Latest Leopard build shows new Mac OS X appearance, compared to Tiger

Apr 14, 2007 - 5 Comments

Tiger vs Leopard UI

It has long been speculated that Apple would change the brushed metal interface in Mac OS X to more closely resemble the iTunes appearance. The latest Mac OS X 10.5 build 9A410 shows us exactly that, a unified appearance that rids the operating system of the brushed metal look. The appearance change is relatively subtle, and looks almost identical to what the freeware utility UNO provides. With the release of Leopard pushed back until October, will the Mac OS X interface undergo more changes? Time will tell. Read on for screenshots of the latest build.

Image courtesy of AppleInsider More screenshots of the unified GUI are available at Flickr and TomWrote

If you like the unified appearance in the above screenshots and don’t want to wait until October, be sure to check out UNO, a freeware utility that provides an almost identical interface change to Mac OS X 10.4 Tiger.


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Posted by: OSXDaily in Mac OS, Rumor


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  1. Macs rule says:

    It is boring and I expect more from Apple. Vista looks better.

  2. […] Samkvæmt OS X Daily verður ekkert Brushed Metal í [Leopard][]. Ég gæti grátið af gleði. […]

  3. Ed says:

    Um, not impressive at all. I hope they come up with something better.

  4. EclipX says:

    I don’t like this theme lol, vista has nicer theme, i hope the “secret features” are something insanely great, like a new finder, theme,

  5. anon says:

    that is a really boring interface change, the best Apple can come up with is to rip off some free ware GUI enhancement tool? Lame.

    Windows Vista looks better and far more modern now

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