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How to Convert .bin and .cue to ISO on Mac

Aug 5, 2018 - 3 Comments
How to convert bin and cue to iso on Mac

Every once in a while you may encounter .bin and .cue files, or a cue/bin cue sheet, of a disk image, often when downloading old Mac software (or even DOS, Windows, Linux) for a retro machine, for an audio or video disc, or just as a disk image of something. Mac users therefore may need … Read More

How to Start a Simple Web Server in Python 3 on Mac

Jul 30, 2018 - 1 Comment
Start simple web server in Python 3 with http.server command

If you’re a Python user you may already be familiar with the handy trick that allows you to instantly create a simple web server using an easy command string entered in the command line of Mac OS. But if you’re a Mac Python user who has installed or updated to Python 3, then you will … Read More

How to Uninstall Packages with Homebrew

Jul 29, 2018 - 4 Comments
Homebrew for Mac

If you have installed Homebrew on a Mac to use as a package manager for various unix and command line utilities, you’ve probably also installed a handful of packages deemed useful to you. But what if you no longer need one, and you want to remove a particular Homebrew package? It turns out that uninstalling … Read More

How to Find All Hosts on Network with nmap

Jul 24, 2018 - 7 Comments
How to find all hosts on network with nmap

Many advanced users often need to find and list all hosts on a network, often for IP discovery, connecting to a remote machine, or some other system administration or network admin purpose. One of the easiest ways to find all hosts and the host IP addresses on a network is by using the nmap command … Read More

How to Get Telnet for MacOS in Ventura, Monterey, Big Sur, Catalina, Mojave or High Sierra

Jul 18, 2018 - 26 Comments
Get Telnet in Mac OS

Need to use Telnet in MacOS? Well, many Mac users have discovered that Telnet has been removed from modern versions of system software, including macOS Ventura, MacOS Monterey, macOS Big Sur, Catalina, Mojave and macOS High Sierra. Presumably this is to encourage using the ssh client instead, but there are many Mac users who need … Read More

How to Find Where Homebrew Packages Are Installed on Mac

Jul 5, 2018 - 3 Comments
Install Homebrew on Mac

Have you ever wondered where Homebrew puts the binaries from brew packages that are installed on a Mac? If you’re a Homebrew user, you may be interested in knowing where Homebrew puts everything and where to find the installed brew packages in Mac OS. We’ll show you the directory path where Homebrew keeps packages, and … Read More

How to Install Node.js and NPM on Mac OS

Jun 29, 2018 - 17 Comments
How to install NodeJS and NPM on Mac OS

Node JS is the popular Javascript runtime environment that is widely used by many developers, and npm is the accompany package manager for the Node.js environment and Javascript. When you install Node.js, you will find npm is installed as well, thus if you want npm you need to install NodeJS. There are several ways to … Read More

How to Convert ISO to VDI Virtual Box Image

Jun 17, 2018 - 1 Comment

If you’re a regular VirtualBox user, you may appreciate knowing how to convert an ISO image file (.iso) into a VDI Virtual Box image file (.vdi). Converting an iso to vdi is different from simply booting VirtualBox from an iso, instead it is taking an .iso image, for example of a live boot image, and … Read More

How to Install Python 3 on Mac

Jun 13, 2018 - 20 Comments
Install Python 3 on Mac

Python is a popular programming language that is widely used by beginners and longtime developers alike. Modern Mac OS versions come with Python 2.7.x installed (or Python 2.6.1 if an older Mac OS X version), but many Python users may need to update Python in Mac OS to a newer version like Python 3.8.x or … Read More

How to Fix “Command Not Found” Errors in Mac Command Line

May 24, 2018 - 32 Comments
Fix command not found error messages in Terminal for Mac

Advanced Mac users that utilize the command line may occasionally encounter a “command not found” error message when attempting to run something in the command line. The “command not found” error in the Terminal can surface for several reasons in the command line of MacOS and Mac OS X, as we’ll discuss here, and of … Read More

How to View & Remove Extended Attributes from a File on Mac OS

May 3, 2018 - 10 Comments
Terminal in macOS

Extended Attributes are metadata components that can be unique to specific files and file types on Mac OS. Those extended attributes can be anything from identifying data about the file itself, to quarantine information, origin data, label information, amongst other types of metadata. Sometimes, advanced Mac users may review extended attributes for a file, or … Read More

How to Write Image Files to SD Card with dd from Command Line of Mac or Linux

Apr 18, 2018 - 9 Comments
Terminal in macOS

Need to write an image file to an SD card? The command line ‘dd’ tool can do that for you, writing a disk image .img file to an SD card with minimal effort. A nice perk to using ‘dd’ for writing image files to an SD card is that it works for Mac OS as … Read More

How to Run 64-Bit Only Mode Mac OS

Apr 4, 2018 - 9 Comments
How to run MacOS in 64-bit only mode

Advanced Mac users, administrators, and developers who wish to test Mac OS in 64-bit mode can do so with the help of a terminal command. Essentially this will only allow 64-bit applications and processes to run on the Mac, which can be helpful for discovering what (if any) apps, tasks, components, processes, and items may … Read More

9 of the Best Homebrew Packages for Mac

Mar 26, 2018 - 17 Comments
Top Homebrew packages for Mac

If you’re an advanced Mac user who spends a considerable amount of time at the command line, you likely have Homebrew installed by now. So, how about sharing a list of some of the best Homebrew packages available for Mac users?

Stupid Terminal Tricks: The Dancing ASCII Party Parrot

Mar 23, 2018 - 8 Comments

Want to horse around in the Terminal? If you have already finished watching Star Wars in ASCII from the command line, you have Rickrolled the Terminal dozens of times, and you’re done watching The Matrix style scrolling screens of text gibberish, and the scrolling screens of poop emoji is no longer cutting the mustard, perhaps … Read More

How to Show the Expanded Print Details Dialog in Mac OS by Default

Mar 19, 2018 - 17 Comments
How to show the expanded Print dialog always in Mac OS

Do you frequently access the detailed printing options when printing from a Mac? If so, you’ll really appreciate this trick to always show the expanded print dialog window and settings screen.

Make a SuperDrive Work on Unsupported Macs? It’s Possible!

Mar 17, 2018 - 50 Comments
SuperDrive on a Mac

The Apple SuperDrive is an external CD / DVD drive that reads and writes to optical discs, and while it works great with many Macs, there are some Mac models where the SuperDrive doesn’t work, like any Mac that happened to come with a built-in optical drive. For the computers that do not support the … Read More

Get Instant Command Line Access from Anywhere in Mac OS with iTerm2

Mar 14, 2018 - 12 Comments
Access a command line from anywhere on the Mac

If you’re a command line user, you can imagine that it’d be useful to have a Terminal window available instantly to you from anywhere on the Mac, whether you’re currently in the Finder, Safari, Xcode, or any other application entirely. Well there’s no need to imagine, with iTerm you can have an instantly available terminal … Read More

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