is or what they do for work but I can certainly say I’m envious of this telecommuters office! Updated with a quick … Read More

Mac Setups: iMac & MacBook Pro with vertical Apple Cinema display

Jul 3, 2010 - 5 Comments

The developer of Sifter has a pretty sweet Mac setup, featuring a MacBook Pro and an iMac with an external vertically aligned Apple Cinema display (BTW, I didn’t know you could tilt the ACD’s). I can only imagine how useful it is to have a vertical display like that when coding, and it looks great … Read More

Mac Setups: Three 15″ Mac Laptops

Jun 19, 2010 - 2 Comments

Three 15″ Mac laptops: Unibody MacBook Pro, MacBook Pro, and a PowerBook G4. Pretty cool setup, although if it was me I’d probably sell off two of the machines and just get a nice external display on the newest unibody MBP. [ via Flickr ]

Use a MacBook Magsafe Power Adapter on a MacBook Pro, and Vice Versa

Jun 7, 2010 - 4 Comments

Did you know that you can use a MacBook 13″ MagSafe power adapter on the 13″ MacBook Pro? Or a MBP 15″ adapter on the 13″ models? And the 11″ MacBook Air adapter with a 13″ MacBook Pro, and so forth? In most cases you can interchange power adapters, this also means the older white … Read More

Mac Setups: MacBook Pro with 30″ Cinema Display

Jun 5, 2010 - 5 Comments

MacBook Pro’s are great machines, the only thing that makes them better is when you add an external display, and what better external monitor to drive than a 30″ Apple Cinema? [ from Flickr ]

Where is the ambient light sensor on a MacBook Pro?

May 22, 2010 - 4 Comments

The ambient light sensor on the newer Unibody MacBook Pro (all models: 13″, 15″, 17″) is located directly next to the iSight camera at the top of the display. You can verify the location by holding your hand over the area to the left of the iSight camera and watch as your screen dims and … Read More

Mini DisplayPort to DVI Adapter – Review

May 20, 2010 - 3 Comments

I recently bought this Mini DisplayPort to DVI Adapter from Amazon for my MacBook Pro. It cost less than $8 including shipping, and it arrived at my house in about four days (for comparison Apple’s official adapter is $29 + shipping). So how does a cheap third party MiniDisplayPort to DVI adapter work compared to … Read More

Install an SSD into the optical superdrive slot on a MacBook Pro

May 19, 2010 - 33 Comments

I find myself never using the MacBook Pro’s optical drive, the only time I have used it was to boot Mac OS from a DVD to reformat and reinstall Mac OS X. Now that it’s so easy to install Mac OS using an external drive though, is having a DVD drive really a good usage … Read More

iRon Man MacBook Pro Decal

May 16, 2010 - 1 Comment

This is a pretty cool decal for a MacBook Pro featuring Iron Man. Thanks to Andrew for the submission! If you are interested, you can buy the iRon Man Decal for MacBook Pro’s at Etsy

MacBook refresh leaked from Vietnam: 2.4GHz Core 2 Duo, 2GB/250GB, 320m GPU

May 15, 2010 - 3 Comments

It looks like there will be an update to the plastic Unibody MacBook lineup soon. A very authentic looking refreshed unit has shown up in some video and images out of Vietnam, which is a popular source of Apple product leaks at the moment. Assuming this is legitimate, the specs on the revised MacBook are … Read More

Stop the MacBook Pro and MacBook Screen from Dimming

May 15, 2010 - 26 Comments

The MacBook, MacBook Air, and MacBook Pro screen backlighting is set to automatically dim and adjust in different situations. For the MacBook, it will adjust based on the power source and based on how long the computer is not in use. For the MacBook Pro and MacBook Air, the same is also true, in addition … Read More

Mac Setups: iMac and a MacBook Pro

May 15, 2010 - Leave a Comment

I’ve always been a big fan of the glass screened aluminum iMac’s and MacBook Pro’s, and this setup has both making it a big win in my book. [ via ]

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