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How to Find a Websites IP Address

Jun 1, 2010 - 9 Comments
Get the IP Address of a Domain or Website

Finding the numerical IP address of a website or domain URL is pretty easy. We’ll use a terminal utility called nslookup, the command can be used to discover whatever domain resolves to a specific IP. This works for Macs with OS X but also in other unix varieties and even Windows DOS prompt too.

How to Join a Network from Command Line in Mac OS X

May 27, 2010 - 2 Comments

The networksetup utility allows you to join any available network, whether or not it is a router connected through Ethernet, a wi-fi router that is or is not broadcasting an SSID, and whether or not it has any password encryption required. Since most networking is done with wireless communications these days, we’ll focus on joining … Read More

Re-Run the Last Used Command Exactly With or Without Super User Privileges

May 17, 2010 - Leave a Comment

Want to re-run the last executed command? Or what about re-running the last used command but running it as root? You can do both! Ever typed a nice fancy string command into the terminal and been frustrated to discover that you need to run it all over again? Or perhaps you discovered that the aforementioned … Read More

Discover the last used command beginning with anything without executing it

May 10, 2010 - 1 Comment

If you want to discover the last time a specific command was used without actually executing it, follow this format at the command line: !sudo:p The above example will print back the last usage of the ‘sudo’ command without actually executing it, which is very useful in some situations (like the situation below, where the … Read More

Create an Instant Web Server via Terminal Command Line and Python

May 7, 2010 - 11 Comments
python web server

Want to quickly share a file, test some code, or broadcast something? You can instantly create a web server out of the current directory by using nothing but python, yup, no apache, no nginx, no litespeed, all python, which ships with pretty much every unix variation these days. The command is remarkably simple considering how … Read More

Speed Up a Slow Terminal by Clearing Log Files

May 6, 2010 - 54 Comments

The Mac OS X Terminal can become slow to launch over time, but there’s an easy solution to speed it up again. By deleting the Apple System Logs, you can shave the lag in opening and launching new Terminal windows/tabs dramatically, in my case from about a three second delay to instantaneous! Here’s how to … Read More

Post a Twitter Update via the Command Line

Apr 20, 2010 - 11 Comments

You can quickly post a tweet from the command line using the curl command, all you’ll need is your Twitter username and password.

How to Make a Mac Talk: Text to Speech

Mar 28, 2010 - 22 Comments

Want to have a Mac read text in a document or webpage to you? Text To Speech is an excellent feature which allows Mac users to have words on screen spoken aloud. You can make your Mac talk to you in various different ways, at different speeds, and even speaking with different voices, all by … Read More

Anti-Piracy Message in Mac OS X Kernel Extension

Mar 19, 2010 - 6 Comments

Apple has hidden an anti-piracy message within Mac OS system software as a kernel extension. “com.apple.Dont_Steal_Mac_OS_X” is a kernel extension that runs within Mac OS X, it’s function is thought to insure that Mac OS X is running only on certified Apple hardware. And aside from the not-so-subtle name of the kernel extension, it includes … Read More

TTYtter, the command line Twitter client

Feb 17, 2010 - Leave a Comment

TTYtter is a rather fun command line based Twitter client. Written in Perl, it’s got all the essential ingredients needed for basic Twitter needs without ever leaving a Terminal window. Running TTYtter is easy enough, it just needs your login information and off it goes. You can either run it through perl with: perl /path/to/ttytter.pl … Read More

How to Disable Access to System Preferences on Mac

Feb 11, 2010 - 9 Comments
System Preferences in Mac OS X

In some situations, you may wish to disable access to the System Preferences on a Mac. Often this is for lab environments or public use workstations, or perhaps for locking down a particular workstation for various reasons. While a common approach is to create a new user account that has limited access to system features … Read More

Change the Delay When Dragging Windows Within Spaces on Mac

Feb 10, 2010 - 8 Comments

Spaces is a really nice feature of Mac OS X that lets you place different windows and applications within their own workspace. Dragging a window to a new Space is just a matter of holding onto the window and pulling it towards the end of the screen. You may have noticed that there’s a delay … Read More

Go Back to the Previous Directory via Command Line

Feb 9, 2010 - 5 Comments

It’s easy to accidentally change directories to something you weren’t intending to (say, accidentally hitting cd and returning home, thus losing your place in a complicated directory structure seep in the file system somewhere), but thankfully there’s a command that will immediately take you back to the previous directory, regardless of what it was. The … Read More

Lock the Dock in Mac OS X

Feb 8, 2010 - 11 Comments

If you need to prevent the Dock icons from changing or being modified on a Mac, you can use defaults command strings to lock down the OS X Dock and prevent any adjustments or changes to how it appears on screen.

Track an Applications Usage in Mac OS X with opensnoop

Jan 27, 2010 - 4 Comments

Using the command line tool ‘opensnoop’ you can track any Mac applications (or system process) usage of the file system. This is a very handy tool for administrators and troubleshooting! The simplest way to use it is as follows:

Use your Mac as a Psychotherapist

Jan 23, 2010 - 8 Comments

Need a therapy session? Your Mac has you covered. Yes, you read that right. You can use your Mac as a psychotherapist from the Terminal, thanks to emacs the text editor. Say what? If you’re confused don’t be, it’s an easter egg that has long existed and it’s easy to access.

Change the Dock item click-and-hold behavior in Snow Leopard

Jan 13, 2010 - 6 Comments

Snow Leopard changed the way the Dock behaves when a Dock item has been clicked on and held down, since 10.6 it launches Expose for that specific application. You may recall how Leopard handled the click-and-hold though, which was to launch the contextual menu (the same one you get when you right-click in 10.6). Using … Read More

Watch Star Wars Episode IV: A New Hope in ASCII via Telnet

Dec 18, 2009 - 7 Comments

ASCII art is just one of those wonderful retro throwbacks to the earliest days of computing. So, if you’re looking for a nostalgic return to the the days of BBS, MUD, and IRC, and perhaps a little bored at school or work, why not watch the entirety of Star Wars Episode IV: A New Hope … Read More

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