Creating a Hackintosh desktop Mac just got easier, thanks Lifehacker!
For anyone looking to have a great desktop Mac without paying a small fortune, creating a Hackintosh is becoming an ever-popular solution, and building a Hackintosh just got even easier. Assuming you have the supported hardware, this awesome tool from LifeHacker makes creating a Hackintosh Mac even easier by eliminating some of the more complex technical hacks in favor of running a simple installer! I absolutely adore Apple and their products, but I’m a big fan of the Hackintosh movement, in part because it’s fun and also because it’s a more affordable way to run the best operating system in the world.
If you’re in the market for a new desktop Mac, don’t ignore the Hackintosh option, especially with how easy this is getting to do… Check out the full article on Lifehacker.
LifeHacker: Install Snow Leopard on your Hackintosh PC – No hacking required
[Above image borrowed from Lifehacker]