Eliminate distractions on your Mac with SelfControl
There’s nothing that kills productivity more than distractions, and while it’s hard to minimize some, there’s tools available to help prevent some digital distractions. Social networking sites, email, Twitter, Google News, there’s endless things that can distract your focus and waste your time if you don’t stop them.
SelfControl is a utility that aids in just that, using an adjustable predetermined amount of time, it blocks access to all outgoing and incoming mail servers and also lets you modify a list of websites to block. Have a deadline and can’t pull away from Facebook? No problem, set the website in SelfControl and set the timer.
Once SelfControl is started, it can’t be undone (even if you delete the application or restart!) so you are forced to do the task at hand. A bit extreme perhaps, but sometimes extreme distraction requires extreme intervention… check it out if you think this would benefit your workflow.
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Even with SelfControls restrictions, I prefer it to the Freedom tool, which prevents distractions by disconnecting you from the Internet. Many people do work that requires them to be online, but they just need to thin out the distraction herd, and SelfControl does this.
WTF? Are we so incapable of turning off annoyances that we need something like this?
I’m able to ignore my boss and co-workers for days even when they sits two cubes away… :)
Some people are born with mental illnesses that they simply cannot help. Instead of taking often dangerous medications they opt for solving distraction problems in ways like this. Distraction is a very large obstacle- larger than the average, healthy and obviously insensitively ignorant person could understand. Please keep your ignorance to yourself or at least educate yourself.
Very efficient indeed.